It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 28, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (5/28/2024):

  • WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez’s NXT Battleground opponent will be revealed
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier: The O.C.’s Michin vs. Tatum Paxley
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair
  • Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and “The Young O.G.” Je’Von Evans vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)
  • Singles Match: Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland
  • Rapper Sexyy Red will appear on NXT

WWE NXT Results (5/28/2024):

The show opens up with NXT General Manager Ava already in the ring with a podium and a covered belt as Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcomes us.

Ava starts off by welcoming the fans to NXT and saying that the brand has the best women’s division out there. Ava then says that in two weeks the first ever NXT Women’s North American Champion will be crowned in a 6-Woman Ladder match. Ava then introduces Sexyy Red and Red makes her way down to the ring. Ava then thanks Sexyy Red for being at the WWE Performance Center and says WWE knows how much she’s been looking forward to appearing. Ava then says Sexyy Red has an important announcement regarding Battleground and Sexyy Red announces that she will be the host of Battleground. Red then unveils the object on the table and that is the new NXT Women’s North American Championship.


Tatum Paxley then appears from out of nowhere and tries grabbing the NXT Women’s North American Championship from Sexyy Red. Michin’s music then hits and she runs down to the ring. Michin then beats Paxley down and gets her inside the ring. A referee then enters the ring and the first match of the night is underway, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier: The O.C.’s Michin vs. Tatum Paxley

The match starts off with Michin delivering some strikes on Paxley. Michin then nails Paxley with a chop to her chest in the corner, then sends her into the opposite corner and delivers some stomps on her. Michin then sends Paxley into the corner two more times and looks to hit a boot, but Paxley moves out of the way and delivers some stomps on Michin in the corner. Paxley then sends Michin crashing into the top turnbuckle face first as Jaida Parker makes her way down to ringside to watch the action. Paxley then hits a chop on Michin, then sends her into the corner. Michin then trips Paxley and dropkicks her to the outside, then hits her with a tope suicida to land on her. Michin then hits a back elbow on Paxley. Paxley then responds with a forearm, but Michin hits her with a shoulder pounce as we see that Parker has joined the announce desk. Michin then hits a kick on Paxley, then nails her with a German suplex and a chop. Michin then hits Paxley with a series of headbutts in the corner and nails her with a cannonball. Michin then goes for a pin, but Paxley kicks out. Paxley then sends Michin crashing into the mat, then hits her with a back suplex and goes for a pin. Michin then kicks out and both men stare each other down. Michin then rolls up Paxley, but Paxley kicks out. Michin then hits Paxley with Eat Defeat for the win.

The winner of the WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier, The O.C.’s Michin!

After the match, Michin and Parker argues with each other.

We then head to the back, where Joe Coffey and Mark Coffey ask where Wolfgang is. Oro Mensah, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson then walk by and question why Gallus attacked Noam Dar a couple of weeks ago. Joe and Mark then deny doing so and walk off. Mensah then says since Joe and Mark denied being the attacker, it must be Trick Williams.

A replay was then shown of Lola Vice betraying Shayna Baszler by hitting her with a high spinning kick to the temple. Lola Vice was then shown shadow boxing in the locker room. Ariana Grace then shows up and tells Vice that Baszler is dangerous and a cage fighter. Lola then says she is too and Grace can find out first hand. Grace then says oh sh*t.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland

The match starts off with Holland sending Osborne crashing into the mat face first, but Osborne responds with a series of strikes. Holland then hits Osborne with a couple of knees, then follows it up with an uppercut and a chop. Holland then hits a snapmare on Osborne and both men wear each other down with submission holds. Holland then sends Osborne into the corner twice, but Osborne jumps off the middle rope and hits Holland with an enzuigiri. Osborne then hits Holland with a moonsault and both men tumble out of the ring. Osborne then hits a jawbreaker on Holland before he nails a dropkick and climbs to the top. Holland then pulls Osborne off, then hits him with a splash in the corner and follows it up with a suplex. Holland then goes for a pin, but Osborne kicks out. Holland then sends Osborne out onto the apron and looks to hit a running powerslam. Osborne then escapes and superkicks Holland out of the ring, then hits him with a dropkick out of the corner and looks to follow it up with a tope suicida. Holland then sees Osborne coming and hits him with a forearm. Holland then looks to use the ring steps, but Thea Hail stops him from doing so.

Holland then gets Osborne back in the ring and Osborne rolls him up. Holland then kicks out and Osborne delivers some forearms on Holland. Osborne then hits a dropkick on Holland, then follows it up with an uppercut in the corner and a chop. Holland then hits a cradle DDT on Osborne for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Ridge Holland!

After the match, Holland offers his hand to Osborne as a sign of respect. Osborne then opts not to shake it and rolls out of the ring.

