It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The post-AEW Double Or Nothing episode of Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 29, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (5/29/2024):

  • Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet (Winner Challenges For The AEW World Championship At Forbidden Door)
  • The Debut Of TV Time With FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho
  • Singles Match (Presented By HBO’s House Of The Dragon): AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Killswitch
  • Mercedes Moné TBS Championship Celebration
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match: IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley vs. “Azucar” Rocky Romero
  • Don Callis To Present A Contract For The Don Callis Family
  • Kris Statlander And Stokely Hathaway Explain Their Attack On Willow Nightingale
  • The EVPs Address The Future Of The TNT Championship

AEW Dynamite Results (5/29/2024):

The show opens up with new AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Moné making her way down to the ring for her championship celebration as Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz welcomes us.

Mercedes Moné starts off by telling Los Angeles to say hello to their CEO and their new TBS Champion. Moné then asks the crowd if she was worth the wait and once again reminds everyone that Moné changes everything. Moné then puts over her Double or Nothing opponent Willow Nightingale, but says that she’s way too nice and she could have told her that Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway were going to turn on her. Moné then says she hopes that when Nightingale gets back, she will kick Statlander and Hathaway’s ass. Moné then says she knows she has a target on her back as TBS Champion and Skye Blue appears on the big screen and reveals that she was the one who attacked Moné backstage several weeks ago. Skye Blue then shows up and attacks Moné from behind and lays her out.


We then get a video of The Elite arriving at the arena earlier in the day followed by a video package recapping Sunday’s Double or Nothing PPV.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match (Presented By HBO’s House Of The Dragon): AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Killswitch

The match starts off with Strickland hitting a chop on Killswitch. Killswitch then clotheslines Strickland out of the ring and looks to follow him out there, but Strickland hits him with a dropkick through the ropes as he gets back inside. Strickland then follows it up with a neckbreaker and gets Killswitch onto the ramp, then nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Strickland then hits a headbutt on Killswitch, but Killswitch responds with a chop on Strickland. Both men then get back inside the ring and Killswitch nails Strickland with a boot.

Strickland then puts Killswitch in a Triangle. Strickland then follows it up with a jumping codebreaker and a running uppercut in the corner, then delivers several more uppercuts and a kick to Killswitch’s thigh. Strickland then hits an uppercut off the middle rope and a vertical suplex on Killswitch before going for a pin. Killswitch then kicks out and hits a back elbow on Strickland, then follows it up with a headbutt and a chokeslam. Killswitch then goes for a pin, but Strickland kicks out. Killswitch then gets Strickland on the apron and grabs a chair from the timekeeper’s area. Killswitch looks to use it, but Nana grabs it from him. Killswitch then kicks the chair out of Nana’s hand, opening the door for Strickland to hit him with three kicks and the Swerve Stomp off the apron. Strickland then gets Killswitch back into the ring, then climbs to the top rope. Killswitch then sits up and Strickland jumps down before Killswitch can knock him down. Strickland then looks to hit then House Call, but Killswitch sees him coming and hits him with a chokeslam. He then follows it up with a moonsault. Strickland then hits then House Call and the Swerve Stomp, then goes for a pin. Killswitch then kicks out, but Strickland hits a second House Call for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland!

After the match, Strickland gets hold of a pair of scissors and cuts off Killswitch’s braid.

Tony Schiavone then announces that Mercedes Moné will defend her TBS Championship later on tonight against Skye Blue.

We then see IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley backstage in a stairwell and he admits that it’s a bad idea to be taking an Eliminator Match against Rocky Romero tonight when he’s hurt, but that’s what champions do. Moxley then runs down all of his upcoming appearances over the next few weeks. Moxley then says he will continue to be the man to stand on top of New Japan, AEW and wherever else he wants to go.

Big Bill is waiting inside the ring and he introduces FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho and Jericho then makes his way down to the ring for the first-ever TV Time segment.

Chris Jericho starts off by asking the audience who wants more TV time. Jericho then says, “You know I do.” Jericho then shows off the new Learning Tree University t-shirt and says it was the number one seller on the AEW website. Jericho then asks the audience who wanted a t-shirt and teased throwing it before placing it on a turnbuckle. Jericho then talks about retaining the FTW Championship and says HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata are tough. Jericho then introduces “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith as his guest.

Bryan Keith’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Jericho then invites the crowd to give Keith a round of applause, then asks Keith what made him want to get sucked into the Jericho vortex. Keith then says he notices a lack of respect for Jericho in AEW, then says he can’t believe more people didn’t jump at the chance to be under the branch of “The Learning Tree”. Keith then says fans are lucky enough to breathe the air Jericho is breathing and Jericho says the lesson here is if you want something, you go out there and get it. Jericho then says Keith is welcome to grow under “The Learning Tree” as long as he wants to. HOOK’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Security tries stopping HOOK, but he nails them. Samoa Joe’s music then hits and he appears on the ramp. Joe stares down HOOK and whispers something into his ear, then makes his way to the back with HOOK.

