WWE has seen a lot of lawsuits come their way over the years, and one of their former writers had a lot to say about her time in the company. WWE was accused of racist creative pitches in that lawsuit. In fact, the company was called out for many racist practices and creative angles. Britney Abrahams might have filed this huge lawsuit, and a lot of information came out about the company’s creative department. That being said, there hasn’t been much momentum in that case.

While WWE’s legal battle with MLW has garnered attention, the company is facing an even more significant lawsuit from former writer Britney Abraham, which alleges racial discrimination and retaliation. Recently, a motion was filed on behalf of all the defendants, including WWE, Vince McMahon, and former CEO Stephanie McMahon, requesting an extension to respond to Abraham’s suit. If granted, the new response date would be moved from June 26 to September 5th.

Britney Abraham’s lawsuit caused a stir when it was initially reported. The 31-page suit claimed that members of the WWE creative team had pitched racially insensitive ideas involving wrestlers such as Apollo Crews, Bianca Belair, and Mansoor.

The lawsuit also alleged that an idea was pitched for Shane Thorne to hunt down Reggie like an animal and put him in a cage. That idea never saw the light of day either, but it was detailed in the lawsuit. A racist storyline with Aliyah was also allegedly pitched in the WWE’s writer’s room, which was also mentioned in the lawsuit.


According to PW Insider, the defendants in the case have collectively filed a motion requesting an extension to respond to Abraham’s lawsuit. If the motion is approved, the response date, initially set for June 26, would be shifted to September 5.

Before the defense filed the motion on Wednesday, there had been limited progress in the case. In fact, all the defendants had not yet received a summons in early May. Additionally, some individuals within WWE claim to be unfamiliar with Abraham due to her use of a different pen name during her tenure with the company.

We will have to see what is going to happen next in this situation. Obviously, there is a lot to unpack, and even more could surface before it is all said and done.

What’s your take on this situation with another WWE lawsuit? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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