“Superstar” Billy Graham is a beloved figure in the professional wrestling world, known for his dynamic character work and captivating performances in the ring. He was particularly renowned for his legendary feud with Bruno Sammartino over the WWWF Heavyweight Championship. Fans were shocked to learn that he was hospitalized due to a severe bone infection. Thankfully, we now have some positive news to report regarding his condition.

As previously reported, Billy Graham’s wife instructed the admin of his Facebook page that he had a very bad infection in his ears that spread to the bones in his ears. Fans simply feared the worst for him after that.

For those who don’t know, Billy Graham has had a history of health issues over the years, which includes Graham being hospitalized numerous due to numerous health issues. His fans have continuously provided him with support no matter what.

Billy Graham was moved out of the ICU after a brief stay there. Afterward, it was revealed that his kidneys were functional. His wife then provided an update on Graham’s health on his Facebook page. She revealed that he will finally be out of the hospital soon.


Wayne is on day 19 in the hospital but will soon be moved to a skilled nursing facility to continue rehab and physical therapy. He will continue his IV antibiotics for a long time…possibly 6 months….

I will never be able to thank you enough for always being here. Please continue to lift him up???????????? God bless each and everyone of you! I’m beyond blessed to have you in my life

Billy Graham is definitely showing signs of improvement, and we are hoping that the Superstar will kick out of the prolonged illness soon. Stay tuned to Ringside News for more.

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Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet has been covering professional wrestling for over 20 years, delivering reliable updates and insights on everything from breaking news to backstage developments. His passion for the sport and deep knowledge keep fans informed and engaged.

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