Josh Alexander will be staying with TNA for one year, at the minimum. The wrestling company decided to exercise their option to extend the former world champion’s contract to continue their success story. Now, more details about about Alexander’s contract have been revealed.

According to Fightful Select, Alexander’s contract was set to expire in February 14th, and had the option year not been exercised, he would have become a free agent. However, with TNA picking up the optional year extension, Alexander’s current deal is now set to expire on February 14, 2025. At that point he’ll be a free agent unless another contract extension is negotiated.

“Alexander’s TNA deal would have been up on February 14, which if the option year was not exercised, he would have been a free agent. As the deal was two years with a company option year, TNA picked that up. Alexander’s current deal expires on February 14, 2025, at what point he’ll be a free agent unless another extension is reached.”

This comes after many speculated that the extension might have been due to injury time, but this isn’t the case. According to the outlet, while being sidelined due to injury Alexander contributed by working backstage and as a producer.


Alexander will have been with the company for six years by the end of this extension. It remains to be seen what else he goes on to achieve with TNA in future. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more!

What’s your take on Alexander’s contract extension? Let us know in the comments!

Shubham Banerjee

Shubham Banerjee is a computer science student and news correspondent. His love for technology, gadgets, and coding led him to pursue this field. Outside of academics, he enjoys photography, exploring music, and following football, although Barcelona's European performance always disappoints him.

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