It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 5, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (6/5/2024):

  • MJF will make his return
  • TV Time segment With FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho
  • Singles Match: Mariah May vs. The Outcasts’ Saraya
  • 8-Man Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley) vs. Team CMLL (Magnus, Volador Jr., Rugido and EsFinge)
  • AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong

AEW Dynamite Results (6/5/2024):

The show opens up with MJF making his way down to the ring as Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone welcome us.

MJF starts off by saying he is back and he puts over his new t-shirt, then says he is in the ring to put everyone on notice. MJF then says as he was sitting at home nursing up his injuries, he was watching a bunch of children making bold claims such as Kazuchika Okada and Swerve Strickland. MJF then takes shots at both of them, then says he took offense to Strickland calling himself a business mogul as he never went to business school. MJF then says the most egregious of the claims was Will Ospreay saying he was the best in the world and the last time he checked, he wasn’t Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, Cody Rhodes, Samoa Joe, Kenny Omega and Hiroshi Tanahashi among others. MJF then says he has been able to beat all of those names and the next time Ospreay wants to come on his show and lie through his teeth, he should watch his tone and check his mouth.


MJF then says he’s the best in the world and in five short years, he became the face of AEW. MJF then says he’s created some of the most memorable moments and matches in the history of professional wrestling and he became the most hated man in wrestling only to become the most beloved. MJF then says people are trying to smear his name and revise his history and legacy. RUSH’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. RUSH says much like all the other stupid and filthy Americans in the building, MJF never shuts up. RUSH then says while MJF was gone, he was working hard wrestling. RUSH then says MJF gets a big celebration for coming back, then asks where his celebration and big moment is. RUSH then says he’s going to take MJF’s moment and spot because when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

MJF then says it was rough when Tony Khan was in charge, but things have only gotten worse now that The Elite is running things. MJF then asks fans if they can hear RUSH and RUSH looks to repeat himself, but MJF cuts him off and tells him no one cares what he has to say. MJF then says he knows how talented RUSH is having one paid him to take out Bryan Danielson and he lists off a few of RUSH’s accomplishments. MJF then says while RUSH has overcome some of the best, he isn’t one of the best but the best. MJF then tells RUSH that he’s better than him and he knows it. MJF and RUSH then begin brawling in the ring, but security, referees and Christopher Daniels run down to the ring to separate the two men.

A video package is then shown of Roderick Strong training ahead of tonight’s main event for the AEW World Title.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is an AEW International Championship #1 Contender’s 4-Way Match.

AEW International Championship #1 Contender’s 4-Way Match: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jay Lethal vs. The Lucha Brothers’ Rey Fenix

The match starts off with Lethal sending Cassidy out of the ring. Lethal then hits an arm drag to send Fenix out of the ring, then sends O’Reilly out to join him. Cassidy then jumps off the top rope to land on Lethal, then takes Fenix down. O’Reilly then trips Cassidy on the apron, then hits a kick on his chest on the apron. Cassidy then responds with a missile dropkick before Fenix slides inside the ring. Fenix then delivers some forearms on Cassidy, then nails him with an arm drag off the top rope and follows it up with a dropkick. Lethal then blasts Fenix from behind and gloats, then delivers some stomps on his chest and sets up for the Lethal Injection. O’Reilly then catches Lethal and Fenix looks to hit a kick on him, but accidentally hits O’Reilly. The four men then begin brawling with each other.

Cassidy then hits the Stun-Dog Millionaire on Lethal. Cassidy then hits one on O’Reilly, but Fenix hits a splash on him. Cassidy then looks to hit a Tornado DDT on Lethal, but Lethal counters it into a Figure Four Leg Lock. Fenix then looks to break the hold, but Lethal sees him coming. O’Reilly then puts Fenix in a Sleeper, but Lethal relinquishes the hold on Cassidy to break the hold O’Reilly has cinched in. O’Reilly then puts Lethal in a submission, but Cassidy and Fenix break things up. Fenix then sends Lethal out of the ring, but Cassidy nails Fenix with a Tornado DDT. Cassidy then hits the Orange Punch on O’Reilly, but Lethal sends Cassidy onto the apron. Lethal then hits a backbreaker-flatliner combination on Cassidy and hits the Lethal Injection on O’Reilly, but Fenix rolls up Lethal for the win.

