Under Tony Khan’s leadership, AEW has cultivated a significant partnership with Warner Bros Discovery for programming. Khan has been actively involved in ensuring that AEW’s content meets the standards set by Warner Bros Discovery. This collaboration has fueled speculation about the potential for a media rights deal between the two entities. However, in light of Khan expressing disappointment with Warner Bros Discovery’s TV deal offer, there’s now an update on the situation.

Reports indicate that Zaslav and TNT Sports’ Luis Silberwasser are keen to retain AEW on TNT and TBS. However, Khan himself is “disappointed” by the current offer on the table for his content.

Reports indicate that Zaslav and TNT Sports’ Luis Silberwasser are keen to retain AEW on TNT and TBS. However, Khan himself has expressed being “disappointed” by the current offer on the table for his content.

In response to the ‘disappointed’ comment, Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio shared insights from AEW sources, suggesting that Tony Khan “was not disappointed,” although an agreement has yet to be reached.


Meltzer questioned the interpretation of the term ‘disappointed.’ While acknowledging that no deal has been finalized, Meltzer suggested that the numbers he’s heard wouldn’t typically be considered disappointing.

“I was told that he wasn’t disappointed at all, but at the same time, what does disappointed mean? it’s just a word. I mean, in the sense of, you can say he hasn’t signed. So it’s not the offer he wanted. And you can say, well, that’s disappointing. I mean, you can say that, but the numbers, the numbers that I hear, are, would not be numbers that I would call disappointing. So, but I mean, as far as what happens, it’s kind of one of those things where, until the deal was done, you know, I don’t read too much into it because anything can happen. I mean, people can change their minds on both sides and an offer can be made and an offer can be rescinded.

“That’s happened many, many times before. Nothing is signed. That’s that. The exclusivity period is coming up soon so they could open it up and talk to other people and see what’s going on there. As far as it going badly, right now I would not call it badly. That would not be a term I would use at all. People who kind of know are somewhat excited about it, but, at the end of the day, when the deal is announced, that’ll be the story.”

As discussions progress, the timing of an agreement between AEW and Warner Bros Discovery remains uncertain. However, securing a deal with Warner Bros Discovery would mark a significant milestone for Tony Khan’s company. Nevertheless, there’s no guarantee that such an agreement will ultimately materialize but one can hope.

Do you feel AEW will ultimately land a solid deal with Warner Bros Discovery? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tags: Tony Khan
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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