Seth Rollins is undoubtedly one of the top Superstars in WWE as he remains a fan favorite no matter what. That said, Rollins feels airport collectors shouldn’t damage the reputation of other pro wrestling fans.

The issue of fans showing up at airports to meet pro wrestlers has become a recurring problem for several stars. While chance encounters are usually welcomed, a particular group of people now deliberately plan to be at the airport with a ton of merchandise, hoping to get the stars to sign them. These items are then later sold on eBay for a profit, causing frustration for the wrestlers.

Earlier this year, a video of an unmasked Rey Mysterio found its way to social media. In the clip, Rey is seen rejecting a fan’s request for autograph at an airport. Of course, this fan was obviously trying to sell Mysterio’s autograph for a profit. He wasn’t the only WWE Superstar to deal with this either.

While speaking with Sports Illustrated Media podcast, Seth Rollins was asked about his experience at a recent Disneyland trip with his daughter. Seth Rollins explained that while he did encounter some people who didn’t know how to react, most WWE fans knew how to respect his boundaries. He also stated that he feels airport collectors shouldn’t damage the reputation of all pro wrestling fans.


You know, it’s funny in a big place like that we often get…like people aren’t expecting to see you so they’re not even really paying attention. You get a fair share of folks coming up asking for photos or just wanting to say hello but I do find that because we’re with our daughter. Most people are super respectful about it. They’ll come up and whisper, give you a little nudge.

You get some people who just like don’t know how to act in public, which, you know, whatever. That’s fine. I’ve been accustomed to dealing with them for long enough but yeah, I would say most people, and this gives me faith in the human race. Most people see us with our three-year-old daughter, and they’re pretty chill about it.

We get a lot of pseudo-collectors at the airports that are a little funky and a little aggressive sometimes. Again, because we have our daughter people tend to stay away a little bit more but yeah, they’re a bit aggressive.

Sometimes they’ll use their kids, they’ll send their kids up with a figure to sign it. And you’ll be like, ‘Oh, what’s your name? Let me sign it to you.’ They’re like, you can see them like, ‘Oh, no, oh no.’ So that’s not nice. That’s not a nice thing but I do find that that’s not the rule, it’s more the exception. So there’s still faith in humanity to be had man, don’t lose all hope just yet.”

Wrestlers are not obliged to entertain fan requests, and it entirely depends on the wrestler in question whether they want to sign anything. Regardless, there will always be a section of fans who feel entitled to get autographs and that’s unlikely to ever change.

What’s your opinion on Seth Rollins being considerate of other pro wrestling fans? Do you feel some fans are simply too entitled? Let us know in the comments!

Tags: Seth Rollins
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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