It’s Friday night, and you know what that means! The WWE SmackDown will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 7, 2024 episode.

The start time for WWE SmackDown is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

WWE SmackDown Lineup (6/7/2024):

  • Singles Match: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Jade Cargill vs. Indi Hartwell
  • Singles Match: WWE Tag Team Champion Grayson Waller vs. #DIY’s Johnny Gargano
  • Singles Match: Apollo Crews vs. Legado Del Fantasma’s Angel
  • Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes to appear
  • Solo Sikoa to anoint Tonga Loa into The Bloodline

WWE SmackDown Results (6/7/2024):

The show opens up with a video recapping what took place between Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes and “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles on last week’s SmackDown.

Cody Rhodes was then shown angrily pacing backstage and we are then welcomed to the show by Corey Graves and Wade Barrett. Solo Sikoa’s music then hits and The Bloodline makes their way down to the ring.


Paul Heyman starts off by saying he must set the record straight. Heyman then says until Roman Reigns comes back, Solo Sikoa will sit at the head of the table. A “We Want Roman” chants then begins. Heyman then says a double proclamation will happen and he explains that Tama Tonga will be known as only “Tama Tonga The Right Hand Man.” Heyman then turns his attention to Tonga Loa and says the story of the Bloodline will never be complete without “The Infamous Tonga Loa.” Heyman then says with that Louisville thank you and goodnight.

Sikoa then begins talking and the fans start booing and chanting “Solo sucks.” Sikoa then tells Heyman he should thank Loa and Tonga for saving him from Kevin Owens last week. Heyman then does exactly that. Tonga then says they could have let Owens kill Heyman, but they saved Heyman by orders of the Tribal Chief. Heyman then says he wanted to return the favor and get there early to do what a wiseman does. Heyman then says all he had been hearing is that Owens is looking for a piece of any and every member of the Bloodline. Kevin Owens’ music then hits and Owens makes his way down to the ring. Owens then takes down Tonga. Owens then briefly had control over the three Bloodline members, but the Bloodline members quickly got the upper hand. The Street Profits’ music then hits and the Profits make their way down to the ring for the save. Owens then grabs a chair and hits everyone in the Bloodline with it. The Bloodline then retreats up the entrance way to end the segment.

We then head to the back and we see Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes waiting in the KFC Yum! Center parking lot for “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles to arrive.

Paul Heyman was then shown walking backstage and Sikoa stops Heyman and says he needed to make a 6-Man Tag Team Match for later tonight. Sikoa then says if Heyman doesn’t do it, then he will face Tama Tonga in the locker room later.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Jade Cargill and “The EST Of WWE” Bianca Belair vs. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae

The match starts off with Belair and Hartwell as Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark appear at ringside to watch the action. LeRae tags in and looks to send Belair into the corner. Belair then stops her momentum and hits a shoulder on LeRae’s midsection, then nails her with a delayed vertical suplex and a springboard moonsault. Belair then goes for a pin, but LeRae kicks out. Hartwell then tags in and hits a clothesline on Belair. Hartwell then sends Belair crashing. Belair then hits a backbreaker on LeRae. Hartwell then prevents Belair from tagging out to Cargill, but Belair hits a boot on her and blasts LeRae on the apron. Belair then manages to tag in Cargill and Cargill blasts Hartwell. Cargill then hits a backbreaker on LeRae and hits a suplex on Hartwell before she delivers a splash on Hartwell in the corner and sends LeRae on top of Hartwell.

Cargill then sends Hartwell crashing into the mat and hits a kick on her. Cargill then goes for a pin, but LeRae breaks the fall. Belair then gets in the ring and LeRae hits a jawbreaker to her. Belair then sends LeRae crashing out of the ring, then sends Hartwell crashing into the corner. Belair and Cargill then hit a double Sole Food-German suplex combination on Hartwell for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Jade Cargill and “The EST Of WWE” Bianca Belair!

After the match, Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler send Cargill and Belair crashing out of the ring. Stark and Baszler then send Cargill crashing into the ring steps as Fyre and Dawn send Belair crashing into the barricade. Both teams then get their hands on one of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship belts and stare each other down before they begin brawling. Cargill and Belair then get back inside the ring and take Stark and Baszler down. Cargill then hits the Jaded on Fyre and Belair hits a KOD on Dawn.

We then head back to Cody Rhodes in the KFC Yum! Center parking lot. SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis then approaches Rhodes and tries talking him out of fighting Styles in the parking lot and Rhodes tells Aldis this is between him and Styles.

