LA Knight is known throughout the WWE Universe as a bona fide Superstar, but all of his information might get a bit tricky to memorize. If you add in the pressure of preforming in front of a packed WWE event, then things can get even tricker.

Samantha Irvin’s work as a WWE ring announcer has seen her receive accolades from fans, but nobody’s perfect. It appears that LA Knight had a stern discussion with her after she didn’t get his entrance right.

While speaking to Chis Van Vliet, Samantha Irvin stated that remembering the hometowns, heights and weights for Superstars was hard. She actually had a bit of help when she first started, in the form of flash cards.

“That process [of memorizing hometowns and weights of Superstars] is whack, but you know, hey, I have a theater background so memorization has always been my thing. It’s a part of it, so memorizing has never been a hard thing with remembering lines for shows or auditions for jobs you never get, you know, I’ve learned a lot of lines.”


“I had little flash cards when I first started. I had the Superstar on one side, and then information I needed to know on the other. That’s kinda how I did it. That’s how I did it when I first started. Now, I’m saying these names every week, so I know everybody now. I know where they’re from, and I know how much they weigh.”

Samantha Irvin admitted that LA Knight “went off on me one time for getting his hometown wrong, but now we bill him as from Los Angeles, California.” Obviously, there is a lot of pressure with her job, but Samantha Irvin is always ready for the challenge of performing in front of a live crowd.

Samantha Irvin said that she has borrowed from greats like Howard Finkel as well. Her hard work and dedication to that job certainly shows, because she does a lot more than just call Superstars’ names when they’re on their way to the ring.

WWE sells t-shirt and other merchandise during live events. They also showcase fans on camera for the big screens in “You Can’t See Me” and DX Cams. Samantha Irvin is responsible for hosting all of those activities at the WWE Live Events she is booked to announce for. She also admitted how much fun that part of her job is, but she’s always moving.

What’s your take on this backstage WWE story? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Transcription by Ringside News

Tags: LA Knight
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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