AEW has an eclectic roster, and Anthony Bowens is happy to represent the LGBTQ community in Tony Khan’s company. That being said, some fans needed to be corrected when they are voicing a certain opinion about him.

Fans commented on Anthony Bowens’ article from the Players Tribune. One of them said, “Nobody gives a damn about your orientation. Just do your job and not suck. No pun intended.” This was not the only comment like that, and Bowens addressed this narrative as well.

Anthony Bowens released a lengthy statement to any fans who say his sexuality doesn’t matter. He is proud to represent the LGBTQ community, and he wants to be a role model for younger fans that he didn’t have when he was growing up.

I’m not posting this because it bothers me but more to explain something because the


@PlayersTribune got such a big reaction. I get both positive and negative comments that say “who cares, we support you” or “it doesn’t matter..he’s talking about it too much” in regards to my speaking about being an out athlete.

My kind of activism isn’t in your face, but I do not shy away from talking about it when asked, and there’s really never a time where I’m not asked about it. If you’re someone making that comment..THIS part of my life isn’t for YOU. It’s for those that can relate to me and the struggles that I have gone through in my life because of it. I didn’t have someone to look up to and now I have the opportunity to be that others.

So yes, it DOES matter. There are plenty of other things that YOU can relate to outside of that..whether that is just the love of pro wrestling in general, losing an important loved one and promising to make them proud, getting bullied in elementary school, a POC getting called the N word in high school, overcoming being a shy introverted kid, my body transformation in the gym, etc. The list goes on.

It doesn’t matter who you are, those are HUMAN experiences that a lot can related to no matter what your belief’s are. If you’re choosing to focus centrally on the LGBTQ+ stuff then you’re tipping hand to being someone that leads with hate. Focus on the things on the things that bring us all together, rather than getting angry at the things that make us different. You’ll live a lot happier life. See you on #AEWDynamite

Anthony Bowens has received a very good response from AEW fans so far. They are happy to support him, and have tried their best to understand his point, even if they cannot directly relate to what he was saying.

It’s great that Anthony Bowens is there to be a representative for the LGBTQ community on the AEW roster. He might not be flamboyant on television, but he will also not hide that side of himself whenever the opportunity arises.

What’s your take on what these fans were saying? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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