It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.

The start time for AEW Collision is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight promises another exciting night of action as Luchasaurus defends the TNT Championship against Darby Allin and Christian Cage. Also scheduled for tonight is the AEW Tag Team Championship match between FTR and The Workhorsement. The complete match card is as follows:

  • Jay White vs. Andrade El Idolo
  • TNT Championship: Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin vs. Luchasaurus (c)
  • Hook & RVD vs. Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang
  • Kiera Hoga vs. Julia Hart
  • Don Callis answers Chris Jericho’s challenge
  • Texas Deathmatch: Ricky Starks vs. Bryan Danielson
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. The Workhorsemen

AEW Collision Opener:

The opening package for the show starts.


TNT Championship: Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin vs. Luchasaurus (c)

Darby Allin dives off the top rope but Luchasaurus tosses him aside. Allin goes to attack Luchasaurus in the corner and gets slammed. Luchasaurus takes the TNT Championship in his hand but Christian takes it away. Christian tells him to put the title back in his hands and he does.

Darby gets back in the ring and shoves Christian into Luchasaurus. He attacks him with the belt. Cover! 1…2…kick out. He hits the coffin drop on Luchasaurus but Christian gets Darby off him and pins Luchasaurus.

Winner: Christian Cage (c)

Alex interviews the Don Callis Family. Callis says it makes him sick to see both Omega and Jericho on the same side when he put them on the map. He then says Kota Ibush is close to Omega and that makes him weak. He says Ibushi is a problem for Omega.

He says he has Sammy Guevara and Takeshita and he also has another member who has beaten both Omega and Jericho is a span of two months – Will Ospreay.

He then accepts Jericho’s challenge for a match.

*Commercial break*

RVD & Hook vs. Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang

The match starts with Hook and Daddy Magic in the ring. Daddy Magic takes him down. He tags out. Anna Jay trips Hook and Cool Hand Ang attacks him. He tags out. Hook attacks them and tags out. RVD kicks Cool Hand and knocks him down. Cool hand rolls out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Hook with the exploder suplex. RVD tags in and hits the rolling thunder on Cool Hand. He then kicks Daddy Magic. Hook locks in the red rum on Cool Hand and RVD hits the frog splash on Daddy Magic for the win.

Winner: RVD & Hook

A video package plays showing Eddie Kingston challenging Shibata to a match.

*Commercial break*

The kingdom and they say The Best Friends want to take away their chance of winning the ROH Tag Titles. Bennett says he is going to dish out piledrivers next week. He then says he is going to show that the Best Friends are not neckstrong.

Kiera Hoga vs. Julia Hart

Julia Hart’s music plays and she walks to the ring with Brody King. Kiera Hogan’s theme song plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Hogan attacks Julia in the corner. Julia recovers and knocks down Hogan. Julia stomps Hogan. Hogan comes back and kicks her in the head. Hogan knocks her down again and hits a moonsault. Hart goes to work on Hogan.

Hogan fights back and knocks down Hart. Julia sends her into the second turnbuckle. Hart bounces her head off the mat and hits a clothesline. She locks in a submission hold and Hogan taps out.

Winner: Julia Hart

After the match, she locks in the same submission hold again. Skye Blue comes out to the ring. Brody King distracts her and Julia attacks her. Brody says this violence won’t end until they get to Kris Statlander. He asks her to defend her TBS Championship next Sunday. Julia then says the house always wins.

A video package of The Righteous plays where they say they are pure. Vincent says they are going to expose MJF and Adam Cole.

Jay White vs. Andrade El Idolo

Bullet Club Gold’s music plays and they come out to the ring. Andrade El Idolo’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Andrade knocks down White. Juice distracts Andrade and Jay takes advantage. He takes him down and goes to work on him. Andrade sends Jay out of the ring. Andrade chops him down. He sends him back into the ring and climbs the top rope and hits the crossbody.

Andrade goes for the three amigos but Jay escapes the third suplex and climbs the top rope but Andrade knocks him off with a dropkick. Andrade sends him back into the ring. Cover! 1….kick out.

Andrade goes to attack Jay in the corner and misses. Jay hits a DDT. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Jay attacks Andrade in the corner. Andrade is sent flying outside the ring.

