Coming to you live on Monday Nights, it’s WWE Raw and Ringside News has got you covered with live results.

These are live results, so keep refreshing throughout the show!

Start time for Raw is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Tonight marks the in ring return for Johnny Gargano, who is rumored to be taking on Chad Gable. Also, we will see Dominik Mysterio with Judgement Day take on Edge. Finally tonight, the women’s tag team gold will be on the line as Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah defend against Damage CTRL’s Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai.


We kick off Raw live from Portland, Oregon tonight with Seth Rollins making his way to the ring for a promo. The crowd is hot for Rollins tonight, singing his entrance music for a good while after the music cuts off. Rollins welcomes the crowd tonight and introduces himself as the host for the evening. Rollins asks the crowd if they believe in karma, because he beat Matt Riddle last Saturday. He puts over the beatdown he gave Riddle at Clash at the Castle. Rollins claims that Riddle wants a rematch, but Rollins has no interest. Rollins makes his intent known that his next move is for championship gold. Riddle’s music hits and he heads to the ring to get in a brawl with Rollins. The two men go at it for a few minutes before action spills outside and into the crowd. Rollins knocks RIddle to the ground in the crowd before running off to the back. As Rollins heads to the back, Judgement Day’s music hits, and Damian Priest and Finn Balor appear with microphones in hand.

Priest and Balor head to the ring with Riddle to offer a spot to join Judgement Day. Priest puts over the fact that he and Rhea are very familiar with Riddle, and that they can bring out the best in Riddle. Balor even tells Riddle to notice how much Dom Mysterio has grown since joining Judgement Day. Priest tells Riddle either join Judgement Day or fall to Judgement Day. Balor makes a marijuana reference to Riddle, saying his head must be a little cloudy. He then goes on to tell Riddle “you either stand with us or stand in our way.” Riddle thinks for a moment before striking Balor with a knee as we head to our first commercial break.

As we return from commercial break, we get Riddle and Balor in action. The two men exchange maneuevers before Balor gains control. Balor continues attacking the left leg of Riddle with strikes and submissions. With Balor on the offensive, he scores a couple of two counts, but Riddle kicks out just before the three. Riddle tries to reverse a Balor sleeper, but that just leads to a swinging neckbreaker and another two count. Riddle starts getting a little momentum going and gets Balor set up for a kick outside, but Priest halts that and steps in front of Riddle before the kick. Balor, afterwards, continues the dominance and hits a move on Riddle on the apron as we head to another commercial break.

As we return, Riddle and Balor exchange some strikes, before Riddle takes control. Riddle hits a couple of turnbuckle strikes and a kick outside the ring but can’t get a pinfall. Riddle heads to the top turnbuckle but Priest distracts him again, and Balor almost gets the roll up for three but Riddle kicks out just in time. Rey Mysterio then appears to attack Priest as they run off through the crowd. Balor then goes for a Coup de Grace, but misses and Riddle looks to be in control of the match. However, Seth Rollins distracts Riddle, and Balor capitalizes by hitting the 1916 and then the Coup de Grace for the win. After the match, Rollins comes back in for a Curb Stomp and yells in Riddle’s ears that their feud is over.

We head backstage for a quick interview segment for Damage CTRL. They are asked about their rematch tonight. Bayley says their shouldn’t be a rematch tonight because they should already be champions. Kai cuts her off, and tells her it’s okay because after tonight they will be champions anyway. Iyo Sky agrees with Kai. Bayley is asked what it means to be the first to pin Bianca Belair, before she cuts the interview off and the ladies leave. We head to our next commercial break.

We return to Dominik Mysterio telling us that he’s happy to be in Judgement Day and they make him feel alive. He also says that Edge got what he deserves. He tells us that tonight he is going to finish what he started. He tells Rey that he knows he’s upset, but that it’s okay because it’s his life, not Rey’s. He says to be a small man, he leaves a big shadow and he’s done living in it. Rhea whispers in his ear, and then he says that he’s not a little boy anymore, but he’s a man. The camera pans to Rhea, who smirks, and we cut back to ringside.

We then get a return highlight package for Johnny Gargano. Gargano will be taking on Chad Gable later on tonight. Austin Theory cuts a promo on Gargano, and he introduces Gable as Johnny Gargano’s opponent. Gable says after tonight all anyone is going to know Gargano as is “Johnny Shoooooosh.” Up next, we will have the women’s tag team championship match.

