Nigel McGuinness, who recently signed with All Elite Wrestling and is now part of the AEW Collision commentary team, expressed his desire for one more match against Bryan Danielson.

Nigel, who retired in 2011 due to medical complications, mentioned during an appearance on the AEW Unrestricted podcast that the only way he would come out of retirement was for a match against Danielson at Wembley Stadium.

“The truth of the matter is, the only way I was going to come out of retirement was for a match against Bryan Danielson at Wembley Stadium.”

“It was going to take something like that for me to come out of retirement, because I really value my job doing announcing and there are so many other guys on the card that are so much better than me and deserve those spots, but in the right situation, I’d be crazy to not be open to that possibility.”


However, Bryan Danielson is currently sidelined with a broken arm, which has put a hold on any potential match between the two. Nigel playfully suggested that Danielson may be using the injury as an excuse to avoid facing him in the ring, jokingly stating that he has “all the bones apart from one” and could be wrestling him instead of being on a break.

“Now, [Danielson] has gone and broken his arm. Let’s be honest. We all saw the x-rays, and one of those bones was perfectly okay. I don’t know how many bones are in the human body.”

“He’s got all of them apart from one, does he really need time off? He’s sitting at home, taking a paycheck, digging those clams out of the sand. He could be in there wrestling me.”

Nigel also recalled an incident during a previous match with Danielson where he felt that Danielson may have been afraid of him. He recounted a moment during their match in Liverpool when Danielson ran Nigel’s head into the ring post multiple times, causing him to bleed and nearly knock him out. Nigel’s reaction to the situation made him believe that Danielson might have had some fear about facing him.

“That’s the truth of the matter. It made me think, I remember when he said that ‘he’ll break my neck,’ I’m sure he can’t feel threatened, but it took me back to the match we had in Liverpool where he ran my head into the ring post four times, knocked me out damn nearly, and left me on the outside to get counted out.”

“I got back in the ring, and I will always remember the look on his face when I came up, covered in blood, ready to murder him. That look of fear.”

“That’s a look of fear that doesn’t disappear in 12 years, that stays with him for the rest of his life. To me, that sounded like someone who didn’t want the match to happen. You can understand why.”

Although Nigel acknowledges that Danielson is likely much more experienced in the ring, he believes he is currently in great shape and ready to wrestle. However, given his current role as an announcer and the circumstances surrounding Danielson’s injury, he doesn’t see himself wrestling at this point.

As of now, it’s unclear when Bryan Danielson will return from his injury, and any potential match between him and Nigel McGuinness remains uncertain.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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