Welcome to our live coverage of TNA Under Siege 2024, broadcasting from the Washington Avenue Armory in Albany, New York. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 7:30 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

TNA Under Siege 2024 Matches (5/3/2024):

  • 6-Man Tag Team Match: The System (TNA World Champion Moose and TNA World Tag Team Champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards) vs. “Broken” Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain (“Speedball” Mike Bailey and Trent Seven)
  • Intergender Match: TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace and PCO vs. Steph De Lander and Kon
  • TNA X-Division Championship Match: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Ace Austin
  • Tag Team Match: “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander and Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian and Steve Maclin
  • Singles Match: “The Octopus” Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA
  • Singles Match: Hammerstone vs. Jake Something
  • TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) (c) vs. The System’s Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich
  • Singles Match: Laredo Kid vs. Rich Swann
  • Singles Match: Joe Hendry vs. The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz
  • Countdown To Under Siege Match: Ash By Elegance vs. Havok
  • Countdown To Under Siege Match: The F.B.I (Guido, Ray Jaz and Zack Clayton) in action

Countdown To TNA Under Siege 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show (5/3/2024):

The show opens up with Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcoming us as “The War Machine” Rhino makes his way down to the ring for the first match of the night. VSK is already waiting in the ring.

Singles Match: “The War Machine” Rhino vs. VSK

The match starts off with VSK flexing at Rhino as Rhino hypes up the crowd. Rhino then overpowers VSK. VSK then briefly gains the upper hand. Rhino then sends VSK to the outside with an Irish whip. VSK then slams Rhino face-first onto the apron, but Rhino responds with a suplex on VSK on the apron. Rhino then rallies with a flurry of offense, then hits VSK with the Gore for the win.


The winner of the Singles Match, “The War Machine” Rhino!

Commentary then announces some changes to the card as Hammerstone is not medically cleared to compete tonight.

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing Ace Austin about his X-Division Title match later tonight. Austin says he and Chris Bey have had some disagreements recently, but he agrees that they are both talented enough to team up and pursue singles success. Austin then says he was no stranger to beating the odds and he made his own luck. Austin then predicts he will win. Austin then says that even though Bey is not there tonight, he will not have trouble finding someone to celebrate with.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: The F.B.I (Ray Jaz and Zack Clayton) vs. The Batiri (Kodama and Obariyon)

The match starts off with Zack Clayton gaining the upper hand right away. Clayton then hits a double shoulder block on both Kodama and Obariyon, then sends Kodama across the ring. Clayton then hits Kodama with a big boot. Jaz then tags in and he hits the Sicilian Slice on Kodama. Jaz then hits a suplex on Kodama and Kodama tries to rally. Obariyon then tags in and The Batiri double teams Jaz. Clayton then tags in and he clears house. Clayton then slams Obariyon. Clayton then hits Kodama with a neckbreaker. Jaz then hits Obariyon with a diving elbow drop for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, The F.B.I!

We then see Frankie Kazarian getting upset with Steve Maclin for being late. They then agree to handle business tonight.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a TNA Digital Media Championship Match.

TNA Digital Media Championship Match: Laredo Kid (c) vs. KC Navarro

The match starts off with Kid and Navarro feeling each other out with fast-paced offense. Kid then hits Navarro with a slam and sends him to the outside. Kid then hits a springboard moonsault on Navarro. Navarro then hits Kid with a dropkick. Navarro then dodges a moonsault from Kid and hits Kid with a superkick. Navarro then hits Kid with a DDT for a two count. Kid then hits Navarro with a Laredo Fly off the top rope for the win.

The winner and still the TNA Digital Media Champion, Laredo Kid!

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt then runs down the card for tonight’s PPV. Hannifan and Rehwoldt then note that Hammerstone is not medically cleared tonight and will be replaced by Rich Swann in the match against Jake Something and the Countdown To TNA Under Siege 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show comes to a close.

TNA Under Siege 2024 Results (5/3/2024):

The show opens up with a video package highlighting all of the matches taking place on the PPV.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the main show, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander and Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian and Steve Maclin

The match starts off with Eric Young putting on some headgear to match Josh Alexander. Young then takes the fight to Kazarian and Kazarian immediately tags out. Young then briefly squares off with Maclin and Alexander tags in. Kazarian then tags in and Alexander hits a running senton on Maclin and he maintains the advantage. Maclin then trips up Alexander and Kazarian gains the upper hand. Kazarian and Maclin then double team Alexander and isolate him.

Kazarian then hits a suplex on Alexander and keeps him grounded. Alexander then tries to come back in the match, but Maclin stops Alexander’s momentum. Kazarian and Maclin then continue to control the action. Young then jumps off the apron to chase Kazarian at ringside. Maclin then hits a clothesline on Young, which leads to Alexander not having anyone to tag. Alexander then hits Kazarian with a belly-to-belly off the top rope. Maclin and Young then tag in and Young gains momentum with a flurry of offense. Kazarian then distracts Young and Maclin nails him from behind. Alexander then hits a suplex on Maclin. Kazarian then hits a slingshot DDT. Young then hits Kazarian with a neckbreaker. Maclin then trips him up and goes up top. Maclin then hits a running Spear. on Young in the corner. Alexander then hits Maclin with a powerbomb. Maclin then hits Alexander with an Olympic slam. Young and Kazarian then go back and forth. Maclin then hits a clothesline on Alexander over the ropes. Maclin then accidentally hits Kazarian with a knee. Alexander then takes Maclin out. Young then hits Kazarian with a piledriver for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander and Eric Young!

