Social media can be quite a distraction in modern day pro wrestling, and the wrestlers themselves are not immune to that trend. Some have also catered their television promos to direct points at Twitter, now called X thanks to Elon Musk, but Tony Schiavone doesn’t like that practice.

Tony Schiavone entered AEW with decades of pro wrestling, and baseball, experience under his belt. He has called some of the best matches in history, and interviewed legends in the ring. That being said, even Schiavone has noticed a trend toward social media.

During a recent episode of What Happened When, Tony Schiavone spoke about how pro wrestlers will cater their promos for X. That isn’t something he believes should be done, and he has a very good reason for saying so.

“No, not at all, no, I — and to this day, I think if you try to direct what you’re doing on an interview or too much online, I think you’re missing the point,” he said. “So many wrestlers today are motivated by Twitter or by Instagram, and I think it’s wrong.”


“So, just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I guess that’s just, that’s the old man in me right?”

AEW lets their talent cut a lot of their own promos, and that gives them the freedom to drag social media drama into things. After all, many of those wrestlers spend a lot of time on social media, checking the pulse of pro wrestling fans on a consistent basis.

We will have to see if the trend of bringing social media beef into on-screen promos continues. If anything, we know where Tony Schiavone stands with things.

What’s your take on wrestlers bringing social media drama into television promos? Do you think they need to leave that on social media? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you’re thinking!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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