WWE has fired several people since they merged with UFC to create TKO Group Holdings. It is uncertain if more releases are on the way, because rumors of cuts were in the air, but McKenzie Mitchell was released today.

McKenzie Mitchell, who appears on-screen as a hot for WWE on their various media outlets, and NXT, announced that she was released today from WWE. She had nothing but good things to say.

Mitchell spoke about how she met her husband, Vic Joseph, while in WWE as well. She stands tall as this door closing will open another.

Today I was released by WWE. I met my husband, moved cross country from CT to FL for @wwenxt (a place I’ve always considered home), and met friends that became like family. I’ve always said and firmly believe in “when door closes, another opens.”


Hopefully, McKenzie Mitchell will find another platform to showcase her talents very soon. She has a versatile skill set, and WWE did keep her held in one position. Only time will tell where she appears again, but she had quite a ride in WWE.

We will have to see if more releases are made known. At this time, McKenzie Mitchell’s firing is the first that we have heard about. For more updates, please keep checking back with us here at Ringside News.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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