It’s Friday night, and you know what that means! WWE SmackDown will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the March 15, 2024 episode.

The start time for WWE SmackDown is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

WWE SmackDown Lineup (3/15/2024):

  • Bayley vs. Dakota Kai
  • Rey Mysterio to return
  • The Bloodline (Roman Reigns & The Rock) to appear
  • Six-Pack Ladder Match Qualifier: New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson)
  • Six-Pack Ladder Match Qualifier: Legado Del Fantasma (Angel & Humberto) vs. LWO (Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde)
  • Randy Orton vs. Grayson Waller
  • Dragon Lee vs. Santos Escobar

WWE SmackDown Results (3/15/2024):

The show opens up with a video package recapping what happened between the Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson), “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes and World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins last week.

Corey Graves and Wade Barrett then welcomes us to the show as The Rock makes his way down to the ring.


The Rock starts off by saying he usually tortures every city he is in, but tonight is different as Memphis was the place where The Rock started his wrestling career. The Rock then jokes about his “Flex Kavana” name. The Rock then says they are going to have some fun as it is the home of the blues. The Rock then highlights the band he has with him and says this song is about what will happen to Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins at WrestleMania 40. The Rock then says he is going to lay the SmackDown on Cody and his best friend, the clown. The Rock then says he could beat them with his fanny pack.

The Rock then says Rhodes won’t have a choice but to cry to his mom. The Rock then brings up Rhodes’ mom and calls Cody a mama’s boy. The Rock then says this is a story about how Cody was born. The Rock then says that Cody turned out weird and he shows Stardust on the video screen. The Rock then jokes about Dusty Rhodes being on drugs and using cheap condoms as he says Cody was a mistake. The Rock then calls Seth Rollins the living embodiment of cringe. The Rock then says it’s no wonder Seth’s wife is more popular than him and threatens to make Rollins’ title disappear.

The Rock then makes a joke about Ja Morant and turns his attention to the Cody crybabies and says they had to pay cash for sex. The Rock then says Cody will bleed and those “crybaby bitches” can cry about it. The Rock then says they can all kiss his ass. The Rock then says there are some lines that you don’t cross and they can all kiss the ass of “The Final Boss.”

The Rock then ends his song and gets serious as he brings up Cody slapping him on SmackDown. The Rock then says Cody had grown some balls and he was waiting to see how Rhodes would respond. The Rock then criticizes Cody for crying. The Rock then turns his attention to “Mama Rhodes” and says he will make Cody Rhodes and his family pay at WrestleMania 40. The Rock then says that the title will be staying with Roman Reigns and he will give his belt, covered in Cody’s blood, to his mom at WrestleMania. The Rock then says he will whisper in the ear of Cody’s mom, “What can I say except you’re welcome?” The Rock then ends the segment by saying, “If you smell what the Final Boss is cooking.”

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a 6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier.

6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier: Legado Del Fantasma (Angel and Humberto) vs. LWO (Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde)

The match starts off with Angel and Humberto controlling the action and isolating Cruz Del Toro early on. The LWO then try to get back in the match and dive onto their opponents at ringside. Del Toro then hits a springboard moonsault on Humberto and gets a two count. Humberto then gains the upper hand and grounds Del Toro. Angel then knocks Joaquin Wilde off the ropes with a cheap shot. Angel and Humberto then pushes Del Toro off the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor. Del Toro then tries to get back in the match with a Spanish fly. Wilde then comes back with a flurry of offense. Wilde then hits Angel with a tornado DDT. Angel and Humberto then take control of the match and get the win with a double team maneuver on Wilde.

The winners of the 6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier, Legado Del Fantasma!

We then head to the entrance way, where Kayla Braxton is interviewing LA Knight. Knight starts off by calling AJ Styles out and daring Styles to humble him. There is no response and Knight says Styles isn’t big enough for this ride. Knight then questions Styles for not showing up, then Knight calls Styles the biggest mark of them all. Knight then says he knows somewhere Styles can show up and that’s WrestleMania. Knight then challenges Styles to face him at WrestleMania. Knight also says he will own Styles’ ass at WrestleMania. Styles then attacks Knight from behind with a chair and accepts Knight’s challenge.

We then see WWE United States Champion Logan Paul have a talk with SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis and ask him how “The Viper” Randy Orton will be punished for his actions last week. Paul says he thinks Orton should apologize. Aldis then says Paul should request that apology in person. Paul then takes a shot at Aldis by saying he can’t trust Aldis to do his job as he hasn’t found him an opponent for WrestleMania.

A video clip of WWE United States Champion Logan Paul announcing that SummerSlam will take place in Cleveland then airs.