As we return, Damage CTRL makes their way out to the ring to get ready for this championship matchup. Boujee and Badass make their way to the ring next. The challengers seemed to get more of a reaction from the crowd than the champions. The matchup starts off with Kai and Rodriguez, the latter of which starts with some powerhouse moves before Aliyah is tagged in for a two count. Rodriguez tags back in and is really aggressive, tossing Kai and Sky to the outside before throwing her partner over the top of the ropes for a double team splash. We head to our next break.

As we return, Rodriguez knocks Sky on the ground before Aliyah tags in. Aliyah also shows a more aggressive side, and takes it to Sky. Kai blind tags in and interrupts Aliyah’s momentum. She hops in the ring and gets a two count but continues the beat down of Aliyah. Kai and Sky keep Aliyah far away from Rodriguez as they use teamwork to keep up the pace on offense. As Kai and SKy go for a double neck breaker, Aliyah finally gets the hot tag to Rodriguez, who uses her power to clear the ring. Aliyah and Rodriguez hit a nice double team move, but not long after, Sky breaks up the pin. Aliyah hits a springboard brainbuster and is about to get the pinfall win, but Bayley places Kai’s foot on the ropes. Kai then hits a backstabber for the pinfall win, and we have new women’s champions!

After the match, we head backstage where Rey Mysterio is trying to apologize to Dominik, but Dominik has no interest. He continues to ignore Rey, and Rey tells Dominik to be aware of Edge because of how dangerous he is. Rhea comes into the screen and tells Rey that Edge isn’t the only dangerous one.

Up next, we have Chad Gable making his way to the ring for his bout with Johnny Gargano. We will get that match when we return from commercial break.

As we return, Johnny Gargano gets a big ovation from the Portland crowd. The broadcast team puts over Johnny’s performance at NXT Takeover: Portland. To start the match, the two lock up and the men exchange takedowns. The crowd is heavily behind Gargano with loud “Johnny Wrestling” chants. Gable gets quick control with some really nice mat wrestling and hits Gargano with a couple of submissions. However, Gargano really comes back with some hot offense of his own. A transition to a pinning predicament gets Gargano a quick two count. Gable then gets some offense in with a couple of really loud chops. The two men reverse German Suplex, but Gargano connects with a kick to get the advantage over Gable. Gargano lays out Gable with a dive to the outside, and we head to commercial.

When we return, we see Gable really attack Gargano’s left leg. Gable hits a few strikes and suplexes to the knee of Gargano. Gargano, who is limping at this point, hits a reversal to Gable and quite a bit of hot offense. He hits a middle rope spear to Gable for a two count. Gargano rolls through for a kick, but Gable ducks and immediately locks in the ankle lock. Gable then hits a really impressive suplex to Gargano for a two count. Gable heads to the top for a flying head butt, but Gargano reverses it for a Gar-ga-no Escape. Gable however turns that into an ankle lock. Johnny gets out of it and both men exchange reversals of pinning predicaments. Gargano gets hit with an elbow before bouncing off the ropes and hitting Gable with a clothesline as both men hit the ground. Gargano then knocks Gable to the outside into Otis, and Gargano hits a dive to the two. Gargano then hits a DDT from the apron into the ring for the win. After the match, Otis and Gable attack Gargano, but Johnny escapes and heads back up the ramp. As Gargano is making his way to the back, Austin Theory comes out with his briefcase and attacks Gargano. We head to commercial right after this.

When we get back, Theory cuts a promo on Johnny Gargano. Theory says somebody had to show things work around there. Theory also says Gargano is at the bottom of the food chain. Theory is quickly cut off by Kevin Owens. Owens is about to start a promo, but Theory tells him to shut up and he is tired of his moments being ruined by people like Owens, Tyson Fury, and Gargano. Owens tells Theory he knows the same shtick that Theory said last week. He starts to tell Theory that people like him and Gargano don’t look like Theory, before Theory cuts him off and agrees. Owens calls Theory a “delusional jackass” and says that there have been a lot of guys like Theory come and go by the wayside in the WWE. Owens says guys like Theory are one in a million, but people like him and Gargano are a dime a dozen. He says Theory is disposable, but guys like him and Gargano are the heart and soul of the business. He tells Theory he doesn’t think he has the “it” factor to become a big star. A fired up Owens tries to motivate Theory, but Theory just flexes and tells Owens he’ll never be like him. Owens then slaps Theory before the men get into a fight in the middle of the ring. Officials try to break up the brawl, but are not successful. Austin Theory, it should be noted, was busted up during this segment. Backstage, we see Bianca Belair make her way to the ring and her open challenge for the Raw women’s title is next.

