The AEWxNJPW Forbidden Door pay-per-view is going down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live results coverage.

The main show will kick off at 8:00 PM and match by match coverage of the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions from the show in the comment below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • AEW Interim World Championship: Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jay White vs. Hangman Page Vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Adam Cole
  • IWGP United State Championship: Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy
  • IWGP World Tag Team Championship/ROH World Tag Team Championship – Winner Takes All: FTR vs. Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan vs. Roppongi Vice
  • AEW All-Atlantic Championship: Malakai Black vs. Pac vs. Miro vs. Clark Conners
  • Zack Sabre Jr vs. ???
  • Trios Match: Bullet Club (The Young Bucks & El Phantasmo) vs. Dudes With Attitudes (Sting, Darby Allin & Shingo Takagi)
  • Trios Match: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara & Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta & Shota Umino

Excalibur welcomes us to the show, joined by Taz and Kevin Kelly. The Jericho Appreciation Society’s music hits to bring out Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti. There is an English and Japanese ring announcer. Minoru Suzuki is out next, with his full entrance. Shota Unimo is out first for his team, followed by Wheeler Yuta, then Eddie Kingston. Kingston is intense, throwing his bandana at Jericho.

Trios Match: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara & Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta & Shota Umino


Yuta and Jericho start. Jericho slaps him, Yuta slaps back, Yuta with strikes, German, controls the waist another German, then a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, Jerciho with back elbows, Yuta and an Angle Slam, cover, 2 count. Yuta with a crossface, everybody runs in and a huge brawl breaks out.

Yuta and Jericho brawl on the outside, Jericho throws him into the steel steps. Umino with shots to Suzuki to little affect. Back in the ring, Guevara tags in, kick to Yuta. Kingston tags in, he goes right after Guevara. Yuta back in, Guevara with a dropkick. Yuta with a bodyslam, senton, cover, 1 count.

Umino tags in, dropkick, Guevara rakes the eyes, tag to Jericho. Jericho with chops in the corner, Umino with forearms, boots in the corner. Kingston tags in, Jericho tags in Suzuki! Suzuki stares down Kingston, Kingston takes his straps down. Suzuki with a chop, Kingston chops back. They trade chops. Kingston with machine gun chops in the corner, Suzuki walks into them then drops Kingston with a chop of his own.

Jericho tags in, boots to Kingston. Kingston with chops to Jericho in the corner, then a chop to Guevara, Suzuki locks in an armbar over the ropes. Jericho with an armbreaker, armbar, tag to Suzuki. Suzuki takes out Umino and Yuta in the corner, cover to Kingston, 2 count. Kingston with chops, Suzuki locks in an Octopus, Guevara gets a crossface on Yuta, Jericho with an abdominal stretch to Umino. Kingston gets to the ropes.

Guevara tags in, Kingston catches a crossbody and hits an exploder. Umino tags in, takes out Jericho, uppercut to Guevara, bodyslam, running uppercut. Suzuki with strikes to Umino, Umino with a back elbow. Umino with a Fisherman, cover, Jericho breaks the count. Umino with a dropkick, senton to Jericho on the outside. Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press to the outside on Umino. Yuta with a dive over the top rope onto Guevara, Kingston with a Tope Suicida. Suzuki feigns a dives, forearm to Umino.

Yuta tags in, crossbody to Guevara, cover, 2 count. Yuta with a dropkick to Jericho, rollup on Guevara, 2 count. Guevara with a Spanish Fly, Kingston gets the blind tag, backdrop driver, then locks in the Stretch Plum. Suzuki blocks the hold, Kingston hits the spinning back fist. Guevara with a Cutter, Yuta with a Splash, all 6 men down!

Guevara with a knee strike to Umino, Umino blocks a Walls of Jericho, Jericho hits the Codebreaker, cover, 2 count. Umino hits an Avalanche Powerslam on Jericho, cover, Suzuki breaks the count. Yuta argues with Tay on the outside, Guevara hits the GTH on the outside. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Kingston knocks him off the rope, Umino covers, 2 count. Guevara hits Umino with the bat behind the refs back, Jericho misses a Judas Effect, Umino hits a Brainbuster, cover, 2 count.

Umino locks in the Walls of Jericho on Jericho. Guevara hits a Thrust Kick, Suzuki with a headbutt, Piledriver to Kingston, Suzuki and Guevara with stomps to Umino, Umino fights them both off, Jericho hits a Judas Effect, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara & Minoru Suzuki!

Video package for the Winner Takes All Tag Match. Roppongi Vice make their entrance first. Caprice Coleman joins commentary. The IWGP Tag Champions, Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan are out next. Out last are the ROH Wold Tag Team Champions, FTR. A huge reaction for FTR.

