Mercedes Mone has been able to snag some cool roles so far, and it seems that a big comic book movie could be in the pipeline. The former Sasha Banks might just end up in a Spider-Man spinoff very soon.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, there have been discussions about professional wrestler Mercedes Varnado, also known as Mercedes Mone, being considered for a role in the Spider-Man spinoff film ‘El Muerto,’ which features Bad Bunny. Of course, Bad Bunny also has big-time WWE ties.

“The feature was also not yet cast but sources say that the studio was making choices and had been circling professional wrestler Mercedes Varnado, known by her stage name as Sasha Banks, for a role,” THR wrote. 

Sony recently announced that the project has been taken off its release schedule. Initially slated for a January 12, 2024, release, the film had not yet commenced shooting. The reason cited for the project’s delay is the ongoing writers strike, which required additional work on the script that couldn’t be completed in time during the mid-spring period.


Mercedes Mone has also garnered attention for her role in Star Wars: The Mandalorian. Her star could be on the rise in a big way.

The movie had Jonás Cuarón attached as the director and would have been the first live-action Marvel production to feature a Latino character. The future of the project remains uncertain, as Bad Bunny’s busy touring schedule is reportedly a factor affecting its progress. Mercedes Mone is also still working for NJPW, although she is currently nursing an ankle injury.

So, it is worth noting that Mercedes is currently recovering from an ankle injury sustained at NJPW Resurgence. The timeline for her return to the wrestling ring is unknown at this time. Only time will tell if they can work something out.

What’s your take on this possible role for Mercedes Mone? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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