The story between Cody Rhodes and Roman Reign has been going on for a year now. Everyone waited in anticipation to see The American Nightmare finish his story.

However, it does not look like that might be possible as The Rock has seemingly taken Cody’s spot at WrestleMania. This didn’t sit well with fans who targeted The Great One on social media. Since then, many have weighed in on this controversy and George Kittle is the latest to chip in.

During the Super Bowl opening night, George Kittle admitted that he can get behind the idea of The Rock serving as the special guest referee for Cody Rhodes’ match against Roman Reigns.

Although it’s unlikely, this could at least make the WWE universe happy as they get to see Cody finish his story. As for George Kittle, he is gearing up for the biggest night of his life when the San Francisco 49’ers take on the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl.


How would you book the WrestleMania 40 main event? Do you like the idea of The Rock being the special guest referee? Sound off in the comments section.

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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