IWGP World Tag Team Championship/ROH World Tag Team Championship – Winner Takes All: FTR vs. Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan vs. Roppongi Vice

Trent and Dax start, lock up, Dax gets a headlock, shoulder tackle, Trent with a leg scissor, evenly matched. Cobb tags himself in, Dax with chops in the corner, Cobb with a shoulder block. Romero tags in, chops to Dax, Dax gets a back elbow. Cash tags in, double headbutt, uppercut, quick tag back to Dax, elbow drop, Dax hurt his own elbow…

Romero takes advantage with strikes to Cash. Clotheslines in the corner, hurricanrana, Dax is taken to the back. Khan tags in chops to Romero, cover, 2 count. Khan with strikes in the corner, then sits on Cash’s head in the corner. Cobb tags in, Cash tries to fight out but can’t, Cobb with a clothesline, stomp, surfboard, spinning slam. Khan tags in, bodyslam, Cash pulls Khans hair to escapes. Cash wants to tag Dax but Dax isn’t there, so he tags Trent. Trent with a half and half suplex.

Trent with a Tornado DDT, boot to Cobb, Romero with a hurricanrana, Khan with a clawslam on the apron. Romero with a diving knee, Trent hits a Spear on Khan. Romero with a missile dropkick, cover, 2 count. Cash tags in, strikes to Cobb and Khan, Khan with a sidewalk slam, shoulder tackle to Romero, Dax walks out with his shoulder taped up. Cash rallies and tags in Dax. Dax with strikes to both men, clothesline to Kahn has little effect, Germans to Cobb, Cobb with an elbow, Trent and Dax hits a Superplex, Cash with a big splash, cover, 2 count.

Romero drops Khans arm on the rope, Cash and Romero hits a Spike Piledriver on Khan, Trent tags in, double knees to Cobb. Cobb hits a Powerbomb in Trent, Slingblade to Cash. Cobb with a standing moonsault to Trent. Cobb with a German to Trent, cover, 2 count. Trent with a dive onto Dax, Roppongi Vice hit Storm Zero, cover, Cash breaks the count at 2. Romero with a victory roll, 2 count. Romero with an inside cradle, 2 count. Romero with an enziguri, FTR hit the Big Rig, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” ROH World Tag Team Champions… “And New” IWGP World Tag Team Champions, FTR!

Tony Schiavone is with Juice Robinson and Jay White. Jay White says he will live up to Juice’s feat as he beats Cole, Page and Okada and still be IWGP World Champion, and that is too sweet.

Clark Conners is the first man out for our next match, followed buy Pac. The lights cut out as Malakai Black makes his entrance. Out last is Miro.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship: Malakai Black vs. Pac vs. Miro vs. Clark Conners

Pac goes straight after Black. Miro with a back elbow to Conners, cover, 2 count. Miro with strikes in the corner, Conners with chops to Miro, Miro with a bodyslam, stomps, Miro catches a crossbody, Conners knocks Miro out of the ring. Miro catches a Tope Suicida and hits a bodyslam.

Black with a boot to Miro, escapes a Sunset Powerbomb, Black with a baseball slide kick, Miro attacks Black. Black with a springboard moonsault, knee strike to Conners, into a kneebar. Miro breaks the submission by drags Conners out of the ring. Miro catches a Pac springboard and hits a fallaway slam. Conners with strikes to Miro to little affect. Miro with a Uranage. cover, 2 count. Miro with a short arm clothesline to Conners, another lariat, gutwrench slam, cover, 2 count.

Black with stomps to Pac, Miro with stomps as well. Black and Miro push each other off then face each other down. They trade blows, Miro with an uppercut sending Black out of the ring. Miro with a Samoan drop to Pac, cover, 2 count. Pac with a Superkick, Pac throws Conners out of the ring, then hits a Tope Suicida to Black. Shotgun dropkick top Miro, Black with a high knee, Conners with a German, Miro with a lariat, Miro with a boot, cover, 2 count.

Black goes under the ring and gets a table, he sets it up on the barricade. Black pulls Miro out of the ring, Miro blocks, and throws him into the steel steps. Miro catches a dive, but Pac throws him into the ring post. Conners appears out of nowhere and Spears Miro through the table. Conners with strikes to Black, Black strikes back, Conners with lariats, powerslam to Black. Pac with combo kick, Conners with a Spears, then hits the Trophy Kill, cover, 2 count as Black breaks the count.

Pac with a thrust kick to Conners, Blacks knocks him off the top, Tower of Doom in the corner with all 4 men. Miro throws Black and Conners out of the ring, then hits the Machka Kick on Pac, then locks in Game Over… Pac struggles for the ropes, Miro drags him tot he middle, Black spits a Black Mists Miro, then locks in an Armbar on Conners. Pac hits a 450 on both of them, then locks in the Brutalizer on Conners, Conners taps out!

WINNER: “And New” AEW All-Atlantic Champion, Pac!

Tony Schiavone joins commentary. Shingo Takagi makes his entrance for our next match. Darby Allin is out next, Stings music plays but Sting doesn’t appear. The Bullet Club makes their entrance, the lights cut out… Sting is up in the rafters, then Sting appears behind Bullet Club and jumps off the entrance tunnels onto Bullet Club!

