Britt Baker was the first woman that Brandy Rhodes insisted that Tony Khan sign. Brandy is no longer around, but Baker is with AEW sand still going strong. It seems that she’s very comfortable at this point.

We previously reported that there were legit issues between Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker. There seems to be a lot more to that story.

While speaking on the Wrestling Informer show, Brad Shepard revealed that Britt Baker is a real problem backstage in AEW. That being said, Tony Khan isn’t likely to do anything about it, because he seems to be on her side.

So I’ve been hearing about Britt Baker and her locker room behavior with the women, and a lot of the women in AEW don’t like her. She’s very rude. She’s backstabbing. She’s doing the political game.


So she was just rude to everybody and had a lot of heat amongst the woman in the AEW locker room. They at one point had gone to Tony Khan, complaining about Britt Baker, and he basically sided with Britt Baker.

One of her biggest deals has been her, sort of real-life, dislike of Thunder Rosa. That’s a very real thing. Thunder Rosa has been off and if you only believe it’s because of a back injury, then I got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

There are a lot of problems with Britt Baker in AEW and a lot of people are puzzled by the “push” of Britt Baker, what they are doing versus what they are doing with Thunder Rosa. They have actually gone out of their way to make her look pretty weak and really bad. There is a lot of drama in the woman’s locker room, and a lot of it stems around Britt Baker.

It seems like a real “Mean Girls” situation is going on within AEW. We’ve heard a lot more to this story that we cannot publish. At this time, we are still working to verify some of the story that might be more open to interpretation.

It certainly seems that Britt Baker has a lot of political pull in AEW. That makes us really wonder what she meant by saying there’s no room for Saraya in the company.

Transcription by Ringside News

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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