The pro wrestling world never lacks any drama, and Mondays are always known to bring a new dose for social media. Now, one WWE Superstar has decided to take back some posts after getting left off of a big show.

WWE has many Superstars in NXT who are bound to break out sooner or later. Cora Jade has made a huge impression on the NXT fans, and her influence is only growing. That might be why she decided to nix a couple of recent tweets.

Cora Jade also made the decision to delete her Twitter account following some posts made during NXT Great American Bash, a show in which she wasn’t featured. That being said, she was featured in a no-DQ match against Dana Brooke on NXT a few days prior.

The former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion seemed to express her frustration about not being included in the event’s card, which led many fans to interpret her messages as a response to being left off the show.


I remember when I was on a PLE in April of 2022

Cora Jade also posted a photo of a swimming pool with a caption that said: LOL. That seemed to give the impression that she wasn’t interested in the NXT premium live event that was starting in only a few minutes.

Cora Jade then decided to go the extra mile, and she deactivated her Twitter account. Obviously, she didn’t like the backlash that she received after saying something about not getting featured on NXT’s Great American Bash.

We will have to see if she returns, because Cora Jade always has 30 days to reactivate her account. She might just be playing it safe to let things simmer, because that tweet did her no favors.

What’s your take on Coda Jade’s recent tweet? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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