Edge took quite a beating from Judgement Day, and then an injury was announced. That was all part of the show, because the Rated R Superstar is coming back sooner than they are leading on.

Ringside News asked around about Edge’s injury status and how long he will be out of action. We were told two days ago that “he won’t be out for long.” We were also told that things would be hashed out during their premium live event meeting.

A tenured member of the creative team has confirmed to us today that Edge will be back by Extreme Rules. He is currently slated to be at the event.

Given the fact that WWE’s Extreme Rules is October 8th, Edge’s hiatus won’t be a long one, On a sidenote, Extreme Rules 2022 is the first time the event has fallen in October and on a Saturday.


Edge’s break won’t be as lengthy as WWE made it seem with that “Grade 2” MCL sprain announcement. The MCL announcement is used just like “contusions” along with other medical jargon to make things seem worse than they really are. In fact, Edge is fine, and he’ll be back by Extreme Rules.

What’s your take on Edge’s creative direction? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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