Enzo Amore worked with Major League Wrestling for a nice little run, where he competed as Real1. That time came to a sudden end, and Amore took things to social media in a hurry. That is not the way MLW wanted it to go down.

During WrestleMania weekend in April, Enzo Amore left MLW, countering claims of being released by stating that he had only agreed to a verbal agreement. He made things known online, and laid any theory about the situation to rest as he laid everything out on the table.

Enzo clarified that he had never expressed interest in competing for the MLW Title, despite being advertised for a championship match. Additionally, he alleged that MLW had requested him to undermine Richard Holliday, who was fighting cancer. For Enzo’s complete remarks on his departure, you can access them by clicking here.

While speaking to Jeremy Lambert & Joel Pearl on In The Weeds, MLW Owner Court Bauer commented on Enzo’s departure. He wasn’t 100% down with the way Amore went about things, either.


“I enjoyed working with Enzo, I really did. He had a lot he was really excited to contribute to. We had a really good run with him. We hit a bump in the road and sometimes you reach an impasse. That’s where we were at. He had a position, he wasn’t willing to budge on it. I was in a position where I couldn’t. We tried to wrap things up privately. Then he went on Twitter and released several videos, and that’s where it ended. I think he’s misunderstood in a lot ways. He’s very passionate about the business, and I think a lot of people probably don’t realize that the guy loves the business. There is also a point in time where you have to take break, and that’s where it landed with us. I think the best thing for everyone is when someone can leave super hot with a lot of momentum, and raving reviews. MJF, for example, that guy on his last day in MLW wrestled like four matches, including an empty arena match before empty arena matches were exhausted.”

“With Mance Warner, he left with his stock at an all-time high and rave reviews. It’s like a Yelp review, everyone is going to want to go and check that out. If you leave somewhere and ‘oh, that’s a little funky.’ What’s the next potential promoter going to say about that? My advice, in general, is to try and leave a place in a better place and leave with all the momentum you can. If you do, I think everyone is going to want to work with you and everyone will want a piece. If you don’t, it’s going to be a harder road. I certainly made that mistake myself plenty of times in my career. It’d be hypocritical…I hope I learned from my lessons. I certainly see it differently now.”

Enzo Amore has rubbed a few people in the pro wrestling business the wrong way over the years. That being said, since he made up with Joey Janela, it’s possible that Amore can mend bridges with anyone.

WWE hasn’t called Enzo Amore back yet, or he would have made a return at this point. You never know if Triple H might find a use for the Realest Guy In The Room eventually, but Big Cass seems to be happy as Big Bill in AEW.

Enzo Amore has gone to several different companies, but will he join Big Bill in AEW? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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