Terry Funk passed away, and the pro wrestling world was in instant grieving. The world lost a legend when he passed, but sadly, he was in a tough situation in the days before his passing.

Terry Funk passed away on Wednesday, August 23rd at the age of 79. The WWE Hall of Famer was laid to rest on Friday, September 1st, in his hometown of Amarillo, Texas.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the funeral was described as a “celebration of life” by those wrestlers in attendance. Among the attendees were Dory Funk Jr., Tommy Dreamer, Ted DiBiase Sr., CM Punk, Chris Hero, Tully Blanchard, Manny Fernandez, Dan Spivey, Joe Malenko, Don Frye, Stan Hansen, Mark Youngblood, and Beyond The Mat producer Barry Blaustein, among others.

During the last months of his life, Terry Funk endured considerable pain. He had been battling dementia, resided in an assisted living facility for some time, and had been under hospice care in his final months. He passed away at a hospital in the Phoenix area.


Terry Funk’s birthday on June 30th marked the point where many were aware that he only had a few months left to live. However, the family requested that his health condition be kept private at that time.

Our thoughts are still with Terry Funk’s family and friends during this sad time. He was a legend who will never be forgotten. Please leave your best memories of the Funkster in the comments below.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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