It’s Monday night, and you know what that means! WWE RAW will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the May 13, 2024 episode.

The start time for WWE RAW is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

WWE RAW Lineup (5/13/2024):

  • WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: “The Mad Dragon” Ilja Dragunov vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso
  • WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Imperium’s “The Ring General” GUNTHER vs. The New Day’s Kofi Kingston
  • WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Zoey Stark vs. Lyra Valkyria
  • WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Damage CTRL’s IYO SKY vs. Shayna Baszler
  • Singles Match: WWE Women’s World Champion “The Man” Becky Lynch vs. Damage CTRL’s Dakota Kai

WWE RAW Results (5/13/2024):

The show opens up with Imperium’s “The Ring General” GUNTHER, The New Day’s Kofi Kingston, “Main Event” Jey Uso (with his son), “The Mad Dragon” Ilja Dragunov and “The Scottish Warrior” Drew McIntyre shown arriving at the arena. Samantha Irvin then introduces Drew McIntyre and McIntyre makes his way down to the ring as Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcomes us to the show.

We get loud “CM Punk” chants once McIntyre’s music stopped playing. McIntyre starts off by saying maybe if they were in Atlanta or Charlotte, then CM Punk will be there, but Punk only makes the big towns and wouldn’t show up in Greenville. McIntyre then brought up the line about the greatest trick the devil played was convincing the world that he did not exist. McIntyre then says Punk looks like a drug addict even though he has never done drugs. McIntyre then says if you’re a CM Punk fan then you are stupid. McIntyre then accuses RAW General Manager Adam Pearce of giving Punk inside scoop of his schedule. McIntyre then says he will get his hands on Punk and then Punk will beg him to tear his tricep. McIntyre then says until then he will not waste his time on a guy who won’t be cleared for twenty years. McIntyre then says his target is the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and that paper champion Damian Priest.


The Judgment Day’s music then hits and they make their way down to the ring. Damian Priest starts off by saying McIntyre has serious issues. McIntyre then says Priest has an inspirational story and worked his ass off. McIntyre then says Priest deserves all the success in the world, he just doesn’t deserve to be world champion. McIntyre then says it’s a case of the title making the man. McIntyre then labels it the RAW Title and says it needs him in its infancy. Priest then calls McIntyre delusional and says he blames everyone else for his failures. Priest then tells McIntyre to find a mirror, look at the reflection and then blame that asshole. Priest then says McIntyre just had to grab his wife’s hand after winning the title and go enjoy his moment, but he saw Punk and made him more important than himself, the championship and his wife. Priest then mocks McIntyre for getting his ass whooped by a one-armed man. Priest then says if McIntyre wants a shot at the title, then he has it. Priest then says McIntyre could call him a paper champion all he wants, but he’ll eat those words once he is finished with him. Priest then says now you all can rise to that, then he tosses the mic and makes his exit.

We then get a video from earlier today of Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark arriving at the arena. We also see Damage CTRL (IYO SKY, Kairi Sane and Dakota Kai) arriving at the arena as well. Baszler and SKY then jaw jacks at one another until Baszler shoves SKY. WWE producers then quickly intervenes.

IYO SKY then makes her way down to the ring for the first match of the night, which is a WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match, but she gets attacked by Shayna Baszler before the match even begins.

WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Damage CTRL’s IYO SKY vs. Shayna Baszler

The match is already in progress and we see Baszler work over SKY’s arm. SKY then tries to get back in the match, but Baszler hits SKY with an armDT. SKY then goes up top, but Baszler cuts her off and goes for a gut wrench. SKY then escapes and knocks Baszler off the top rope. Baszler’s leg then gets caught in the ropes and SKY hits Baszler with an Asai moonsault. SKY then goes for the Over the Moonsault, but Baszler gets her feet up and SKY blocks it. SKY then puts Baszler in a prawn hold, but Baszler reverses the hold into the Kirifuda Clutch. SKY then reverses the Kirifuda Clutch into an STF, but Baszler escapes and hits SKY with a running knee. SKY then kicks out and blocks Baszler’s knee attempt. SKY then hits Baszler with a dragon screw, then follows it up with the Over the Moonsault and gets the win.

