MJF is a unique breed of pro wrestlers, and that’s an understatement. He rarely breaks character, opting to even extend his middle finger to children whenever he can. That might have cooled down now that he’s a babyface, but MJF is still quite an interesting character.

In a recent episode of Busted Open Radio, Tommy Dreamer discussed why he believes MJF might not have thrived in the WWE of the 1980s or 1990s. Dreamer suggested that MJF displaying vulnerability on television wouldn’t have been advantageous for him during that era.

Tommy Dreamer acknowledged that MJF’s unique style is well-suited for AEW, where he has gained popularity with signature moves like the Kangaroo Kick and double clothesline. That being said, the innovator of violence doesn’t think that MJF could have handled the old WWE life.

“MJF — I don’t think he could have handled being in the WWE now. He talks about the issues that he has, mentally … that, back then, would have eaten him up. It’s the perfect storm for him where he’s at [in AEW]. But again, MJF is a total [example of] not where the rules apply, but to get to where they went, yes. If the end result is heat, there’s ways to go about it — if you wanna have that nice little dip, awesome. You did it, you accomplished it, but you don’t need it that way, because, later on when you’re trying to get over the nut shot … [it may backfire]. He’s one of those guys who is against the rules, but when you do that, it’s easier for you [to thrive in a place like AEW].“


Backstage in the pro wrestling business, especially during the earlier decades, the atmosphere was often characterized by a unique blend of camaraderie and secrecy. Wrestlers and promoters guarded the industry’s secrets fiercely, maintaining an aura of mystique around the scripted nature of the sport. Locker rooms were notorious for their strict hierarchies, with seasoned veterans guiding younger talent, sometimes through grueling initiations.

The culture was notably difficult, with tales of rough travel, tight-knit brotherhoods, and practical jokes being commonplace. However, behind the scenes, the business was also known for its challenges, including limited job security, intense rivalries, and the constant pressure to maintain the illusion of invincibility in the eyes of the audience. Overall, the backstage dynamics of pro wrestling reflected a unique blend of tradition, toughness, and a shared dedication to entertaining fans while keeping the inner workings of the business shrouded in secrecy. Apparently, Tommy Dreamer is of the thinking that MJF just couldn’t cut it back then.

We will have to see if MJF answers to this. A lot of things have changed about pro wrestling and WWE in the last few decades. Keep checking back with us here at Ringside News for more.

Do you think that MJF could have made it back then? Sound off in the comments to let us know that you think!

Tags: MJF
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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