Vince McMahon was known for booking “body guys” for years, and that trend led WWE to become a land of the big men for a while. Smaller Superstars have gained steam in recent memory, but fans had to usually really get behind them to cause the booking to take place. That being said, when Mr. McMahon says something about a Superstar’s look, they usually do something about it.

During Twitch stream alongside his former Maximum Male Model stablemate, Mace, who was also released from his WWE contract, Mansoor recounted an incident that occurred after a match. He mentioned that Vince McMahon implied he should focus more on working out.

Mansoor explained that he lost the weight and was asked by John Laurinaitis to send before and after photos, which were intended for McMahon’s review. After the weight loss, Mansoor received feedback about his appearance, but it obviously didn’t result in a huge push.

“We have the match, we go back up to the locker room, and the producer comes in the room, and he says, ‘Guys, Vince saw the match. Nobody knows how to sell.’ And then he looks right at me, ‘And nobody looks like they’ve gone to the gym.’


“And I was like, ‘Oh, no!’ So… I lost the weight. I went back to 180, I was slender… I got a little slimmer.”

Mace and Mansoor also provided insights into Vince McMahon’s role in the inception of the Maximum Male Models group and the reasons behind their removal from TV earlier this year. Apparently, the team was told that they were Vince’s babies.

We will have to see what happens with Mace and Mansoor next, but they made the most of the characters they were given. Sadly, they will have to move on from WWE now. At least Mansoor saw a huge body transformation in the process.

What’s your take on Vince McMahon releasing Maximum Male Models? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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