The winner of the WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Match, Damage CTRL’s IYO SKY!

After the match, Jackie Redmond interviews IYO SKY in the ring. SKY grabs the mic and says she would win (in Japanese).

We then head to the back, where we see Carlito with The Judgment Day. They were approached by WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest and Carlito says the group could use extra muscle with Rhea Ripley out. Priest then says the rest of The Judgment Day could work with Carlito if they wanted but as far as he was concerned, Carlito wasn’t welcomed there. Carlito then says he knows Priest didn’t trust him, but thought he would at least trust his boys. Carlito then says even the most stubborn minds can be changed and maybe one day they can be amigos.

We then see Chad Gable speak with Maxxine Dupri, Otis and Akira Tozawa. Gable says Dupri blew her opportunity and embarrassed Alpha Academy. Gable then says Otis will face Sami Zayn. Gable then says he didn’t want funny man Otis because he needed him to soften up Zayn for his WWE Intercontinental Title Match. Gable then tells Tozawa he will face “Big” Bronson Reed and warns him not to blow it or do his dance. Ivy Nile then shows up after the men leaves and asks Dupri why she didn’t ask her to help train for the Queen of the Ring Match. Dupri says Gable didn’t want her training outside of Alpha Academy. Gable then returns and sends Dupri away. Gable then says Nile has potential and tells her to stop wasting her time with “Taylor Not So Swift.”

We then get a video package recapping the King of the Ring First Round Matches that set up The New Day’s Kofi Kingston vs. Imperium’s “The Ring General” GUNTHER.

Cathy Kelley was then shown interviewing Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, who was using a crutch. Kingston says his match was about payback for what GUNTHER did to Woods. Kingston then says his match with WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio reminded him that there is no room for fear in the ring. Woods then speaks about how winning King of the Ring brings honor, but he couldn’t defend that honor thanks to GUNTHER. Woods then says GUNTHER will get his ass beat by one of the greatest champions ever in Kingston and he would learn why New Day rocks.

Samantha Irvin then introduces longtime ring announcer Lilian Garcia and asks her to help introduce the next match. Garcia then says she would and then tells Irvin she is doing an incredible job. Garcia and Irvin then hugs and Garcia introduces Kofi Kingston.

We then head to the back, where WWE World Tag Team Champion R-Truth is speaking with RAW General Manager Adam Pearce. WWE World Tag Team Champion The Miz then approaches them and was nervous that Truth put them in a title match. Pearce then assures Miz that they weren’t defending the titles tonight and that they just needed new contenders, but Miz was still nervous. Kiana James then enters and says she is looking forward to working under Pearce and will prove why she was the 1%. Pearce then tells James not to hesitate to contact him. James then says she doesn’t hesitate, she adjudicates. Truth then says he didn’t know what that meant and thought her comment was not PG.

Imperium’s “The Ring General” GUNTHER then makes his way down to the ring for the next match, which is a WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Match.

WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Imperium’s “The Ring General” GUNTHER vs. The New Day’s Kofi Kingston

Before the match officially starts, Kingston dropkicks GUNTHER off the apron. Kingston then hits GUNTHER with a suicide dive. Kingston then dropkicks GUNTHER to the side of the ring. Kingston then slams GUNTHER’s right knee against the LED board and kicks it several times. GUNTHER then fights back briefly, but Kingston hits GUNTHER with a flying knee from the middle rope. GUNTHER then enters the ring and Kingston wrenches his knee over the apron and then slams it against the ring post. The referee then pulls Kingston away from GUNTHER, but Kingston hits a running kick on GUNTHER’s bad knee.

The match then officially begins and Kingston hits GUNTHER with a top rope Boom Drop for a two count. GUNTHER then rolls out to the floor and sends Kingston to the announce table. GUNTHER then climbs onto the announce table and puts Kingston in a Boston Crab. GUNTHER then releases the hold when the referee admonishes him, then GUNTHER puts Kingston in a half crab. GUNTHER then nails Kingston with a boot to the face. GUNTHER then hits Kingston with a backbreaker. Kingston then avoids a short-arm clothesline from GUNTHER, but GUNTHER avoids the SOS from Kingston as well. Kingston then hits GUNTHER with a top rope crossbody block.