The winner of the AEW International Championship #1 Contender’s 4-Way Match, Rey Fenix!

After the match, Trent Beretta and Don Callis makes their way down to the ring and Beretta grabs a chair. Cassidy then grabs a chain from under the ring and wraps it around his fist, then gets inside the ring to join Beretta and Callis. Kris Statlander then slides in the ring and inserts herself in between Beretta and Cassidy as Stokely Hathaway makes his way down to the ring. Statlander then slaps Cassidy, but Willow Nightingale’s music hits. Nightingale makes her way down to the ring and Statlander retreats.

We then head to the back, where we see FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith pull up to the Blue Arena as Jericho gives his driver and the cameraman advice about how to do their jobs. Jericho then takes the camera from the cameraman to properly frame Bill and Keith and waves to everyone backstage.

Renee Paquette is now backstage with Willow Nightingale. Nightingale says she accepts that she lost at Double or Nothing and congratulates Mercedes Moné on her win. Nightingale then says she did have Moné pinned, so there’s unfinished business down the line. Nightingale then says Statlander betrayed her friendship while she was at her lowest. Nightingale then says the smile is her strength, but after being stabbed in the back, you don’t know how dangerous that could be. Orange Cassidy then walks in and gives Nightingale a little fist bump before walking off.

Christopher Daniels then makes his way out and announces that on June 30th at Forbidden Door, they will crown a new TNT Champion in a Ladder Match. Daniels then says another qualifying match for the Ladder Match will take place right now.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier.

TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Mark Briscoe vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage

The match starts off with Cage hitting a shoulder tackle on Briscoe. Cage then delivers some clotheslines on Briscoe in the corner, but Briscoe sends Cage crashing out of the ring and hits a dropkick on him through the middle rope. Briscoe then tosses a chair into the ring, but the referee disposes of it and Briscoe begins arguing with him. Cage then nails Briscoe with a clothesline on the outside, then delivers some stomps on him and sends him crashing into the barricade. Cage then sends Briscoe crashing off the ring apron face first and suplexes him into the ring from the apron before he flexes his biceps.

Briscoe then delivers a series of forearms on Cage and follows it up with more strikes. We then see Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis watching the action from the crowd as Briscoe goes for a pin on Cage. Cage then kicks out and Briscoe sends him crashing to the outside. Briscoe then follows him out there and grabs a chair from under the ring. Briscoe then slides one chair inside and sets up a second one. As the referee disposes of the first one, Briscoe uses the second one as a launching pad to fly over the top rope. Briscoe then climbs to the top and hits a missile dropkick from the top on Cage as we see Jack Perry watch the action from backstage. Cage then sends Briscoe crashing into the mat and goes for a pin, but Briscoe kicks out. Cage then hits a sit-out powerbomb on Briscoe and looks to send Briscoe crashing into the mat, but Briscoe escapes and hits a spinning right hand on Cage. Cage then hits a dropkick on Briscoe, but Briscoe responds with a single leg dropkick on Cage. Briscoe then hits a Death Valley Driver on Cage and climbs to the top rope. Briscoe then hits the Froggy Bow for the win.

The winner of the TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier, Mark Briscoe!

We then see The Elite’s Jack Perry applaud Mark Briscoe for his win. Perry then says it won’t matter as no one is willing to make as big of a sacrifice for AEW than him. Perry then says he is destined to win the TNT Title no matter what Tony Khan thinks.

Renee Paquette is now backstage with HOOK and Samoa Joe, who says he wouldn’t call this a mentorship. HOOK and Joe are then interrupted by Tony Nese, Ari Daivari and “Smart” Mark Sterling. Nese then talks trash and Joe has to hold HOOK back, saying they’ll handle it on their time.

