Dolph Ziggler was among the names that WWE released in September, and he has already showed up in NJPW. We will have to see what is next for Nic Nemeth, but he certainly made a lot of memories in WWE.

Although Dolph Ziggler never won an Elimination Chamber match, he was certainly in the match during his time in WWE. That Show-Off is also a seasoned veteran, and his experience helped out a lot as he helped mold the best contests he could in the squared circle, no matter the gimmick match attached.

While speaking to Busted Open Radio, the former WWE Superstar discussed his journey into free agency and his arrival at New Japan. Dolph Ziggler reflected on his experiences with WWE. He recounted a specific incident from the 2015 Elimination Chamber event, where he was competing for the vacant Intercontinental Championship.

Wade Barrett collided with Dolph Ziggler, and they didn’t expect that. This caused the plexiglass on Mark Henry’s pod to come off the hinges unexpectedly. Henry was not scheduled to be released until later in the match. Despite the unexpected turn of events, Ziggler highlighted the improvisational skills that came into play as he helped navigate the match on the fly.


“You know what’s a really fun one I just remembered? Me and another person that is on this Zoom call (referring to Mark Henry), were in a multi-man match, you can imagine and things didn’t go exactly how they should have and I believe — I think Wade Barrett threw me into Mark Henry’s pod at the Elimination Chamber, and it exploded the door and I think we were even in Texas too to make it a bigger deal for Mark and Mark was just standing there, and he is not supposed to come out for three more people. So, I think Wade throws me and it breaks. It’s not supposed to, it wasn’t a planned spot, and I’m laying there with broken plastic on the ground and I just hear the crowd come up and just start rumbling for Mark and I go, ‘Oh my God. He’s not supposed to be out here for 20 more minutes.’ I’m like, ‘What the hell are we gonna do?’ I’m like, ‘Don’t come out! Don’t come out!’ And you can’t hear me over the roar of the crowd who’s chanting for Mark to get in the ring… I’m laying on the ground and I just see a boot go past me and I go, ‘Oh no. What are we gonna do?’ And we had the craziest improv, on the fly 15-minute match with six guys.”

That is some crazy ass sh*t. I got to a point to where I’m trying to call a match on the fly for six different people where you can’t talk to them and the camera has to be on you at all times. So I got to a point to where… I told Ryback, ‘Take everybody’s head off. Put me up in a suplex.’ He’s holding me up in a suplex and I tell the referee to come over. I go, ‘Hold me in a stalling suplex.’ I call a spot to tell this guy to do this, tell this guy to do this, tell this guy to stay the f*ck down.’ Alright, boom. Puts me down. Somebody else, ‘Mark, clean house and then we’re all gonna beat you up and you stay down.’ Okay, great. Somebody else and I think I either get to another Ryback stalling suplex or some other thing where I go, okay, after eight minutes, we now have our orders. There’s no way this is gonna be great, but I think we can improv the rest of this match and make it all go down and that was some of the most exciting 12 minutes of my life in a terrible, terrible match but, it also, it was funny because you never know what’s gonna happen and you gotta be ready to go.

You never know what can happen in WWE, and that is no secret. The same is especially true when you’re talking about a match with so many unexpected elements as the Elimination Chamber match. Dolph Ziggler and company was able to handle themselves anyway.

We will have to see what is next for Dolph Ziggler. At this point, he is a free agent, and working for NJPW. Only time will tell what he gets into, but he’s made enough money in his WWE career that he can certainly pick his gigs at this point.

What’s your take on Dolph Ziggler’s story? Do you remember the 2015 Elimination Chamber match? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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