Stalkers are serious issues, especially in pro wrestling. Sadly, Ryback has a situation that just won’t go away.

We previously reported that crazed fan invaded Ryback’s live stream and threatened his life. This was not the only time that Ryback had an encounter with this stalker.

Ryback logged onto Twitter after receiving an email from the platform’s standards team to let him know that his stalker has made no violation to their policy. Needless to say, Ryback is not happy about this at all.

Ryback then went off and called out Elon Musk and Twitter for allowing this kind of threatening behavior against him. He also revealed that the FBI has already been contacted.


This is why I went ahead and contacted the FBI. This is disgusting @elonmusk @lindayacc @TwitterSupport that you’re willingly allowing behavior like this to one be allowed and two not doing anything about. What kind of world are we living in where you willingly ignore this from someone who has a 12 year history of crazy behavior towards me? 7 years of wrongfully restricting and suppressing my account and now letting death threats slide along with making account after account to harass. Everyone please like and share this, it’s a very serious situation and this is unacceptable.

In case you need a refresher, this is not new issue. Ryback recently revealed that his is an issue he’s been dealing with for over a decade.

Yep. Considering it’s a guy who has made multiple death threats since 2011 and snuck backstage in Tampa to one of our tv’s and had to be taken away by security. He is back and has multiple accounts on Twitter and is legitimately mentally sick. He has all the warning signs of someone that shouldn’t be trusted, so let’s see what happens here. @elonmusk @TwitterSupport @lindayacc you have denied multiple reports on this guy already from me and this needs to be taken seriously.

We will have to see how this situation pans out in the next few weeks. Odds are, Ryback will not rest until he gets some sort of resolution to this situation. Hopefully, Ryback is able to stay healthy and avoid his stalker’s threats.

Dolph Ziggler recently tweeted out that he wanted to see Goldberg vs Ryback. The Big Guy saw that and later thanked his old friend for the vote of confidence. In fact, Ryback later revealed that he pitched that match to WWE, but they rejected it. That being said, Ryback has his eye on match against Goldberg at AEW All In London.

Ryback also claimed that WWE is keeping footage locked up that shows an injury comeback that would put Triple H’s quad injury to shame. Only time will tell if they ever release that.

What’s your take on how Ryback is handling this stalker? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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