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho is then show approaching “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker backstage. Jericho loudly congratulates Menard for taking over commentary on Rampage and Parker for his recent marriage and upcoming baby. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith then tells Parker to make sure his child respects Chris Jericho.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn then make their entrance and Max Caster calls The Young Bucks the Extremely Vague Perverts. The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are then cut off by Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson on the big screen, asking if they read the employee handbook. The Young Bucks then says they can’t insult the EVPs and cut the segment. Matthew then tells them to clear the area as The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass just slouch and walk to the back.

Renee Paquette is then joined by AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland. Strickland welcomes back the little b***h MJF and says he will deal with MJF later. Strickland then has an envelope with the contract to the Forbidden Door World Title Match and tells Prince Nana to send this to Will Ospreay in London and he will pay for shipping. Strickland then says he is going to knock Roderick Strong off the mountain tonight. Strickland then brings up The Elite winning Anarchy in the Arena and says the next time there’s a Team AEW, you don’t forget the AEW World Champion.

Excalibur then informs us that it will be Title vs. Title at Forbidden Door, where we will see TBS Champion vs. New Japan Strong Women’s Champion as Mercedes Moné takes on Stephane Vaquer. We then get a video package showing the history between both ladies and how Moné defeated Vaquer in the semi-finals of the Strong Women’s Title Tournament, the same night that Moné broke her ankle against Willow.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an 8-Man Tag Team Match.

8-Man Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley) vs. Team CMLL (Magnus, Volador Jr., Rugido and EsFinge)

The match starts off with all eight men staring each other down and they all begin brawling with one another. Magnus and Danielson then brawl while Rugido and Moxley go at it. Yuta and EsFinge then brawl on the opposite side. Danielson then gets Rugido back inside the ring and delivers a few chops on him. Rugido then hits Danielson with a chop of his own, then follows it up with a hurricanrana. Castagnoli then nails Rugido, but Volador Jr. flies off the ropes. Castagnoli then blasts him and EsFinge nails Moxley with a tope suicida. Volador Jr. then hits Castagnoli with a hurricanrana and Magnus hits the 619 on Danielson. Yuta then nails Magnus with a shoulder tackle, but Magnus takes him down with a hurricanrana and nails him with a chop. Castagnoli then hits an uppercut on Magnus in the corner and double teams Magnus with Danielson.

Moxley and Magnus are then brawling in the ring. Moxley then delivers a few kicks on Magnus’ spine, but Magnus responds with a few chops on Moxley. Magnus then hits an enzuigiri on Moxley. EsFinge then takes Castagnoli, Danielson and Yuta down. Castagnoli then hits a Monkey Flip on EsFinge, but EsFinge hits one of his own. Moxley then hits a Stunner on EsFinge and Magnus hits a couple of double knees on Yuta in the corner. Castagnoli then hits The Swing on Magnus, but Volador Jr. nails him with a hurricanrana off the top rope. Danielson then hits the Yes Kicks on Volador Jr., but Rugido hits a scoop powerslam on Yuta. Rugido then follows it up with an arm drag on Yuta, but Moxley blasts Rugido. Moxley then nails Magnus with a DDT, but Volador Jr. takes Castagnoli down with a hurricanrana. Danielson then hits the Busaiku Knee on Volador Jr. and Rugido rolls up Yuta. Yuta then kicks out and sends Rugido crashing into the mat, then pins him for the win.

The winners of the 8-Man Tag Team Match, Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley)!

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho is then shown approaching someone in catering and helping him with the proper way to scoop food into a bowl because of his experience.

A video package is then shown on Daniel Garcia documenting his serious car accident a few years ago. Garcia says life is too short to let opportunities pass you by and that is why he took the initiative last week in challenging Will Ospreay for the International Title. Garcia then says Ospreay can’t out grind and outwork him.

We then see The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn trying to barge into The Elite’s locker room, but were held back by Elite security. They then say that at some point The Young Bucks will have to deal with them. They then call The Young Bucks jackasses and walk off.