*Commercial break*

Jay chops Andrade multiple times. Andrade comes back with a clothesline. Both men exchange strikes. Andrade knocks him down. Bullet club pulls Jay out of the ring. Andrade hits a moonsault on them. He sends Jay into the ring, climbs the top rope and hits another moonsault. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Andrade kicks Jay in the face. Jay dumps Andrade out of the ring. Jay sends him into the ring. He hits the urinagi. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Andrade comes back with a back elbow. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Andrade hits the meteora in the corner and follows it with the DDT. Cover! 1…..2…..Robinson places Jay’s foot on the rope.

Andrade locks in the figure four leg lock and he transitions into the figure eight, The Gunns distracts the referee and Juice knocks out Andrade. Jay hits the bladerunner for the win.

Winner: Jay White

A video plays and Ortiz says Santana used him and walked away. He says when he confronted him, Santana walked away and ran from his problems. He says Santana won’t be able to run much longer.

Shane Taylor is backstage and says he and Keith Lee came up in ROH at the same time but Lee went on to work for another billionaire but he stayed in ROH. He says Lee is the only one standing in his way, but before that can happen, Lee has to face Lee Moriarty.

Aussie Open’s theme song plays and they come out to join the commentary team.

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. The Workhorsemen

The Workhorsemen’s music hits and they come down to the ring. FTR’s theme song plays and they walk out to the ring.

The match begins and Cash knocks down Henry. Henry comes back with a dropkick. He tags out and Drake goes for a chop on Wheeler who ducks him and tags out. Drake chops Dax. He hits an atomic drop and follows it with a bodyslam. He tags out.

Henry attacks him in the corner and tags out. Drake attacks Dax and tags out. Both men exchange strikes. Dax with a brian buster. Henry tags out. Drak knocks down Wheeler on the apron and hits Dax with a clothesline. He follows it with a cannonball and he tags out. Henry hits the stomp and dives onto Wheeler. Drake hits a moonsault on Dax. Cover! 1…..2…….kick out. Dax locks in the sharpshooter and Drake taps out.

Winner: FTR (c)

Davis gets on the mic and congrats FTR and aks them to keep their titles tight because they will be in the biggest fight of their lives next week. Fletcher says they are the best tag team in the world. He says they may not have lived up to the hype but that is why they need to prove to everyone why they are the best. Dax begs them to bring everything they have because they are facing the greatest tag team in wrestling history next week.

Lexi interviews CJ who says Miro has lost his way. She says all she wants to do is help him become champion again but he is preoccupied with temptation. Miro walks in and says his temptation is her but CJ is interested in the glamour. Miro says if CJ stays he may need to save her. CJ says they can take their own path. She asks him not to lay a hand on any of her future clients.

*Commercial break*

Texas Deathmatch: Ricky Starks vs. Bryan Danielson

Ricky Starks’ music plays and he walks to the ring. Bryan Danielson’s theme song plays and he comes down to the ring.

The match starts and Starks attacks Bryan in the corner. Bryan sends Starks out of the ring and dives onto him. He places Starks on the barricade and kicks him. Bryan hits him with a trash can. Bryan kicks Starks.

The fight spills back into the ringside area. Starks sends Bryan into the front row. Starks dives onto him.

*Commercial break*

Starks sends him into the ring. Starks attacks him with the mic. He grabs a steel chair and attacks Bryan. Starks attacks him with the chair. He places the chair around Bryan’s leg but he takes the chair and attacks Starks with it multiple times.

Both men fight on the top rope. Bryan suplexes him off the top rope. Bryan with a dropkick off the top rope. Bryan kicks Starks in the chest multiple times. Starks throws the chair at Bryan.

*Commercial break*

Bryan comes back with a kick to the head. Both men exchange strikes. Starks hits a spear on Bryan and he chokes him with the steel chain. The referee starts the ten count. Bryan gets up and Starks chokes him again. Bryan escapes him. Starks goes for the spear but Bryan catches him and locks him into the Labell lock. He wraps the steel chain around his neck and chokes him.

Starks fights out of it. Bryan with vicious forearm strikes. Both men exchange strikes. Strakes goes to hit Bryan with the steel chair and he misses. Bryan hits the Busaiku knee. He stomps Starks’ face multiple times. Bryan wraps the steel chain around his knee and he hits the Busaiku knee. The referee counts to ten and the match is over.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

This ends our live coverage of AEW Collision!

Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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