We then get a video package on NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match: IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley vs. “Azucar” Rocky Romero

The match starts off with Romero wasting no time. Romero hits a tope suicida on Moxley on the outside, then sends his head bouncing off the commentary desk. Both men then get back in the ring and Romero hits a series of kicks on Moxley to his injured shoulder. Moxley then hits a series of Hammer and Anvil Elbows on Romero and kicks Romero on his spine, but Romero responds with a double stomp to Moxley’s injured arm and sends it crashing into the mat. Romero then hits a dropkick on it, then follows it up with a dropkick off the top rope and sends it bouncing off the mat. Moxley then bites Romero as both men teeter on the ropes. Moxley then hits a superplex on Romero before he delivers some right hands on him in the corner. Romero and Moxley then exchange kicks and forearms and Romero looks to put Moxley in an arm submission. Moxley then blocks it and delivers some knees on Romero’s midsection, then puts him in a chokehold. Moxley then hits a boot on Romero and climbs to the middle rope, but Romero pulls him down and wears down his injured arm with an arm submission. Moxley then escapes and hits a clothesline on Romero, then follows it up with the Death Rider for the win.

The winner of the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match, IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley!

Samoa Joe and HOOK are then shown backstage with Renee Paquette. Joe says they don’t exist on Jericho’s time and truly dangerous men exist on their own time. Both men then walk away.

Don Callis then makes his way down to the ring as he is about to offer what he considers an opportunity of a lifetime.

Callis starts off by saying he has something important to tell the fans. Callis says the contract in his hands to work for The Don Callis Family is more valuable than gold and diamonds, then says it’s been one of the greatest pleasures in his life to scout a talent like Orange Cassidy. Callis then says when he sees Cassidy, he sees himself.

Orange Cassidy’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Callis says this is a moment the world has been waiting for. Callis then puts his hand in his pocket, then says Cassidy is an iconic performer in the wrestling industry. Callis then says Cassidy is a star wherever he goes and while he’s been confused with a few bad choices, it’s his pleasure to welcome him into The Don Callis Family with the contract he has. Callis then says he already filled out the contract. Cassidy then takes the contract from Callis and slowly rips it up. Cassidy then drops it at Callis’ feet and Callis collects the pieces of the contract. Cassidy then tells Callis no to joining The Don Callis Family and looks to leave. Callis then grabs Cassidy and tells him no one says no to him.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander then make their way down to the ring and Hathaway tells Cassidy there’s nothing about him he likes. Hathaway then says Cassidy is just like Willow Nightingale and the only reason he is out there is because of Statlander. Statlander then announces that her Best Friend accepts Callis’ offer into The Don Callis Family. Trent Beretta then appears in the ring and blindsides Cassidy. Beretta then delivers some right hands on Cassidy, then hugs Callis and signs the contract Callis has. Beretta then hugs Callis once again. Callis then delivers some stomps on Cassidy and leaves the ring and Beretta stomps on Cassidy.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia. Garcia warns Will Ospreay that he is coming for the International Championship.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW TBS Championship Match.

AEW TBS Championship Match: Mercedes Moné (c) vs. Skye Blue

The match starts off with Moné sending Blue crashing into three of the corners. Moné then delivers some right hands on Blue, but Blue sends Moné into the corner. Moné then hits an arm drag on Blue, then nails her with a kick. Moné then hits a hurricanrana on Blue that sends her crashing out of the ring, then follows it up with a boot on her face. Moné then hits a meteora on Blue off the apron. Both women then get back inside the ring, but Blue sends Moné onto the apron. Blue then hits a hanging DDT on Moné and goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out. Moné then hits a Stunner on Blue. Blue then charges at Moné, but Moné hits her with a back elbow. Moné then sends Blue crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first, then hits her with a couple of running double knees and a backstabber. Moné then climbs to the middle rope, but Blue stops her and hits her with a thrust kick on her face. Blue then looks to hit Moné with a powerbomb, but Moné counters into a hurricanrana. Blue then hits Skye Fall on Moné and goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out. Blue then gets Moné on her shoulders, but Moné escapes and hits a knee on Blue. Blue then responds with a thrust kick and looks to land Code Blue, but Moné avoids the move and hits Blue with the Moné Maker for the win.

The winner and still the AEW TBS Champion, Mercedes Moné!

After the match, Stephanie Vaquer’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Vaquer then holds up the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship and stares down Moné as Moné holds up the TBS Championship.

We then head to the back, where we see Renee Paquette outside the trainers room. Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway then interrupt and talk about Willow Nightingale. Hathaway takes several shots at Nightingale and says that she was a terrible friend to Statlander for getting in the way of Statlander reclaiming the TBS Championship. Statlander then grabs the microphone and says she’s tired of being the bodyguard for everyone else. Statlander then puts the women’s division on notice and says they’ll all need protection from her.

We then get a video recapping MJF’s return at AEW Double or Nothing.

AEW World Tag Team Champions and company EVPs The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) then make their way out to address the future of the AEW TNT Championship. AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada and Jack Perry makes their way down to the ring as well.

