The Tonga Twins, Kaoz and Kona, made headlines recently with their departure announcement from Women of Wrestling on social media. Their exit coincides with allegations of bullying and causing harm to fellow WOW wrestlers, which has ignited a public discussion. In response, they’ve countered the bullying accusations with video evidence.

In their criticism, the Twins didn’t mince words, denouncing the WOW promotion as ‘malevolent’ and accusing it of encroaching on their family life, though refraining from divulging specifics.

“We will be speaking out soon. But for now, we will leave it here. To all the women who are scared to speak up, we stand for you! You will no longer see us on WOW because we spoke up! You can’t do this to GOOD PEOPLE WHO SACRIFICE THEIR FAMILY!!! So Evil. Mess with us, you mess with our KIDS and family and that’s PERSONAL. Wait on it …”

“Tonga Twins are now free agents!!!!! The marathon continues”


In a surprising development, current WOW talent Simone Williams recently accused the Twins of bullying and causing harm to fellow WOW wrestlers. Contrary to their announcement, Williams stated that the Twins were fired from the promotion rather than leaving voluntarily, and she criticized their behavior as egotistical.

“WOW has many flaws and has had a ton of growing pains with good and bad decisions along the way, but what’s happening right now is NOT RIGHT. The Tonga Twins were LET GO, they did not quit. The Tonga Twins were called out because of their own actions of BULLYING talent, THREATENING talent, and acting off-brand online. All of which is documented and hopefully for their sake doesn’t make it online. Women’s empowerment isn’t about burning a company down and taking everyone’s jobs away from them because you didn’t like being told NO, when just hours before being let go, you’re sending locker room leader motivational speeches in a company-wide group chat. WOW has a long way to go that’s clear, but I’ll be damned if I let the ego of two very well-treated and pushed talent speak on our behalf out of spite.”

In response to the bullying accusations, Kona Tonga took to Twitter and uploaded a couple of videos, where she was seen giving a rallying speech and pep talk to the WOW’s locker room, as she essentially proved she is not a bully.

”And today, tomorrow and Saturday, let’s go treat every match like a f****** main event match. Sorry for my language, that’s how I talk. I have a quote that I keep with me and my sister and I wanna share it with all of you cuz ya’ll are my sister and I’m thankful to be here and share a locker room with everyone of ya’ll. It’s ‘Sometimes me, sometimes you, but always us.”

An independent wrestler also requested their release from WOW after getting sent to the ER due to the Tonga twins. The future plans of the Tonga Twins are uncertain, sparking speculation about potential transition to WWE, but this video evidence might just change that.

Are you surprised by this video evidence provided by the Tonga twins? Let us know in the comments section below!

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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