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match, but The Personal Concierge of Ash By Elegance says that he received a blessing and holy water to purify the ring and get rid of the evil spirits before the match begins.

Singles Match: Ash By Elegance vs. Havok

The match starts off with Havok gaining the upper hand and Ash By Elegance heading to the outside to regroup. Ash then returns in the ring and Havok controls the action. Havok then overpowers Ash and hits her with a backbreaker. Ash then rolls to the outside once again and Rosemary distracts Ash. Ash then gets back in the ring and kicks Havok’s leg. Havok then counters a slap from Ash and nails her with a headbutt. Havok then hits Ash with a suplex. Havok then goes for a Death Valley Driver, but Ash’s Personal Concierge throws holy water at her. Ash then capitalizes and hits a slam on Havok off the ropes. Ash’s Personal Concierge then throws holy water at Rosemary. Rosemary then drinks it and chases Ash’s Personal Concierge to the back. Ash then reverses a suplex into a pin for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Ash By Elegance!

After the match, Ash By Elegance chokes Havok with some garlic and attacks her. Ash then hits Havok with a chair and keeps attacking her. Ash then hits Havok with a senton onto a chair. Ash then hits a slam on Havok face-first onto the ramp.

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing “Broken” Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain (“Speedball” Mike Bailey and Trent Seven). Mike Bailey says he feels a bit broken. Trent Seven then tells Bailey to pull himself together because they have reached the main event and are now House Hardy. Matt then says The System was under siege. Matt then says TNA is with TNA and he is with his family in Speedball Mountain. Matt then gives Bailey and Seven “coats of arms” to keep them safe tonight. Bailey then says it’s time for Under Siege and Seven says it’s time to delete The System.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Joe Hendry vs. The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz

The match starts off with Zachary Wentz taking the fight to Joe Hendry. Hendry then goes for the Standing Ovation early, but Wentz counters and sends Joe to the outside. Wentz then takes control of the match and nails Hendry with a kick. Wentz then grounds Hendry and nails him with more kicks. Wentz then goes for a dive, but Hendry catches him and sends him back in the ring. Wentz then gains the upper hand again, but Hendry hits the Standing Ovation on Wentz and gets the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Joe Hendry!

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) (c) vs. The System’s Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich

The match starts off with Masha Slamovich and Dani Luna feeling each other out. Threat then tags in and Spitfire double teams Slamovich. Slamovich then gains the upper hand and Edwards tags in and talks some trash. Luna then nails Edwards and Edwards tags out. Slamovich then takes control and Slamovich and Edwards then double team Threat. Threat then tries to get back in the match, but Slamovich breaks up a pin attempt and knocks Luna off the apron. Threat and Luna then double team Slamovich. Edwards then goes to hit Luna with a kendo stick, but Luna counters. Edwards then hits Threat with a kendo stick and Slamovich hits the Snow Plow on Threat for the win.

The winners and new TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, The System’s Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich!

After the match, Slamovich and Edwards celebrate with TNA World Tag Team Champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards.

We then head to the back, where First Class (AJ Francis and Rich Swann) is cutting a promo. AJ talks about moving on from Joe Hendry’s apology. AJ then says that Rich Swann would have beaten Laredo Kid in their scheduled non-title match, but now he will beat Jake Something.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: First Class’ Rich Swann vs. Jake Something

The match starts off with Swann and Something feeling each other out. Jake then gains the upper hand. AJ Francis then distracts Something and Swann sneaks in and kicks Something in the back. Swann then controls the action and grounds Something. Something then tries to rally, but Swann rakes him in the eyes. Francis then hits Something when the referee isn’t looking. Swann then rakes Something in his eye again and nails him with a kick. Something then tries to get back in the match and he blasts Swann with a lariat. Something then hits Swann with a torture rack slam. Swann then nails Something with a kick. AJ Francis then attacks Something again. Cody Deaner then comes out and tells the referee not to throw the match and that he can chop down that Dollar Tree instead. Deaner then brawls with Francis. Francis then slams Deaner onto the apron. Something then dives onto Francis. Swann then dives onto Something. Swann then hits Something with a back-handspring cutter and follows it up with a frog splash for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Rich Swann!

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Octopus” Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA

The match starts off with KUSHIDA and Gresham going back and forth. Both men then trade shots. Gresham then bites KUSHIDA’s hand and puts KUSHIDA in a submission hold. KUSHIDA then tries to get back in the match. Gresham then evades the Hoverboard lock from KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA then gets a two count after a flurry of offense. Both KUSHIDA and Gresham are now down after a fast-paced exchange of offense. Both men trade shots once again. Gresham then rubs some black stuff on KUSHIDA’s face. Gresham then spits more of that black stuff out of his mouth and chokes KUSHIDA with it. Gresham then holds KUSHIDA down and gets the win.

