WWE has seen a lot of people come over as crossover athletes, but George Foreman hasn’t made a big splash in pro wrestling. Although the legendary boxer turned grill spokesman hasn’t been around WWE, it’s something that he has considered in the past.

You never know who might show up in WWE at this point. Endeavor’s new deal to merge UFC and WWE could open up a lot of possibilities. George Foreman also isn’t ruling out getting involved with WWE in some form or fashion.

While speaking to Bally Sports, George Foreman was asked about getting involved with WWE, either as an on-screen character or in a creative sense. It seems that Foreman still thinks about it.

“I still think about it because some of those first original heroes of mine were from wrestling and then that mixed-martial-arts stuff. I never would’ve gone for the rope-a-dope stuff if I had been in that.”


George Foreman also went into some of his favorites from the pro wrestling world. He brought up Hulk Hogan specifically as someone who he actually became really good friends with.

“I had so many favorite wrestlers. Hulk Hogan and I became great friends. We even got into the ring together and…The Rock. The Rock is interesting. Do you know I sparred with his dad when his dad came over to spar with me way back in the 70s? He was a rock for real. His dad, muscular guy.”

George Foreman’s participation in a WWE event might bring a lot of attention to it. He might also get a nice paycheck out of the deal, which is something he would never turn down.

You never know what the future holds for WWE, because nobody would have guessed this time last year that a UFC merger was even a possibility. We’ll have to see if George Foreman is able to make a transition from retired boxer to WWE in some way. It certainly sounds like he would be open to talking about the possibilities.

What’s your take on George Foreman’s idea about joining WWE? Would he be able to offer the company a lot? Sound off in the comment

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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