Goldberg recently shared his thoughts on the perception of his in-ring style, particularly regarding the impact he had on his opponents. Addressing the issue during an appearance on The Von Erich podcast, Goldberg reflected on how easily past stars can be forgotten in the current wrestling landscape.

In a somewhat veiled reference to Bret Hart, whom he infamously kicked during their match at Starrcade 1999, resulting in a concussion that effectively ended Hart’s career

“Hey dude, you saw how easily it was that people forgot about me and the fact that I go out there and absolutely smashed people and then leave? Now that the audacity to think that any of these morons could stand two seconds with me?”

He continued by lamenting the fleeting nature of fame and the reliance on internet narratives in contemporary wrestling fandom. Goldberg highlighted the fine line between entertaining and potentially injuring opponents, acknowledging regrettable incidents such as the one involving Scott Steiner and the aforementioned kick to Hart’s head.


“It’s funny that people’s identities get wiped away quite quickly. The current generation and the next. They’re completely dependent on what people tell them and what they see on the internet. It’s a shame that these morons that didn’t feel the excitement or can understand the excitement when my music hit, when I blow smoke out of my nose, and nine times out of ten, you really had to question whether I was hurting the guy, and that’s the fine line that you have gotta walk. Granted, unfortunately, a couple times, Steiner, I’m not even gonna mention his name, but the moron I kicked in the head, but unfortunately, things like that happen. It’s a rough business. As long as there’s not malicious intent, I mean, hey bro, you’re in the wrong business if you bitch and moan about getting slapped or getting punched errantly. It’s just a different day and age, it just is.”

Despite such incidents, Goldberg emphasized the inherent risks of professional wrestling and suggested that those who cannot handle occasional mishaps have chosen the wrong profession. Responding to Hart’s criticisms, Goldberg expressed frustration at repeated complaints and reiterated that he can only apologize so many times.

Bret Hart, for his part, has publicly labeled Goldberg as the most unprofessional wrestler in the industry, perpetuating the ongoing tension between the two wrestling icons.

What are your thoughts on Goldberg’s recent comments regarding his in-ring style and the ongoing tension with Bret Hart? How do you feel about the risks associated with professional wrestling and the impact of past incidents on wrestlers’ careers? Share your insights and opinions on this longstanding issue in the comment section below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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