The winner of the match, “The Octopus” Jonathan Gresham!

After the match, the referee in charge of the match checks on KUSHIDA as he continues to choke on the black stuff. The referee then signals for help and officials make their way down to the ring to check on KUSHIDA.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an Intergender Match.

Intergender Match: TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace and PCO vs. Steph De Lander and Kon

The match starts off with Grace tagging in and squaring off with Kon. Kon then goes for a slam, but Grace counters. Grace then delivers some strikes on Kon. De Lander then tags in and gains the upper hand as she slams Grace. PCO then tags in and he trades some shots with Kon. PCO then hits the PCO-sault on Kon, but De Lander breaks up the pin. Kon then knocks PCO to the outside. Kon then grounds PCO, but PCO tries to get back in the match and both men are down. PCO then fires up and tags Grace in. Grace then clears house with a flurry of offense. Grace then hits the Juggernaut Jackhammer for a two count. De Lander then slams Grace into the corner. PCO then goes for a chokeslam on De Lander and De Lander flirts with PCO. De Lander then dances with PCO and PCO goes for a kiss. Kon then breaks it up and chokeslams PCO. Grace then hits Kon below the belt and slams him. PCO then dives onto Kon to the outside. Grace then hits De Lander with a powerbomb, a backfist and the Juggernaut Driver for the win.

The winners of the Intergender Match, TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace and PCO!

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a TNA X-Division Championship Match.

TNA X-Division Championship Match: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Ace Austin

The match starts off with Mustafa Ali and Ace Austin battling each other back and forth. Both men then trade counters. Austin then dives onto Ali to the outside. Ali then gets Austin back into the ring, but sends him to the outside and dives onto him as well. Ali then hits a tornado DDT on Austin on the outside. Ali then hits Austin with a neckbreaker. Austin then hits Ali with a clothesline and drives his face into the canvas. Austin then goes for a slam, but he lets go of Ali as his neck is bothering him. Ali then sends Austin crashing into the ring post. Ali then puts Austin in an STF against the turnbuckle. Austin then fights out of a wrist lock. Austin then hits Ali with a slam and targets Ali’s arm. Ali then hits Austin with a German suplex onto the floor. Austin then hits Ali with a belly-to-belly. Both men then trade shots. Austin then hits Ali with a kick. Ali’s security then tries to interfere, but Austin fights them off and hits Ali with The Fold, but one of Ali’s security pulls him out of the ring. Austin then attacks the security. Ali then tries to hit Austin with the title, but the referee stops him. Ali then kicks Austin off the top and he falls onto the title belt. Ali then hits Austin with the 450 for the win.

The winner and still the TNA X-Division Champion, Mustafa Ali!

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a 6-Man Tag Team Match.

6-Man Tag Team Match: The System (TNA World Champion Moose and TNA World Tag Team Champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards) vs. “Broken” Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain (“Speedball” Mike Bailey and Trent Seven)

The match starts off with Matt Hardy and Brian Myers. Hardy says he wants Moose. Moose tags in, but quickly tags out. Edwards then sends Hardy into the corner, but Hardy bites him. Bailey and Seven then double team Edwards. Edwards then gains the upper hand and tags Bailey in. Hardy, Bailey and Seven then hit Myers with some tandem offense. Bailey and Seven then take control of the match. Moose then overpowers Bailey. Edwards then tags in and takes control of the match. Edwards then and Myers then double team Bailey. Moose and Myers then continue to control the match. Alisha Edwards then chokes Bailey on the ropes. Bailey then tries to rally, but Moose slams him. Bailey then hits a suplex on Edwards, but Edwards responds by sending Bailey into the corner. Seven then tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. The System then gains the upper hand again.

Seven then rallies and sends Myers to the outside. Myers and Edwards then pull Bailey and Hardy off the apron, but Seven is still able to tag Hardy. Hardy then clears house and unloads on The System. Hardy then hits Edwards with a Side Effect. Moose then tags in and Hardy gets in Moose’s face. Both men then trade punches. Moose then nails Hardy with a big boot. Hardy then hits Moose with a cutter. Edwards then stops a Twist of Fate attempt. Hardy then tags Bailey in and Bailey hits Myers with a dropkick. Myers then hits Bailey with a Spear. Hardy, Bailey and Seven then rally and hit stereo Twist of Fates on The System. Seven and Bailey then dive onto Myers and Edwards. Moose then gains the upper hand and powerbombs Bailey. Moose then slams Seven onto the apron. Hardy then bites Moose’s fingers and hits a Twist of Fate on him on the floor. Hardy then puts Moose through a table with a diving leg drop. Bailey and Seven then double team Edwards. Seven then hits Edwards with a Burning Hammer, but Alisha breaks up the pin. Eddie then hits Seven below the belt and Eddie and Myers double team Seven for the win.

The winners of the 6-Man Tag Team Match, The System!

After the match, The System stands tall and celebrates with all the gold as TNA Under Siege comes to a close.

Tags: TNA Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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