We start things with the fans booing The Elite. Kazuchika Okada then tells them to quiet down. Jack Perry then says The Elite runs AEW and Kenny Omega and Tony Khan put together their dream team for Anarchy In The Arena. He then says while AEW pulled out all the stops, The Elite still came out on top because he pinned Bryan Danielson. Nicholas Jackson then says it’s been a fantastic week for The Elite, then promotes The Young Bucks’ Reebok shoes. He then says they got a gift for Okada and points to the big screen, where someone driving a sports car pulls in. Okada then asks if this is a dream, then begins to cry and thanks the rest of The Elite. Matthew Jackson then grabs a mic and addresses the TNT Championship. Matthew then apologizes to Adam Copeland for telling him to break a leg before his Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match on Sunday and wishes him the best in his recovery from injury. Matthew then strips Copeland of the TNT Championship and awards the TNT Championship to Jack Perry.

Christopher Daniels then interrupts them and says while The Elite tried firing him, he’s the Interim Executive Vice President. Daniels then says any announcements from him come directly from Tony Khan, then says the TNT Championship won’t be given away. Daniels then tells Perry if he wants to become the TNT Champion, he has to earn it. Daniels then says a series of qualifier matches will take place with all managers and associates banned from ringside. Daniels then says the winners of all those matches will compete in a Ladder Match with the TNT Championship on the line at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, with the first taking place on Dynamite. The Elite then looks to attack Daniels, but The Acclaimed’s music hits and they appear at ringside along with Billy Gunn to even the odds.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are then backstage. Strickland says he is curious to know who his next challenger will be in the main event. Strickland then says he wants to know who’s going to step up in his house and get stomped out.

It is then announced that MJF will return to AEW Dynamite next week. RUSH then congratulated MJF on his return and says if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.

We then get the entrances of the first two participants in the main event, which is the. Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet.

Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet (Winner Challenges For The AEW World Championship At Forbidden Door)

The match starts off with PAC hitting a boot on White. PAC then delivers some stomps in the corner, then puts his boot into White and sends him bouncing face first off adjacent corners. PAC then sends White out of the ring and sends White crashing into the barricades twice. PAC then repeatedly sends White’s head bouncing off the ring apron, then gets him back in the ring. PAC then hits a hurricanrana on White, then flies over the top rope to land on him on the outside. PAC then gets White back inside the ring, then climbs to the top and hits him with a missile dropkick. White then sends PAC’s face bouncing off the top rope. Mistico is the next entrant and he hits a kick on White’s head. Mistico then hits a hurricanrana on White that sends him crashing out of the ring, then nails a kick on PAC and follows it up with an arm drag out of the corner. Mistico then hits a kick on PAC, then hits a dropkick on White. White and PAC then both land on the outside and both men begin to brawl. Mistico then climbs to the top and flies to land on the both on them.

Will Ospreay is next in the match and he hits a forearm on Mistico off the top rope. White then sneaks up on Ospreay, but Ospreay blasts him and hits a chop on White. Ospreay then nails a kick, but PAC rolls Ospreay up. Ospreay then kicks out and Mistico flies to land on Ospreay and PAC. Mistico then sends Ospreay crashing into the mat. The next entrant is Shota Umino and he hits an uppercut on Ospreay in the corner. Both men then go back and forth before Umino hits a dropkick on Ospreay and a DDT through the middle rope. Umino then nails Ospreay again and goes for a pin, but White breaks the fall. White then hits a series of chops on Umino. Claudio Castagnoli is next in the match and he hits an uppercut on PAC on the outside. Claudio then chases White around the ring and hits a pop-up uppercut on Umino. Castagnoli then hits a spinebuster on White, then does The Swing on him.

Lio Rush is next in the match and he stares Castagnoli down in the ring. Rush then hits an enzuigiri on Umino and both men try to nail one another. Castagnoli then hits a double clothesline on Rush and Umino. The next entrant in the match is Orange Cassidy and Castagnoli gets Cassidy up for a vertical suplex. Cassidy then escapes with a series of knees to Castagnoli’s head, then hits him with a Stun-Dog Millionaire and a Tornado DDT. Ospreay and Cassidy then stare each other down, but White blindsides Cassidy. White then goes after Ospreay and Cassidy. Hechicero is next in the match and he hits a step-up knee on White in the corner. He then nails Castagnoli, then goes after Ospreay. Ospreay then flies to land on Hechicero, but Mistico hits him with a hurricanrana. Umino then hits a dropkick on Cassidy on the outside as Mistico nails Castagnoli with a hurricanrana in the ring. He then hits a second one off the top rope on the outside, then hits a knee on Cassidy. Cassidy then responds with the Orange Punch and PAC looks to roll Cassidy up. Cassidy then blocks him and sits into a pin and PAC kicks out. White then goes after PAC before PAC climbs to the top. Juice Robinson then trips him and White sets up for the Blade Runner on Cassidy. Ospreay then gets in the ring and hits the Hidden Blade. He then follows it up with a Os-Cutter on Cassidy for the win.

The winner and new #1 Contender to the AEW World Championship, “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

After the match, Swerve Strickland’s music hits and Strickland makes his way down to the ring along with Prince Nana. Strickland and Ospreay then stare each other down as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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