We then head to the back, where The O.C. is being interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. The O.C. challenges Nathan Frazer and Axiom to an NXT Tag Team Championship Match. Kincaid then tells production to go to the other camera when she gets word that something is happening and we see Oro Mensah seemingly attacked by an unknown person as Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend and other officials check on him.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) vs. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade

The match starts off with Karl Anderson and Edris Enofé. Malik Blade tags in and they double team Anderson. Blade then pins Anderson, but Anderson kicks out. Blade then delivers a right hand on Anderson in the corner, then tags in Enofé. Enofé then hits an elbow off the middle rope, then pins Anderson. Anderson then kicks out once again and Blade tags in. Enofé and Blade then hit a double drop toe hold and a double dropkick, then blasts an interfering Gallows. Anderson then sends Enofé crashing into Reece on the outside and officials help Reece to the back as Enofé looks on in shock at what just happened.

Luke Gallows then has a chinlock on Blade. Gallows then delivers some right hands on Blade in the corner, then tags Anderson back in. Anderson then sends Blade into the corner, then sends him into the adjacent corner and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. Anderson then delivers a couple of uppercuts on Blade, then tags in Gallows. Gallows then hits a suplex on Blade, then follows it up with a headbutt. Blade then hits a jawbreaker on Gallows, then looks to tag in Enofé. Enofé doesn’t see Blade try to make the tag as he is involved in a verbal exchange with Anderson on the apron. Enofé then tags in and delivers some strikes on both Gallows and Anderson. Enofé then hits a couple of dropkicks on Anderson and Gallows in the corner, then follows it up with a bulldog on Gallows and nails Anderson on the apron. Gallows then chokeslams Enofé into the mat, then tags in Anderson. Anderson then knocks Blade in the mat and hits the Magic Killer on him for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)!

After the match, Nathan Frazer and Axiom appear. They blindside The O.C. and hit them with dropkicks off the top rope. Frazer and Axiom then clothesline Gallows to the outside to join Anderson and grab mics before they accept The O.C.’s challenge to an NXT Tag Team Championship Match at Battleground.

We then head to the back, where Dante Chen cuts a promo. Chen watches the video from last week of his win with several other Superstars in the locker room, who cheer him on. Lexis King then walks in upset that Chen beat him last week and Chen agrees to face him later tonight to prove that his win wasn’t a fluke.

We then see NXT Champion Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans prepare for their match against Gallus tonight. Sexyy Red then enters to wish them good luck in their match and the trio leave together.

WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez then makes her way down to the ring to find out her opponent for NXT Battleground.

Perez starts off by taking a moment for herself and saying that she’s the only woman to appreciate the NXT Women’s Championship. Perez then says the title has jumped from waist to waist as women use it as a stepping stone and she’s the only woman who has truly appreciated herself for the title. Perez then says all she’s ever cared about is her title and to everyone else, it represents future greatness instead of present greatness. Perez then says fans are in the presence of greatness right now and she addresses her Battleground opponent. Perez then says she deserves to be treated better than she is and says Ava should be respecting her more.

NXT General Manager Ava’s music then hits and she responds to Perez’s comments about her. Ava then reveals that Perez will be defending her NXT Women’s Championship against the following woman. TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace’s music then hits and she reveals herself as Perez’s opponent. Grace then says some fans might remember her from the Women’s Royal Rumble. Grace then introduces herself and says Perez has built her name in NXT, which is the same thing as she has done in TNA. Grace then says she wants to find out who has built the stronger foundation and says she is fully prepared to leave Las Vegas as a double champion.

We then get a video vignette on Eddy Thorpe, where he was standing over a bonfire. Thorpe says fire was used for healing in his culture. Thorpe then talks about healing for months and he is ready to lead the way for all indigenous people with a dream. Thorpe then says through the fire he’s been reborn.

We then see separate shots of Lola Vice and Arianna Grace as their match is next.

We then head to the back, where we see Riley Osborne and the rest of Chase U argue over whether or not Ridge Holland can be trusted. Duke Hudson then admits that he agrees with Osborne and the two go off to chat. A frustrated Thea Hail then walks off and Holland checks in with Chase who assures him everything is good.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Lola Vice vs. Arianna Grace

The match starts off with Grace hitting a backslide on Vice. Vice then kicks out and Grace rolls her up again. Vice then kicks out again and sends Grace into the corner, then delivers some right and left hands on her in the corner. Vice then hits a Hip Attack on Grace in the corner, then drags her back into the center. Grace then sends Vice into the corner and hits her with an elbow, then follows it up with a suplex and looks to hit an elbow drop. Vice then moves out of the way and hits Grace with a spinning back elbow for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Lola Vice!

After the match, Vice grabs a mic and sends a message to Shayna Baszler ahead of their NXT Underground match. Baszler’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring, but security guards immediately run down to the ring and hold both women back.

We then get a video vignette for Carlee Bright. Bright says she’s going to bring her education and cheerleading skills to NXT. Natalya and Karmen Petrovic then praises Carlee Bright for having a good first match a few weeks ago. Izzi Dame then walks in and starts to talk trash. Karmen Petrovic then tells Izzi to not disrespect a legend like Natalya and not bring negative energy to the locker room. Izzi then continues to talk trash and Petrovic attacks Izzi leading to a pull apart between the two women.

