Bryan Danielson and Kazuchika Okada threw down in the main event of Forbidden Door, but their match ended with an audible. Okada still lost to Danielson as they planned, but Bryan also suffered a broken arm during the encounter, and that will cost him even more time from the ring.

Bryan Danielson was injured during a diving elbow spot during that Kazuchika Okada match. At this point, he is at home, and recovering to the best of his ability. He’s experienced injury setbacks in the past, so planning for his in-ring return will come in time.

In a conversation with Mike Johnson from PW Insider, Tony Khan addressed the absence of Bryan Danielson, and he mentioned that he is unsure about Bryan Daniel’s specific return date, but it should be this year.

“There is a little more clarity as to when Bryan Danielson will be back from his injury. I’m very excited to get Bryan back.”


“I don’t want to put a timetable because it’s a challenging injury and a tough recovery, but I’m very confident Bryan will be back later this year.”

Tony Khan also admitted that he has no idea when Jamie Hayter will return. It seems her AEW return status is much more up in the air than Bryan Danielson.

We will have to see what happens with Bryan Danielson’s return to AEW. This time off was not planned, so other things they wanted to do in AEW will have to be put on the backburner. Hopefully, Bryan Danielson can return as soon as possible to continue his journey in Tony Khan’s company.

Bryan Danielson could have even more big matches in his future. At this point, the sky is the limit, if he can remain healthy and injury-free. Hopefully, this last injury will be Bryan Danielson’s last.

What’s your take on this situation with Bryan Danielson’s injury? Do you miss seeing him in AEW? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you’re thinking!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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