WWE has fans all over the world, and after global touring was shut down due to the pandemic, the company is after those fans who were historically out of their reach. This is needed, because an argument can be made that they have maxed out their potential in America at this point.

During recent Q&A on 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff broke down WWE’s current state. He said that they have nowhere that they can really grow from at this point, therefore, it is really on them to look beyond the borders of the United States to bring in more viewers.

Eric Bischoff made a comparison to the NFL, how they have tapped into the entire market at this point. So, the NFL is holding games outside the USA in order to capture global attention.

“In WWE’s case, I would say that there is an argument, strictly from a business standpoint, that they’re kinda maxed out. I mean, how much more growth can you see with WWE in the United States? Can we see a fourth show in prime time? I don’t think so, doesn’t make sense, that’s oversaturation. Can we see more volume of PLEs? Add 20% add 30%? Eh, again, I think you’re approaching saturation at that point in interest.”


“We know that the live event interest has changed, You can go to larger venues, but the non-televised live don’t make money, so they aren’t going to add more. It’s like the NFL, where is the NFL going to expand in the United States? Arguably, they have 100% of the potential market for their product. Anyone who is interested watching the NFL is watching the NFL, but the potential for growth is beyond U.S borders, and I think that’s what we’ve been seeing with the NFL, and I think that’s what we’re beginning to see, strategically, with WWE.”

WWE is doing just that, as they have a ton of big events slated outside the USA in 2024. Berlin and Australia will host events, and Money in the Bank is also going to Toronto. It appears that WWE may have maxed out their United States coverage, but they are certainly onto the next challenge.

WWE is evolving in many ways as they continue on. The company is also breaking records all over the place. Only time will tell what 2024 brings fans, but WWE is not going to stray from their quest of global domination at this point.

What’s your take on comparing WWE to the NFL? Has the company reached their max? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Transcription by Ringside News

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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