We then see Charlie Dempsey saying losing the Heritage Cup was like losing a part of him. Dempsey then says he needs it back and the No Quarter Catch Crew needs to take a page out of Tony D’Angelo’s book and run this with more structure. Myles Borne then offers to take out D’Angelo and Dempsey says no as he wants Kemp to do it.

We then see Oro Mensah being checked on in the medical office as Lash Legend assures Jakara Jackson she’ll be able to get the truth from Trick Williams as to whether or not he attacked Mensah.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Lexis King vs. Dante Chen

The match starts off with Chen hitting some chops on King in the corner. Chen then follows it up with a boot and sends King into the corner, but King nails him with a superkick and delivers some right hands on him. Chen then delivers some strikes on King, then nails him and follows it up with a brainbuster. King then goes for a pin, but Chen counters into a pinfall of his own for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Dante Chen!

After the match, King attacks Chen and drags him onto the apron. King then delivers some forearms on Chen, then follows it up with a clothesline to his spine and exposes the concrete. King then hits Chen with The Coronation and officials run down to check on Chen.

We then get a promo from Josh Briggs. He was in a black jacket sitting in front of a projector. Briggs talks about how he signed in 2020 wanting to break out on his own. Briggs then says his goals were too big too early, which lead to him getting a little brother and little sister. Briggs then says they did prove they could win, but soon they had to break out on their own. Briggs then says he did get his hands raised a few times, but wondered who he was betting on. Briggs then says he doesn’t know who Josh Briggs is now, but he will find out.

Kelly Kincaid then interviews Shawn Spears, who talks about people like Josh Briggs being unguided. Spears then talks about being down that path before. Spears then says he is going to guide the youth to reach their maximum potential. Spears then says for all their problems he will be the answer.

Luca Crucifino, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Adriana Rizzo then argue at a red table about how the No Quarter Catch Clause kept getting in their way. NXT Heritage Cup Champion “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo then walks in and tells Stacks and Luca they have to take care of NQCC in order to prevent them from getting in their way for the Tag Team Titles. D’Angelo then tells them to be prepared because even though they announced Damon Kemp as an opponent, they can always pull out their Catch Clause thing. Stacks then asks if they should take someone for a ride and D’Angelo refuses and says they can beat NQCC at their own game.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier: Kelani Jordan vs. Wren Sinclair

The match starts off with both women going back and forth with submission holds before Sinclair and Jordan end up on the outside and Jordan flies over the top rope. Both women then get back inside the ring and take turns pinning one another. Jordan then hits Sinclair with a suplex, then follows it up with a split legged moonsault for the win.

The winner of the WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Battleground Ladder Match Qualifier, Kelani Jordan!

We then head to the back to NXT General Manager Ava’s office, where Stevie Turner asks Ava what Jordynne Grace has done to deserve a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship and complains about being overlooked as Mr. Stone stands by. Grace then walks in and challenges Turner to a match next week so they can both show the WWE Universe who they are.

Kelly Kincaid then interviews Wes Lee about qualifying for the NXT North American Championship. Kelly asks Wes about his thoughts on Joe Coffey saying how Gallus is going after both the North American and NXT Titles. Lee says he can see the fire in Gallus’ eyes and their first goal is going after the North American Title, but they won’t get to step two because he is going to win. WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi then enters and talks about how the title will stay with him. Lee then says he has made a career of proving to people like Femi that they are wrong.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and “The Young O.G.” Je’Von Evans vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey and Joe Coffey)

The match starts off with Williams and Evans taking control early on and sending Mark Coffey flying with a slingshot rana. Williams and Evans then pose with Sexyy Red outside the ring. Evans then tries to hit the ropes, but Joe low bridges him. Evans then hits the floor hard. Joe then hits a running headbutt and Evans crashes into the ring steps. Gallus then takes turns working over Evans. Evans then manages to tag in Williams. Williams then clears the ring. Williams then hits a Double Book End. Williams then pins Joe and Mark at the same time and they both kick out. Joe and Mark then work over Williams. Joe then rolls out of the ring and grabs the NXT Championship. Sexyy Red then rips the title out of Joe’s hands. Evans then hits Joe with a dive. Williams then hits Mark with the Trick Shot for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and “The Young O.G.” Je’Von Evans!

After the match, Lash Legend makes her way down to the ring. Evans and Sexyy Red then leave. Legend then asks Williams to be honest with her and asks him if he attacked Mensah and Dar. The lights then go out and when they come back up, someone attacks Williams from behind. Williams then knocks Legend over in the process and it is none other than “All Ego” Ethan Page. Page then yells that he is the one who took out Mensah and Dar. Page then nails Williams with a running knee. Page then stands tall, grabs the NXT Championship and holds it up as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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