LA Knight took off like a rocket with the WWE fan base. He was a heel when he emerged on the WWE main roster, but then things got switched up along the way. He apparently turned babyface without really knowing it.

Triple H had a conversation with LA Knight following his unintentional heel promo in front of the live audience. It seems that LA Knight buried fans in a promo when he was supposed to be getting cheered, which was news to him.

Mace and Mansoor were released by WWE as team. They recently shared various stories from their time with the company during Twitch stream. Mansoor recounted a particular incident involving LA Knight. After Knight’s betrayal of Mansoor and Mace, he faced Mansoor in a singles match and proceeded to deliver a heel promo directed at the audience. LA Knight and Mansoor had a discussion a little bit later, where Knight revealed that he was originally supposed to deliver a babyface promo. Apparently, Triple H was the guy who told him that he botched it big time with his promo.

“I’m like, ‘What’s going on? Everything okay?’ And Knight goes, ‘I guess, somewhere along the way, something was lost, ’cause I was supposed to cut a babyface promo.’ I was like, ‘Excuse me?’ He was like, ‘Yeah, Hunter was like, ‘Why’d you go and sh*t on the crowd?’ I was like, ”’Cause I’m a heel?’ And he was like, ‘No, you’re not.’ And he was like, ‘Oh, oops!'”


LA Knight is now a top babyface in WWE, and there is no questioning that. His act is getting big pops from the crowd, but he and WWE are apparently way off on money with new contract.

Kevin Nash revealed conversation he allegedly had with Triple H about re-signing LA Knight. It seems that Big Kev might not be the biggest cheerleader for the former Eli Drake. Either way, WWE fans still pop at LA Knight’s music, and they can’t wait to yell: “YEAH’ whenever he picks up the microphone.

What’s your take on LA Knight’s rise in WWE? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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