We then see Legado Del Fantasma’s Angel and Berto blindside Apollo Crews ahead of Angel’s match with Crews. SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis and officials then run in to break things up before LA Knight appears and demands to know from Aldis where WWE United States Champion Logan Paul is. Carmelo Hayes then interrupts and brags about his accomplishments over the last three weeks. Knight then asks Aldis to make a match between him and Hayes now that Angel and Crews will no longer be facing one another and Aldis agrees to do so.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: WWE Tag Team Champion Grayson Waller vs. #DIY’s Johnny Gargano

The match starts off with Gargano wasting no time. Gargano delivers some right hands and stomps on Waller in the corner, but Waller takes out Gargano with a right hand. Gargano then hits a kick on Waller’s head, then follows it up with a strike in the corner. Gargano then hits several more strikes in the adjacent corner and follows it up with a hurricanrana, but Waller responds with a jawbreaker on Gargano off the top rope. Waller then looks to hit a rolling Stunner, but Gargano sees him coming. Gargano then hits Waller with a suplex and follows it up with a Sliced Bread off the ring apron on the outside.

Waller then looks to hit an elbow drop on Gargano. Gargano then avoids it and hits a back elbow on Waller, then follows it up with a kick. Gargano then hits a spear on Waller through the middle rope and goes for a pin, but Waller kicks out. Waller then hits a rolling elbow strike to Gargano, then sends him crashing into the mat and nails him with a modified back suplex. Gargano and Waller then exchange forearms with each other before Waller hits a couple of kicks on Waller. Gargano then responds with a superkick and a second kick, but Waller charges at him in the corner. Gargano then moves out of the way and sends Waller crashing into the mat, then crawls over to Waller looking to pin him. Waller then rolls out of the ring before Gargano can and Theory checks on Waller on the outside. Gargano then hits a tope suicida on Theory on the outside and Waller sends Gargano crashing into the ring post. Waller then gets Gargano back in the ring and hits him with a rolling blockbuster for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, WWE Tag Team Champion Grayson Waller!

We then head back over to Cody Rhodes in the parking lot. Nick Aldis and several security guards appear and Aldis explains that security is there as AJ Styles is set to momentarily arrive and he wants to make sure nothing gets out of hand.

“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles is then shown arriving to the KFC Yum! Center and he gets into Rhodes’ face as security ensures the two men are separated. Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes then makes his way down to the ring.

Cody Rhodes demands AJ Styles to come down to the ring and says they don’t need any security. Rhodes then tells Styles it’s time to do this here and now. Styles’ music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring alongside Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Security then runs out to the ring with Nick Aldis not far behind. Styles then asks Rhodes if he thinks he care what he wants, then says what Rhodes wants is irrelevant to him. Styles then says Rhodes wants to fight him so bad, then demands Rhodes give him what he wants. Styles then says he wants an Undisputed WWE Championship Match at WWE Clash At The Castle and Rhodes accepts Styles’ challenge. Rhodes then tells Styles that he will make him quit in an I Quit Match. Aldis then makes things official and security tries stopping Rhodes from attacking Styles. Rhodes then fights his way through security to Styles on top of the ramp, but security eventually intercepts him and holds Rhodes back. Styles then manages to take a shot at Rhodes.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair were then shown coming out of Nick Aldis’ office backstage. Belair says they wondered what their match at Clash at the Castle will be. It was then announced that they will defend their WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles in a Triple Threat Match against Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn and Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. “The Mega Star” LA Knight

The match starts off with Hayes running his mouth. Hayes then hits a kick on Knight’s midsection and delivers some right hands on his spine, but Knight responds with a few strikes of his own. Knight then clotheslines Hayes and sends him out of the ring. Hayes then pulls Knight out to join him and Knight sends Hayes’ face repeatedly bouncing off the announce desk. Hayes then sends Knight crashing into the ring apron spine first, but Knight sends Hayes on top of the announce desk and delivers some right hands on him.

Hayes then hits a springboard clothesline on Knight and goes for a pin. Knight then kicks out and Hayes climbs to the top, but Knight trips him and drags him back into the ring from the apron. Hayes then lands on his feet, but Knight blasts him with a clothesline and sends him crashing into the mat face first. Knight then delivers some stomps on Hayes in the corner and Hayes nails him with a kick. Hayes then sends Knight crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Knight then kicks out and Hayes delivers some strikes on him. Knight then nails Hayes with a chop, then follows it up with a bodyslam and looks to hit an elbow drop. Hayes then sees Knight coming and moves out of the way, then rolls up Knight. Knight then kicks out and hits Hayes with a powerslam, then follows it up with an elbow drop and goes for the BFT. Hayes then rolls up Knight, but Knight reverses the pinfall for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Mega Star” LA Knight!

After the match, Knight grabs a headset and puts Logan Paul on notice. Knight tells Paul if he doesn’t want to come to SmackDown, then he’ll bring the SmackDown to Paul.

We then head to the back and we see Tiffany Stratton tell Nia Jax she has her back as they are “The Princess Of The Ring” and “The Queen Of The Ring”. Michin then confronts Jax and Jax gets into Michin’s face. Michin then tosses a drink at Jax and the two begin brawling before officials quickly intervene to separate the two women.

