Umaga dominated the ring with his powerful and dynamic in-ring style. Known for his signature moves, such as the Samoan Spike and the Running Butt Drop, Umaga was a force to be reckoned with and left a lasting impact on the world of professional wrestling. His sudden passing in 2009 shocked and saddened the wrestling community, but his legacy may live on due to his son.

Umaga’s son, Zilla Fatu, spent six years in the Texas State Penitentiary for aggravated robbery. However, he got out of prison in March 2022 and is looking to get his life back together by becoming a professional wrestler.

Zilla Fatu recently did an interview with Muscle Man Malcolm where he mentioned that he wanted to join the wrestling business considering his family was on top.

“To be honest, when I was in prison, I really didn’t have it on my mind, but when I came home and I saw that my family was on top of the business, I’m thinking, why not? I don’t know if you know or anybody else knows, but my dad didn’t want none of us to do wrestling, like at all. So that was kind of hard going against what my dad’s wishes were.”


Zilla Fatu further mentioned that he was looking to get off parole faster and in order to do that, he is trying to stay positive and not go down the bad route.

“Really, just to get off parole faster. I don’t know if you know or anybody else knows, I am on parole right now, so that’s a big thing because I heard we can get off parole faster. That’s what I’m working on right now. There’s a whole bunch of paperwork. It’s a big process I have to go through and you know, obviously, I got to stay out of trouble and show them that I’m involved with the community. Yeah, just try to stay positive and not try to go down the bad route.”

Zilla Fatu also noted that he picked Booker T’s Reality of Wrestling school to start training because the WWE Hall of Famer is a really close friend of the family. Fatu also mentioned that he has already spoken to Booker T who advised him to focus on getting off parole first.

“It’s in Houston. I’m on parole, so I can’t leave the state. But most importantly, he’s a really close friend to the family. Before my dad was Umaga, my dad been knowing Booker since then, so that’s a long time. It was an easy choice for me to choose. When I came home, and then I had that discussion with Booker two months after being home, we talked about it and he was just like, ‘Just focus on your parole stuff first.’ When I got some of my parole classes, because when you’re on parole, you have to do certain classes and you have to graduate from them. I’m very happy that I successfully completed my classes on parole. That’s when I hit Booker up, and I was like, ‘I’m ready.’ He was like, ‘Man, pull up.'”

If he does manage to break into the business, then The Bloodline could get even stronger in the future, that is assuming that they still manage to remain together for that long. Stay tuned to Ringside News as we bring you similar stories.

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Sunil Joseph

Passionate pro wrestling fan. Sunil has been writing WWE content writing for over the last five years. Sunil still gets excited when he gets to tell people that he gets paid to watch pro wrestling.

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