GUNTHER then puts Kingston in a Boston Crab and Kingston rolls over and kicks his way free. Kingston then hits GUNTHER with an SOS for a two count. Kingston then goes up top, but GUNTHER avoids Kingston and hits a dropkick on Kingston from behind. GUNTHER then turns Kingston inside out with a clothesline and gets a two count. GUNTHER then wrenches Kingston’s back around the ring post before pulling him to the floor. Kingston then hits GUNTHER with a hurricanrana that sends him into the ring post. Kingston then hits GUNTHER with a Trouble in Paradise. Kingston then returns to the ring at seven and then GUNTHER gets back at nine. GUNTHER then avoids a second Trouble in Paradise. GUNTHER then powerbombs Kingston and puts him in a Boston Crab and Kingston submits.

The winner of the WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match, “The Ring General” GUNTHER!

We then head to the back, where Jackie Redmond is interviewing Lyra Valkyria. Lyra says she sent a message to Damage CTRL last week and they better get used to her. Lyra then says she had Becky Lynch’s back. WWE Women’s World Champion “The Man” Becky Lynch then appears and wishes Lyra luck tonight. Lynch then leaves and the interview continued, but Liv Morgan interrupts. Morgan says Lyra will have fun on RAW. Lyra then says she appreciates it. Morgan then asks Lyra if Lynch has always been such a b***h. Lyra then tells Morgan she can ask Lynch herself. The camera then shows Lynch standing behind Morgan. Lynch then nails Morgan with a right hand. Lynch then says she wasn’t the one scared of a face-to-face fight. Lynch then calls Morgan a b***h.

We then see Karrion Kross approach Kofi Kingston. Kross calls it a tough loss, but says there is always time to turn things around. Woods then appears and gives Kingston some ice. Woods then asks what Kross wanted and Kingston wasn’t sure.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “Big” Bronson Reed vs. Alpha Academy’s Akira Tozawa

The match starts off with Tozawa delivering a few strikes to Reed. Tozawa then hits a dropkick on off the top rope and Reed goes down. Tozawa then rips off his shirt. Tozawa then goes for a senton off the top rope, but Reed catches Tozawa and hits him with a DVD. Reed then hits Tozawa with a Tsunami for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “Big” Bronson Reed!

After the match, Chad Gable berates Akira Tozawa for losing.

We then head to the back, where Cathy Kelley approaches “The Ring General” GUNTHER for an interview, but GUNTHER blows her off so Ludwig Kaiser takes over. Kelley mentions that Ilja Dragunov beat GUNTHER the last time they wrestled, while GUNTHER’s win over “Main Event” Jey Uso was partially thanks to Jimmy Uso. Kelley also says that GUNTHER’s win over Sheamus last week was also thanks in part to him. Kaiser then reminds Kelley that GUNTHER is the most successful Intercontinental Champion in history. Kaiser then says Sheamus was delusional if he thought he lost to GUNTHER thanks to him. Kaiser then says Sheamus has accomplished a lot, but he has never beaten GUNTHER. Kaiser also says if Sheamus has a problem, then he has no problem exposing him.

We then see Jackie Redmond with RAW General Manager Adam Pearce, who had an announcement regarding the WWE World Tag Team Titles. Tyler Bate comes in and drags Pete Dunne in with him. Bate says he wanted Pearce to know they appreciated the opportunity to be on RAW. Dunne then drags Bate out of the room. Pearce then announces that there will be a Fatal 4-Way Match to determine the new #1 Contenders for the tag titles and the match will be between the New Catch Republic, the Authors of Pain, The Creed Brothers and Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh. Redmond then asks Pearce why Bron Breakker wasn’t in the King of the Ring. Pearce then says Breakker has unlimited potential, but the RAW wrestlers in the tournament earned their opportunities. Pearce then says he didn’t want to shove Bron into the deep end. Breakker then appears and says his opponents in the King of the Ring would have been in the deep end with him. Breakker then says he would have watched them drown and smiled while they did. Breakker then says he should have been in the damn tournament and leaves.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Match.

WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: Zoey Stark vs. Lyra Valkyria

The match starts off with Stark and Valkyria trading strikes and takedowns. Stark then hits Valkyria with a springboard missile dropkick for a near fall. Stark then works over Valkyria, but Valkyria fires up and delivers a flurry of strikes on Stark. Stark then rolls out of the ring, but Valkyria hits Stark with a dropkick through the ropes. Valkyria then hits Stark with a top rope crossbody followed by a Tornado DDT, but Stark kicks out. Valkyria and Stark then trade kicks. Stark then hits Valkyria with a half nelson suplex, but Valkyria kicks out. Stark then misses a dive, but lands on her feet. Valkyria then nails Stark with a spinning heel kick. Valkyria then goes for another Tornado DDT, but Stark counters with a suplex into the corner. Stark then goes for the Z360, but Valkyria reverses it into the Nightwing for the win.

The winner of the WWE Queen of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match, Lyra Valkyria!

After the match, Valkyria cuts a promo in Gaelic. Valkyria says she goes as the crow flies straight to the top.

“Main Event” Jey Uso then cuts a backstage promo. Uso says he was in the tournament because McIntyre couldn’t cut it and Bálor received a Yeet-down last week. Uso then welcomes Dragunov to RAW, but Dragunov would get a Yeet-down just like GUNTHER will next week. Uso then says he will get that crown and become King of the Ring.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn vs. Alpha Academy’s Otis

The match starts off with Otis beating Zayn into a corner. Otis then hits Zayn with a spinning back elbow. Gable then cheers as Otis crushes Zayn in the corner. Otis then calls for the Caterpillar. Gable then hops on the apron and tells Otis no. Otis then rips off his shirt and hits the Caterpillar anyways. Gable then yells at Otis. Otis then goes up top and misses a Vader Bomb. Otis then ends up in the corner and Zayn hits Otis with the Helluva Kick for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn!

After the match, Gable yells at Otis and pie faces him. Zayn then runs back into the ring and suplexes Gable into the corner. Gable then narrowly avoids getting hit with a Helluva Kick. Otis then helps Gable up and Gable tells Otis this is his fault. Gable then slaps Otis. Otis then follows Gable to the back.

We then head to the back, where Braun Strowman puts over the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile. Strowman then tells them that he is enjoying what they are doing. JD McDonagh then enters and confronts Strowman. McDonagh tells Strowman that Judgment Day runs RAW and they don’t appreciate him sticking his nose in their business. McDonagh then tells Strowman this is a warning and Strowman laughs about it.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: WWE Women’s World Champion “The Man” Becky Lynch vs. Damage CTRL’s Dakota Kai

The match starts off with Lynch working over Kai. After a distraction from Sane and SKY, Kai hits Lynch with a boot off the top rope. Kai then beats Lynch down. Lynch then counters a running boot from Kai with a springboard kick in the corner. The fight then spills out to the apron. Kai then misses a leaping stomp and Lynch hits Kai with a rope hang dropkick, but Kai kicks out. Kai then avoids the Manhandle Slam and hits Lynch with a pump kick, but Lynch kicks out. Lynch then hits Kai with a Superplex and goes for an armbar, but Kai counters into a pin. Lynch then kicks out and both women trade pin attempts. Lynch then puts Kai into a Dis-Arm-Her, but before Kai can tap, SKY and Sane attack Lynch causing a disqualification.

The winner of the Singles Match due to a disqualification, WWE Women’s Champion “The Man” Becky Lynch!

After the match, Damage CTRL take turns in beating Lynch up. Lyra Valkyria then makes her way down to the ring to make the save. Liv Morgan then makes her way down to the ring and sends Lynch into the post. Morgan then leaves.

We then head to the back, where Jackie Redmond is interviewing Ilja Dragunov. Dragunov says it was a dream for others to be in this spot, but it wasn’t enough for him just to be here. Dragunov then says he was there to make a moment night in and night out. Dragunov then says he is the Czar of the ring and he knew just when to strike in his win over Ricochet last week and he will do the same to Jey Uso tonight. Dragunov then says he beat GUNTHER before and it is not over between them. GUNTHER then suddenly appears beside Dragunov. GUNTHER then smiles at Dragunov and leaves.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a WWE World Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4-Way Match.