We then get a video featuring the events that took place last week between WWE Women’s Champion Bayley and Chelsea Green.

WWE Women’s Champion Bayley then makes her way down to the ring to address the WWE Universe.

Bayley starts off by saying she will be stepping into unfamiliar territory when she defends the WWE Women’s Championship against Piper Niven at Clash At The Castle. Before Bayley can continue, Niven’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring along with Chelsea Green. Green then tells Bayley she talks a big old game for being a big old loser and the reason fans are booing her is because they are losers too. Green then says Bayley was a loser in Saudi Arabia and last week, her tag team partner Naomi was a loser as well. Green then says Bayley will be a loser again at Clash At The Castle.

Bayley then recalls beating Chelsea Green in Saudi Arabia and says while she relates to being the mouthpiece for someone being big and strong, Niven doesn’t need her. Bayley then says she respects Niven and she has appreciated what Niven can do in the ring since the Mae Young Classic. Bayley then says she knows that their WWE Women’s Championship means everything to Niven with her wrestling in front of her family, friends and former colleagues in her home country and she knows what it feels like to lose. Bayley then says while Niven could have asked for a championship match, she didn’t. Bayley then tells Niven she is going to have some fun beating her. Niven then grabs the mic from Green and says she is waiting to beat Bayley down in her home country of Scotland. Niven then says she is glad Bayley has respect for her and her journey and she will take it more to heart if Bayley knew more about her and her journey. Niven then says the Mae Young Classic was in 2017 and she has been clawing her way out of the trenches. Niven then says she has been putting Scottish wrestling on the map and while Bayley was busy hugging people, she was making a name for herself in the United Kingdom winning titles. Niven then says if Bayley knew how dangerous she was, she wouldn’t stand so close to her. Niven then says she hopes Bayley’s respect for her makes it a little less painful when she wins the WWE Women’s Championship at Clash At The Castle. Niven and Bayley then stare each other down and Bayley holds up her title.

WWE United States Champion Logan Paul then sends a message and says he needs an actual challenge, so he is going to compete in the World Tetris Championships. Paul then says he competes with the best in the world and Knight has done nothing to merit his attention. Paul then calls Knight a hillbilly and tells Knight to go back to the mid-card where he belongs.

Niven and Green were then shown walking backstage and they run into Nick Aldis, who was talking to Naomi. Naomi then warns Green to keep her name out her mouth. Naomi then gets in Green’s face and Aldis stops everyone, saying he doesn’t have time for this. Aldis then makes a match between Naomi and Chelsea Green for next week’s SmackDown. Next week’s SmackDown will also see Michin face Nia Jax in a Singles Match and The Grayson Waller Effect will take place with special guests #DIY.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a 6-Man Tag Team Match.

6-Man Tag Team Match: The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa) vs. Kevin Owens and The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)

The match starts off with Tama Tonga and Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins wastes no time in going after Tama. Dawkins nails Tama with a back elbow, then hits him with a splash in the corner and tags in Montez Ford. Tama then delivers some shoulders on Ford’s midsection in the corner, then tags in Loa. Loa then delivers some right hands on Ford in the corner, then follows it up with a bodyslam and tags Tama back in. Ford then sends Tama out of the ring, but Sikoa drags Ford out from under the bottom rope and sends his head repeatedly bouncing off the ring apron. Sikoa then sends Ford crashing into the ring post.

Sikoa then hits a Samoan Drop on Ford. Tama then tags in and nails a right hand on Ford before he delivers a couple of sliding clotheslines on Ford and goes for a pin. Ford then kicks out and Tama is sent crashing to the outside, but he gets back in the ring and blasts Dawkins on the apron. Ford then hits an enzuigiri on Tama, then tags in Owens as Tama tags in Sikoa. Owens then delivers some right hands on Sikoa, then follows it up with stomps in the corner. Owens then hits Sikoa with a cannonball, then climbs to the top and hits a Swanton Bomb. Sikoa then hits a superkick on Owens, but Owens responds with one of his own. Sikoa then hits a clothesline on Owens and sets up for a Samoan Spike, but Owens sees Sikoa coming and hits him with a Stunner. Owens then goes for a pin, but Tama and Loa pull Owens out of the ring to break the fall. Dawkins then comes to Owens’ aid and Ford flies over the top rope to land on everyone on the outside. Sikoa then grabs a chair and whips it across Ford’s spine, causing a disqualification.

The winners of the 6-Man Tag Team Match due to a disqualification, Kevin Owens and The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)!

After the match, Dawkins and Sikoa brawl in the ring, but Loa and Tama come to Sikoa’s aid. Sikoa then hits a spear on Ford, but Owens goes after The Bloodline on the outside. The Bloodline then overpowers Owens and hit a Triple Powerbomb on him through the announce desk. The Bloodline then stands tall and holds up the one hand gesture as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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