We then see The Bloodline (special counsel “The Wiseman” Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa) walking backstage and they are interrupted by Kayla Braxton. Jimmy Uso starts to yell and responds to “Main Event” Jey Uso’s challenge for WrestleMania 40 by saying the match is on.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Viper” Randy Orton vs. Grayson Waller

The match starts off with Orton and Waller facing off. Logan Paul then makes his way out and joins the commentary desk. Waller then takes advantage and punches Orton in the corner. Orton then turns it around and punches Waller. Both men head to the outside and Orton sends Waller into the timekeeper’s area. Waller then gains momentum by slamming Orton into the commentary table. Orton then rallies and slams Waller onto the commentary table. Theory then distracts Orton, but Orton dodges Waller and sends him crashing into Theory. Orton then hits Waller with his patented draping DDT. Theory then saves Waller from an RKO, but Orton hits Theory with his patented draping DDT. Orton then hits Waller with an RKO and gets the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Randy Orton!

After the match, Theory hits Orton with a chop block and invites Logan Paul in the ring to help beat Orton down. Paul then makes his way in the ring and Theory holds Orton in place. Paul then looks to deliver a right hand to Orton, but Kevin Owens makes his way down to the ring to make the save. Owens then fights Theory off and Paul leaves the ring. Owens then helps Orton up and Orton almost hits Owens with an RKO presumably thinking he was Paul, Theory or Waller. Owens then hits a Stunner on Theory and Orton follows it up with an RKO. SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis then makes his way out to the entrance way and asks Paul if he got any apology from Orton. Aldis then informs Paul that he will be defending the United States Championship against Randy Orton and Kevin Owens in a Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania.

Damage CTRL was then interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Dakota Kai called Bayley out and says she is going to break Bayley. Kai also says it is all Bayley’s doing because Bayley was jealous of IYO SKY. Kai then says they had to cut Bayley loose for Damage CTRL to grow stronger. Kai then says Damage CTRL runs SmackDown.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Legado Del Fantasma’s Santos Escobar vs. LWO’s Dragon Lee

The match starts off with Lee taking the fight to Escobar and gaining the upper hand as he stuns Escobar with a kick. Lee then hits a powerbomb on Escobar and gets a two count. Lee then kicks Angel as he tries to interfere and Lee takes Humberto down with a hurricanrana. Lee then gets back in the ring and Escobar takes advantage by hitting Lee with a Phantom Driver and getting the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Santos Escobar!

After the match, Legado Del Fantasma continues their beat down on Lee in the ring, but Carlito makes his way down to the ring to make the save. Escobar then runs Carlito over, but WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio makes his way down to the ring and delivers some right hands on Escobar. Mysterio then hits Escobar with a hurricanrana that sends Escobar crashing into the ropes. Mysterio then looks for the 619, but Escobar escapes before Mysterio can deliver his finisher. Rey then grabs a mic and says it was supposed to be him and Escobar together. Mysterio then challenges Escobar to a singles match next week and promises to slap the arrogant smile off of Escobar’s face.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a 6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier.

6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier: New Catch Republic (“The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne and “The Big Strong Boy” Tyler Bate) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince and Kit Wilson)

The match starts off with Dunne controlling the action early on. Prince then sneaks up from behind and trips Dunne on the apron, which helps Wilson gain the upper hand. Pretty Deadly then isolates Dunne and Dunne tries to get back in the match and tags Bate in. Bate then clears house with a flurry of offense. Bate then hits a standing Shooting Star Press on Prince followed by the Airplane Spin. Bate then slams Prince. Dunne then rallies with a series of strikes. Bate and Dunne then double team Wilson. All. four men then trade strikes. Pretty Deadly then slams Dunne into the ring post and double team Bate. Bate then blasts Wilson with a clothesline. Bate and Dunne then hit Wilson with the Burning Hammer for the win.

The winners of the 6-Pack Challenge Ladder Match Qualifier, New Catch Republic!

The lineup for next week’s episode of WWE SmackDown is then announced.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Bayley vs. Damage CTRL’s Dakota Kai

The match starts off with Bayley hitting Kai with right hands, but Kai rolls out of the ring. Bayley then puts Kai back in the ring and Kai hits Bayley with an open palm strike, but Bayley pushes Kai into the corner and delivers a stomp on Kai in the corner. Sane then jumps up on the apron, but Bayley nails her. Bayley then trips Kai on the apron and hits her with a suplex off the apron.

Bayley then hits Kai with a running knee to her head. Kai then lands her knee into the back of Bayley’s head and Asuka takes a cheap shot while the referee is distracted. Bayley then climbs to the top rope, but Kai hits her with an enzuigiri and joins Bayley. Bayley then fights Kai off and hits Kai with an elbow drop, but Kai responds with a kick to Bayley’s head. Sane then tries to interfere and SKY pulls her off while the referee is distracted. Kai then hits a running kick to Bayley, but Bayley hits her with a powerbomb and several right hands. Bayley then turns around and SKY is in the ring with her belt. Asuka and Sane look to interfere, but Bayley nails them. SKY then hits Bayley with her belt and the referee calls for the bell.

The winner of the Singles Match via disqualification, Bayley!

After the match, Sane and Asuka join SKY to continue their beat-down on Bayley, but Naomi makes her way down to the ring to make the save. Damage CTRL then outnumbers and overpowers Naomi and SKY hits Bayley with an Over The Moonsault as the rest of Damage CTRL holds her in place. Damage CTRL then stands tall as the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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