Seth Rollins is currently out of action due to a torn meniscus that he suffered during his World Title match against Jinder Mahal on Monday Night RAW a couple of weeks ago. Even then, he was present at the Royal Rumble while watching the show from his suite. Now, footage has shown Rollins being confused by underwhelming entrance themes at the event.

The WWE Royal Rumble Premium Live Event took place on January 27th with considerable anticipation due to the potential for surprises. However, there were some genuine complaints about the matches as well.

During the WWE Royal Rumble, fans online criticized the wrestlers’ entrance themes for lacking uniqueness. The order of themes playing before the stars appeared caused confusion for viewers.

A fan in attendance filmed Seth Rollins during the entrance theme of Karrion Kross and the Final Testament, capturing his outward enthusiasm, yet noticeable confusion as he moved around, trying to identify The Harbinger of Doom.


The faction’s recent theme is relatively new, but other entrance themes sounded generic, a critique emphasized by the surprising nature of the Royal Rumble entrants. Nonetheless, Seth Rollins is focused on healing in time for WrestleMania 40, so fans hope he can compete properly.

What do you think of Seth Rollins being confused by Karrion Kross’ theme? Do you feel current WWE stars have underwhelming entrance music? Let us know in the comments section below!

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet has been covering professional wrestling for over 20 years, delivering reliable updates and insights on everything from breaking news to backstage developments. His passion for the sport and deep knowledge keep fans informed and engaged.

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