Paul Heyman has surprised WWE fans with his promos before, but calling himself a Jewso really turned some heads. Of course, Paul Heyman was mashing Uso and Jew, and although he is Jewish, it doesn’t seem that WWE is going to encourage him to say that again.

After Paul Heyman called himself a Jewso on SmackDown, a few fans took notice in a big way. The term “Jewso” also started trending on social media as fans re-used that word via their own accounts.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted that Paul Heyman calling himself a Jewso on SmackDown is not going to be followed up on at all. It came out of nowhere, and it’s not a new line that they will use in the Bloodline.

The “Jewso” line that ended up trending on Twitter off the 7/14 Smackdown show was not going to be followed up on. It was actually something that came out of nowhere, used, seemingly got a lot of attention, but it’s not a new tag like Honorary Uce that they are going to follow up on.


WWE has a lot of catchy lines that pop on television, but not all of them can be recurring. It’s probably for the best that WWE doesn’t focus on that “Jewso” term very often at this point.

Paul Heyman is known to attract attention whenever he’s on the microphone. That little line about being a “Jewso” certainly got a lot of fans tweeting out after that. Considering the viral response after that word was dropped during a SmackDown promo, it’s probably not a safe bet to expect that line all the time from this point on.

What’s your take on Paul Heyman on the microphone? Is he the best talker in WWE? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think about that!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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