RVD had an amazing career in pro wrestling that continues to this day. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2021, and it didn’t take him very long to lose that ring.

Interestingly enough, Vince McMahon thought that RVD was already in the Hall of Fame. He wasn’t, but now he doesn’t have ring to prove it, apparently. Vince McMahon also had a priceless reaction to RVD gifting him a custom book of rolling papers.

During a conversation with Chris Van Vliet, RVD revealed that he lost his WWE Hall of Fame ring. This was obviously an accent, and he explained how it went down as well.

“So the very first week that I got it, I did a show in Wisconsin, and I wasn’t used to having it. I left it in the hotel room. I went back to Las Vegas, and so it took an honest maid and an honest front desk person and an honest wrestling promoter. Thank you, Ben McCoy for calling me and saying, ‘Did you forget something dude’, and I didn’t even know yet. I just got home the next day and wow, I had it for, I don’t know. I think it was the same week, so I didn’t have it very long, and I lost it already.”


Hopefully, RVD’s WWE Hall of Fame ring will pop up. If anything, WWE might hear about this and issue him a replacement. RVD might want to check pawn shops in the meantime to see if he can find that ring.

RVD is still wrestling, as he recently made an appearance for AEW. We will have to see where he shows up next, but Rob Van Dam will be a WWE Hall of Famer, even if he doesn’t have his ring anymore.

What’s your take on RVD losing his WWE Hall of Fame ring? How much do you think it’s worth? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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