There’s been a significant reorganization at TNA Wrestling, and we’ve gathered some insights.

It’s confirmed that three employees have been let go, longtime producer David Sahadi, RD Evans and now Lou D’Angeli.

Fightful Select reports that Lou D’Angeli, formerly known as Lou E. Dangerously in ECW, has also parted ways with the company. D’Angeli had held the position of VP of Marketing at Anthem Sports Group within TNA. Notably, he played a pivotal role in CM Punk’s involvement with TNA in recent years.

Another departure occurred in a similar department, involving an individual not widely recognized in wrestling circles. However, these exits align with Anthem’s strategy to pivot towards a new direction and enhance their presence in live event markets.


As noted earlier, RD Evans was another notable departure. Evans, known for his WWE departure lore where he reportedly left after a confrontation with Vince McMahon, has chosen to move on. Sources indicate that an email expressing gratitude to Evans and acknowledging his resignation was circulated internally.

What are your thoughts on the recent reorganization at TNA Wrestling and the departures of key figures like David Sahadi, RD Evans, and Lou D’Angeli? How do you think these changes will impact TNA’s future direction and their presence in live event markets? Share your insights and predictions for the company’s trajectory in the comment section below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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