We then see The Young Bucks meet with The Patriarchy. Christian Cage complains to Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson about being screwed out of the AEW World Championship at Double or Nothing and says he wants another shot. Matthew then says he and Nicholas will see what they can do and they should continue to have each other’s backs.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Mariah May vs. The Outcasts’ Saraya

The match starts off with Saraya wasting no time in going after May. May then hits a forearm on Saraya, then sends her crashing into the mat and follows it up with a dropkick. May then hits a spinning Sidewalk Slam on Saraya, but Saraya slides out of the ring for a breather. May then chases Saraya back in the ring, but Saraya slides back out. May then chases Saraya back inside again and the two continue this until Saraya hits a kick on May on the outside. Saraya then sends May crashing into the barricade and calls for Cameron to get her some water. Saraya and May then take turns hitting forearms on each other before May nails Saraya with a headbutt. May then charges at Saraya in the corner, then places her on the top rope and hits a double chop on her. May then hits a hurricanrana on Saraya off the top. May then climbs to the top and hits a dropkick on Saraya before she hits a Hip Attack and goes for a pin. Saraya then kicks out and hits a Cradle DDT on May before she hits May with a superkick and puts her in a Scorpion Cross Lock. May then taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, The Outcasts’ Saraya!

After the match, AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm checks on May. Saraya and Cameron then beat down Storm and May, but Mina Shirakawa’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Mina hits a couple of spinning back fists on Saraya and May, then cradles May as a jealous Storm watches on. Storm and Shirakawa then get in each other’s faces, but May breaks things up.

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho then approaches Private Party backstage and says maybe they should change their name to Public Party and open their party to more people. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith then says they’re disrespecting Jericho and Jericho says next week they are inviting Private Party to TV Time with The Learning Tree.

We then head to the back, where “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson puts over Wheeler Yuta winning the match for his team tonight and says he couldn’t be prouder. Danielson then says 8 months ago he said this was his final year as a full-time wrestler and to be honest, it hasn’t been what he wanted. Danielson then says he lost to Christian Cage, lost in the Finals of the Continental Class and lost to Okada in the Tokyo Dome. Danielson then says every big match he loses is like the straw that broke the camel’s back as is losing Anarchy in the Arena. Danielson then says his career isn’t over yet, so when Tony Khan announced the Owen Hart Tournament winner gets an AEW World Title shot at All In, this could be his last shot and if he’s going out, he’s going out on top.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is the AEW World Championship Match.

AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong

The match starts off with both men going back and forth before Strong slides out of the ring for a breather. Strong then gets back inside and delivers some strikes on Strickland before Strickland sends Strong into the corner. Strickland then climbs to the top, but Matt Taven distracts him, opening the door for Strong to trip Strickland and send him crashing into the top turnbuckle. Strong then hits a chop on Strickland on the outside, but Strickland catapults Strong into the ring post and Taven checks on him.

Strong then hits a knee on Strickland’s midsection and looks to plant him. Strickland then counters into a couple of double knees and sends Strong crashing into the top turnbuckle face first, then flies off the middle rope to land on him and follows it up with a flatliner. Strickland then hits a Brainbuster on Strong, but Mike Bennett jumps up on the apron. Strong then takes advantage and rolls up Strickland, but Strickland sends him crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Strong then kicks out and Strickland sets up for House Call, but Strong avoids it and sends Strickland crashing into the ring apron spine first. Strong then gets Strickland back in the ring and both men shove each other. Strong then hits a codebreaker on Strickland, then follows it up with three strikes and an Angle Slam. Strong then hits Strickland with a powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Strickland kicks out. Strong then hits a running kick on Strickland, but Strickland responds with a kick on Strong and flies over the top rope to land on him on the outside. Strickland then gets Strong back inside the ring and sets up for House Call, but Strong avoids it. Strickland then hits with the House Call after going for it a second time and gets the win.

The winner and still the AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland!

After the match, Strickland and Prince Nana celebrate and stand tall and Nana does his signature dance as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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