AEW has brought in many former WWE names, and a few of them have been Hall of Famers. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat was among those names, and he had a couple of nice appearances on the show. That being said, one of those angles had to change.

Ricky Starks is a future top star for AEW, and the company has been grooming him for the main event scene for a while. Ricky Steamboat realized that, and he didn’t want to steal his thunder.

In an interview with WretleBinge, WWE Hall of Famer Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat discussed his storyline with Ricky Starks. He confirmed that alternative plans existed for their angle, but Steamboat picked a different direction that prioritized elevating Starks.

“They suggested an outcome that I didn’t like. I said, ‘Look, you’re doing a slow turn with this kid, Ricky Starks, and trying to turn him heel and what you’re suggesting is, there’s not going to be any heat on him. So I made the suggestion of what everybody saw, and I said, ‘I’d like to put some heat on this kid,’ and so everything carried out to the tee.”


“They had a result where everything would go down as it was and then as he would spin me around and try to take a shot, I would block it and give him some big chops, and he takes a bump through the ropes out on the floor and then scurry up the ramp. It would be like a happy, happy moment. I’m thinking, and I’m picturing this, and I said, ‘Well, where’s the heat there? Where’s the heat for the kid?’ Number one, I caught him with his foot on the ropes. So that was a happy moment. The referee got knocked down, so I did my job. I was the second, so I got in the ring, and he got counted 1-2-3, so there’s another happy moment.”

“Then to spin me around, I block the punch, the cheap shot, and then hit him with big chops and then a big double chop, and he takes that bump on the floor, and then tail between his legs and scurrying up the ramp to the back. There’s absolutely no heat and plus the fact you know, I’m 70, and they’re gonna say, ‘God, Stark, a 70-year-old man, you know, an old timer just whipped up on you.’ I said, ‘We got to turn this around to where, you know, he’s got to catch me off guard and sucker me and get me down and do something to where it’s almost to the point of disgusting and shameful.’”

AEW has made a lot of progress with Ricky Starks’ booking. The big question is whether he will stick around for the long haul. You never know if a WWE opportunity will eventually come around for Starks as well.

We will keep an eye on Ricky Starks, AEW, and the rest of the pro wrestling world, right here at Ringside News. We appreciate your clicks and can’t wait to bring you more content for years to come!

What’s your take on AEW’s booking for Ricky Starks? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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