Ever since the House of Black came together, they have proven that are a dangerous faction who aren’t afraid of any one and that was quite evident tonight.

Tonight on AEW Collision, Mark Briscoe squared off in a singles match against Brody King. Despite Brody’s size, Mark was aggressive early on in the match. He was ready to get down and dirty with Brody King. In fact, the referee had a lot of work to do to keep things in check.

However, as the match went on, Julia Hart proved to be a real distraction and this resulted in King shoving Briscoe through a table. In the end, King was able to put away Briscoe but his night didn’t end there.

Following the match, Brody King held up Mark Briscoe and Julia Hart rammed a huge nail into his head. Hart and King then left the ring as Mark Briscoe lay in a pool of his own blood.


The reason behind this unnecessary attack wasn’t explained but it won’t be enough to keep Mark Briscoe down. Stay tuned to Ringside News as we bring you live coverage of AEW Collision.

What did you make of this match? Do you think the post-match assault was unnecessary? Sound off in the comments section.

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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