WWE Superstar The Miz recently appeared on Busted Open Radio, where he discussed his thoughts on slowing down his schedule, the current state of WWE, and his admiration for fellow wrestlers. The Miz also shared his excitement for his upcoming appearance on the game show “The Weakest Link.”

When asked about the possibility of slowing down his schedule, The Miz emphasized that he listens to his body and will make adjustments when necessary. However, he currently feels like he is in his prime, putting together main-event caliber matches and bringing new elements to his performances. He credits the influx of young talent in WWE for revitalizing his drive to be faster and better. The Miz expressed his belief that WWE’s product is currently at its highest point, with sold-out shows and enthusiastic crowds across various locations.

“Whenever my body tells me I need to start slowing down, but right now I feel like I’m still in my prime. I feel like I’m putting together matches that are main-event caliber. I feel like I’m bringing out new things, things that people haven’t seen before. I feel like the youth movement in WWE, the younger crowd that’s coming in, is revitalizing me and making me want to be faster, be better, do better. I think the product right now is at its highest. I mean, you look at the crowds, I mean, we’re sold out everywhere. This is the first time where sometimes when you know you ask, ‘Can I get some tickets? ‘They’re like, ‘Sorry, we’re sold out’, and it’s like, ‘Wait, what? Are you kidding me? We’re in Savannah, Georgia. What do you mean we’re sold out?’ It’s like, ‘Yeah, we’re sold out.’ It’s been incredible.”

Despite the potential for slowing down, The Miz made it clear that he has no plans to do so anytime soon. He mentioned his ongoing promotional commitments, such as participating in the American Century Championship golf tournament for Peacock, showcasing his dedication to hard work and remaining a dedicated performer.


What are your thoughts on The Miz’s perspective on his career and the current state of WWE? Share your opinions in the comments below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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