Hulk Hogan was the icon before the term got thrown around like the superkick. Hogan is widely considered to be one of wrestling’s all-time greats, and why wouldn’t he be. The Hulkster also doesn’t hold grudges.

Eric Bischoff recently shed light on Hulk Hogan’s contentious WWE SummerSlam 2005 match versus Shawn Michaels. Hogan won the inaugural match against Michaels. Hogan’s longtime pal Bischoff claimed on his 83 Weeks podcast that the legendary wrestler has nothing against Michaels, in fact, the two-time WWE Hall of Famer doesn’t hold grudges.

Hulk doesn’t hold grudges. It’s so funny, I hear people talk about Hulk Hogan like they really know him, and they don’t. There’s this narrative about what kind of person Hulk is. He’s one of the most generous and one of the most forgiving people you’ll ever meet. He doesn’t want to carry any negative baggage around, especially when it’s negative baggage that doesn’t matter to anyone anymore.

The Heartbreak Kid’s comedic overselling of his opponent’s movements during the 21-minute fight is what people will remember it for most, purportedly because he intended to make The Hulkster appear awful. Bischoff felt that any concerns Michaels had with Hogan should have been resolved behind the scenes.


The former WCW official continued by saying that following the D-Generation X member’s SummerSlam appearance, he “lost all respect” for him. After 17 years since their historic fight, Eric Bischoff thinks Hogan and Michaels would get along just fine today:

It’s like having a grudge against somebody that you went to school with in the sixth grade because he took your lunch money twice. It’s like f-cking stupid, and I think that Hulk is probably in that frame of mind, and I think Shawn is too, so I would imagine if they cross paths they would probably sit down and have a wonderful dinner together.

Many great wrestlers have patched things up years after a disagreement. For instance, after a protracted time of silence, Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels were able to come to an agreement with Randy Savage and Bret Hart, respectively. Check out the full interview below.

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Tags: Hulk Hogan
Gunjan Nath

Gunjan is a jack of all trades and master of many. He's passionate about art, witty/dark humor, movies, anime, music, football, creative writing, photography, and videography. He's always looking to improve and master new skills.

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