After the break, Belair makes her way to the ring to challenge anyone in the back for a women’s championship match. Sonya Deville answers the call and comes out to cut a promo. Deville reminds Belair that she cost her her job. Belair cuts her off and tells her it’s an open challenge, not an open mic. We will have the match after commercial.

The match starts and Belair is immediately on the offensive. She hits a couple of takedowns, but Deville gets a reversal in and a two count. Deville tries using Belair’s braid against her, but Belair gets back on top. Belair hits a flip for a two count before Deville heads outside. Bianca goes for a moonsault, but Deville ducks and attacks as we go to another commercial break.

As we return, Deville is still on the offensive with Belair. The ultra aggressiveness of Deville, however, is soon stopped by Belair as she knocks Deville down with some strikes. After a suplex, she tries to hit the springboard moonsault, but Sonya ducks again and quickly strikes with the knees. She gets a two count but continues her assault of Bianca. Another kick out by Belair launches Deville to the turnbuckle and both ladies head to the top. Deville hits another knee strike from the top, but it only gets two. Bianca finally hits a reversal into a KOD, and she gets the win. After the match, Bayley’s music hits and she comes out to cut a promo. She asks Bianca if a challenge from Bayley is what she wants. Bayley says she’ll have her match whenever the time is right. Damage CTRL hovers over the ring with Bianca standing in the middle. The trio have too many and the numbers catch up with Bianca. Asuka and Alexa Bliss come out to even the odds and clear out the ring minus Bayley who eventually takes a massive spine buster from Bianca.

In the back, we see Omos walking towards the ring as he is up next to take on enhancement talent. He makes quick work of the two men he faced and gets the decisive win.

Backstage, we have Rey trying his best to keep Edge from fighting Dominik. He wants one more chance to talk to Dominik, but Edge says no. We will have their main event coming up soon.

We come back to an interview with Seth Rollins in the back, and he’s interrupted by Bobby Lashley. Lashley asks him if he thinks he’s the face of Monday Night Raw. Lashley tells him he can’t be without championship gold, which he has. Seth tells him that the US Championship wasn’t exactly the championship he was talking about earlier tonight, but he would gladly take it off his shoulders. Seth challenges him to a match next week, and Bobby accepts.

Next, we have an in-home interview with The Miz. At first, we see Dexter Lumis in one of the windows. Maryse tells Miz they need to leave, which Miz is hesitant to do. Maryse assures him that Dexter couldn’t possibly be at their house because of how secure their place is. Miz is getting visably and vocally upset at the thoughts of talking about and even saying Lumis’s name. As Miz and Maryse leave their house, Lumis is seen on the inside of the house drawing a picture of Miz and Mrs. Up next we have Edge vs Dominik Mysterio in the main event!

Dominik Mysterio has new entrance music and ring attire for his match tonight against Edge. Edge comes out on fire, being the ultra aggressive one here. Dominik is getting beaten all over the ring and outside the ring. Rhea gets a cheap shot on Edge on the apron to slow down some of Edge’s momentum. Finally, Dominik starts to get a little bit of offense in as we head to commercial break. Coming back from commercial, we see Dominik being on top, putting Edge in some submission moves targeting the leg of Edge. Dominik goes for the Three Amigos to a round of boos. As he heads for the top and a Frogsplash, Edge cuts him off and knocks him on the top turnbuckle. After some back and forth, Edge reverses a submission into an inside cradle for a quick two count. Edge then traps Dominik into the ropes and beats him over and over again in the face. The sadistic side of Edge is starting to come out. Edge is about to Spear Dominik, but Edge is stopped by Rey Mysterio. Mysterio and Edge start pushing and shoving as Rey is begging for mercy, but Damian Priest grabs Rey and takes him to the outside. Then, Finn Balor comes in to cheap shot Edge as that DQs the match. They hand Dominik a chair, who goes after Edge’s ankle. After he attacks with the chair, they set it up in the corner as Finn Balor hits a Coup de Grace to Edge’s ankle through the chair. This is how Monday Night Raw ends! What did you think about tonight’s episode? Let us know in the comments below.

Be sure to check back here on Ringside News for any and all updates!

Tags: WWE Featured
Chase Gilmer

Chase Gilmer is 31 years old from Decatur, Alabama. He loves all sports and professional wrestling. He is also one of the co-host and co-founders of The Pinning Predicament.

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