The pro wrestling community is currently abuzz with discussions surrounding AEW’s choice to broadcast backstage footage from last year’s All In event, which may include appearances by Jack Perry and CM Punk. In light of this development, Jeff Jarrett has shared an intriguing perspective.

During the April 10 episode of AEW Dynamite, the Young Bucks are set to present footage from AEW All In for the first time. While details have not been officially confirmed, All In was the location of the backstage incident between CM Punk and Jack Perry, resulting in Punk’s termination and Perry’s suspension. Punk has since signed with WWE, and Perry has yet to return to AEW. Tony Khan has verified that genuine footage will be shown on Dynamite.

On his My World podcast with Conrad Thompson, Jeff Jarrett discussed AEW’s decision to air the All In footage on AEW Dynamite.

He emphasized the importance of creating buzz in the wrestling industry, especially during high-traffic periods like WrestleMania weekend. Jarrett noted that blurring the lines between reality and fiction has always been a key element in wrestling storytelling, dating back to the territory days and continuing through iconic eras like the Attitude Era.


“It goes without saying that the highest-trafficked weekend out of all 52 weeks of the year online is WrestleMania Monday. But now that WrestleMania is two nights, I would assume that the metrics are sky-high on night one and night two, and today, going into day three, they’re all gonna be very high. To create that kind of buzz, I mean, people…have come unhinged in so many kind of different ways. I often in my mind think, ‘Now Jeff, are you not processing this in 2024 mindset? Because Conrad, from the day I broke in, I was always of the mindset to create the most revenue. I know this sounds cliche, but to create the most revenue in our industry, you gotta have big personalities and larger-than-life, and you gotta define whose the protagonist and antagonist, babyface and heel, all those kind of things. But at the very core, the way to create the most revenue is to blur the lines. Period. End of story. Blur the lines on, ‘Now is that real, or is…wait a minute. That wasn’t supposed to happen, that wasn’t supposed to be said.’

Jarrett highlighted examples such as the NWO invasion and Stone Cold Steve Austin’s rebellious persona as instances where blurring the lines created immense fan engagement and revenue. He expressed excitement about the potential for AEW to generate buzz with the airing of real footage, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the wrestling business and the enjoyment that comes from it.

Nowadays, everybody is perceived so in tune with the business. ‘Hey, man, he went off-script.’ You look at the success, I’m not gonna get into the territory days because it’s what they did every Saturday morning, not just in Memphis but around the country, try to blur the lines, get people dialed in. Well, the Attitude Era, at its very core, kicked it off. NWO, it was the WWF invading WCW. Hogan, Hall, and Nash. Holy smokes, we never thought we would see that. Then you got onto the Attitude Era, and you go, ‘Oh my god, Vince is really the boss, and Austin’s talking to him that way? There’s no way…Austin went off-script.’ The whole domino effect, and the ebb and flow of it all is blurring the lines. So what a set of circumstances that we have [on Wednesday], the whole essence of, we’re going to see real footage, I’m assuming. I don’t have any insider knowledge, I actually work there, but I’m glad I don’t know any of this because it makes it fun.”

Jarrett continued by expressing curiosity about how AEW would blur the lines with the airing of the real footage, considering the widespread anticipation surrounding it. He acknowledged the significant amount of conversation generated by AEW over WrestleMania weekend and conveyed his excitement for the upcoming episode of Dynamite.

“We’re gonna see the security footage…Schiavone said security cameras footage. We’re gonna see real footage, and how’s this gonna blur the lines? Where’s it going? Who’s involved? Who’s not involved? But certainly a weekend that was, obviously the whole world was talking WWE and WrestleMania and everything that goes with it, and the new regime, I would say AEW has quite a bit of chatter. Whether it’s good or bad, that’s up for everyone’s debate. But at the end of the day, we’ll see how it plays out on Wednesday, and that’s the greatest thing about this business that I learned as a kid. ‘Hey son, there’s always Saturday morning. We get to reshuffle the deck. I don’t care how good or bad our TV or our houses were this week. We gotta go do it again and saddle up.’ So it’s exciting, man. It is so exciting.”

Ringside News has exclusively reported WWE’s internal reaction to AEW’s decision to air the All In footage, which outlined how the company believes it’s misguided and foolish. We will have to wait and see whether the footage will be damning for CM Punk or if it will purely be for an angle.

Do you feel all hell will break loose once the footage is released on this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite? Sound off in the comments section below!

Tags: AEW All In
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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