WWE World Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 4-Way Match: The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh) vs. New Catch Republic (“The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne and “The Big Strong Boy” Tyler Bate) vs. Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) vs. The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed and Brutus Creed)

The match starts off with McDonagh and Bálor working over Bate in their corner. Bate then tags Dunne in. Bate and Dunne then hit a double back drop on The Judgment Day. Dunne then snaps McDonagh’s fingers. The AoP then clear the ring. Akam and Rezar then sends McDonagh over the top rope on top of everyone else. Julius Creed then gets the tag and suplexes everyone. Bálor and McDonagh then attack Julius. Julius then suplexes both men at the same time. Julius then hits the standing shooting star. Dunne and Bate then hits stereo moonsaults off the apron, taking out Rezar and Akam. Julius then hops to the top rope and superplexes Bálor, but the AoP break up the pin. Brutus then suplexes Akam. Brutus then goes up top and Bate gates a blind tag. Brutus then hits aa Brutus ball to everyone outside the ring. Bate then blasts Akam with a lariat. Bate then hits an Airplane spin. Bate and Dunne then hits the Burning Hammer on Bálor. Dunne then tries to powerbomb Bálor on the commentary desk, but Carlito appears out of nowhere and attacks Dunne. Carlito then hits a backstabber on Dunne on the commentary desk. Bálor then hits the Coup De Grace on Dunne for the win.

The winners and new #1 Contender’s to the WWE World Tag Team Championships, The Judgment Day!

We then head to the back, where Ricochet approaches Dragunov as he is warming up. Ricochet says he wanted to show respect as they had a hell of a match, but tells him that the outcome of their match will be different when they face each other again. Ricochet then wishes Dragunov luck and tells him to get the crown.

We then see WWE World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest with Dominik Mysterio backstage and Priest asks if everything was good with Ripley. Mysterio doesn’t answer and Bálor, McDonagh and Carlito enter. They were very excited about the win, but Carlito was worried Priest wasn’t happy. Priest says what he did was cool. They were all happy for a moment until Priest tells Carlito he needed to handle his business with Rey Mysterio. Priest then says he wasn’t interested in doing business with him if he let them down.

The lineup for next week’s episode of WWE RAW is then announced.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Match.

WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Round Match: “The Mad Dragon” Ilja Dragunov vs. “Main Event” Jey Uso

The. match starts off with Jey and Dragunov trading strikes. Jey then goes for an enziguiri, but Dragunov avoids it. Dragunov then hits Jey with a spinning chop. Dragunov then goes up top, but Jey hits Dragunov with a dropkick. Dragunov then falls to the floor and Jey hits a dive on Dragunov. Dragunov then fights off of Jey’s shoulders and hits Jey with a leaping knee strike. Dragunov then clears the announce desk. Jey then moves out of the way as Dragunov tries an H-Bomb off the barricade. Jey then hits Dragunov with a spear over the commentary desk. Dragunov and Jey then trade shots. Dragunov then gets a near fall after hitting the Constantine Special on Jey. Dragunov then lights Jey up with chops in the corner. Before Jey can recover, Dragunov face washes Jey. Jey then blocks Dragunov’s second Constantine Special with a superkick to Dragunov’s arm. Jey then delivers a flurry of superkick on Dragunov for a near fall. Dragunov then blocks a spear from Jey with a knee to the face. Dragunov then hits Jey with a running knee strike, then follows it up with a powerbomb. Dragunov then calls for the H-Bomb, but Jey kicks out. Jey then counters the Torpedo Moskau with a Spear. Jey then hits the Uso Splash on Dragunov for the win.

The winner of the WWE King of the Ring Tournament Quarterfinals Match, “Main Event” Jey Uso!

After the match, “The Ring General” GUNTHER makes his way down to the ring and laughs at Dragunov. GUNTHER then has a stare-down with Jey Uso as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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