Trios Match: Bullet Club (The Young Bucks & El Phantasmo) vs. Dudes With Attitudes (Sting, Darby Allin & Shingo Takagi)

A big brawl on the ramp before it all breaks down into the ring. Takagi with a surfboard to Phantasmo. Sting tags in and takes down Phantasmo. Allin tags in, armdrag, Matt Jackson tags in, the Bucks with double team attack. Nick with a dive to the outside. Matt with an eye poke, the Bucks with double team neckbreaker on Darby.

Phantasmo tags in, he takes out Sting and Takagi, then shows off with flips before doing a back rake. Matt tags in, flips around then does a back rake. Matt with strikes in the corner, Phantasmo tags in, boots in the corner, triple dropkick in the corner. Phantasmo stands on Darby’s crotch. Hikuleo takes out Sting. Darby with boots to Phantasmo, then hits Code Red.

Takagi tags in and takes out the Bucks. Back elbow to Nick, lariat, snap suplex, cover, 2 count. Nick with a roundhouse kick, Takagi hits a Death Valley Driver. Sting tags in, strikes to the Bucks, Phantasmo hits Sting from behind to little affect. Phantasmo twists Stings nipples, Sting twists nipples back… Stinger Splash to all 3 men, Hikuleo distracts Sting, Phantasmo with a low blow. Darby with a Stunner, the Bucks with a double Superkick to Darby then Sting, Sting no sells it then takes them both out.

Matt gets the knee up on a Coffin Drop, then hit More Bang For Your Buck, cover, 2 count. The Bucks with a double Tope Suicida. Phantasmo tightrope walks then dives onto Darby. The Bucks and Phantasmo hits a triple Superkick on Sting. The Bucks miss the BTE Trigger, then Sting hits a Double Scorpion Death Drop. Sting twists Phantasmo nipples, then hits a low blow. Darby hits a Coffin Drop to Hikuleo. Takagi with elbow to Phantasmo, strikes back and forth, huge lariat, cover, 2 count. Takagi hits the Last of the Dragons, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Dudes With Attitudes!

Tony Schiavone is with Umino, the JAS interrupts, Jericho says Umino earned his respect, then Jericho throws a fireball in his face!

Toni Storm makes her entrance. The AEW Women’s Champion, Thunder Rosa is out next.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa vs. Toni Storm

Lock up, Storm wrings the arm, Rosa escapes, evenly matched. Storm traps the arm, Rosa escapes, stalemate. Rosa wrings the arm, shoulder tackle, Storm gets a rollup, 2 count. Rosa dodges a superkick, Rosa with chops, Storm gets a cover, 1 count. Storm with a snap suplex, cover, 1 count. Storm with a surfboard, Rosa counters with an inside cradle, 2 count.

Storm with a slap, Rosa slaps back, forearms back and forth, Storm gets the upperhand, Rosa hits a Stunner! Rosa with a lariat int eh corner, running knees, dropkick to the spine, Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count. Rosa with a victory roll, 2 count. Rosa with a stomp, cover, 2 count.

Storm throws Rosas out of the ring, Rosa with a Northern Lights Suplex on the outside. Storm knocks Rosa off the apron, goes to the top, Rosa with an uppercut, then Storm hits a German on the apron. Storm with a Tornado DDT to the outside. Storm with a running hip attack, Tornado DDT, cover, 2 count. Storm with uppercuts, Rosa attacks the arm, running knee strikes, then hits a Death Valley Driver. Rosa hits the Fire Thunder Driver, cover, 2 count!

Rosa with kicks to Storm, Storm blocks, German Suplex, Rosa with an arm drag. Rosa hits the Final Reckoning, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW Women’s World Champion, Thunder Rosa!

Rosa and Storm shakes hands after the match.

Video package for Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy. Jim Ross joins commentary. Orange Cassidy enters first. Will Ospreay makes his entrance next, accompanied by Aussie Open.

IWGP United State Championship: Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy

Orange starts with his hands in his pockets, dodges an Ospreay dropkick, Ospreay with a snapmare, Orange sweeps the leg, dodges a dive, Orange kips up, all with his hands in his pockets. Orange mocks Ospreay. Orange hits a hurricanrana, then mocks Ospreay’s pose again. Ospreay drops Orange on the ropes then hits a running boot.

Ospreay throws Orange out of the ring, runs around the ring then hits a diving boot. Ospreay with a chop, hard whip into the corner. Ospreay does sits ups, mocking Orange. Ospreay with a spinning backbreaker, cover, 2 count. Orange whipped hard into the corner, cover, 2 count. Ospreay locks in an abdominal stretch, putting his hand in Oranges pockets then giving him the finger.

Orange with a hip toss, throws Ospreay into the corner, diving crossbody, Ospreay throws him across the ring. Ospreay with a diving roundhouse kick. Ospreay with a diving elbow, cover, 2 count. Ospreay mocks Orange, Orange falls to the mat, Ospreay with kicks to the face, Orange gets up, puts his hands in his pockets, Ospreay with a slap, Orange with a dropkick. Orange kips up, weak kicks to Ospreay. Ospreay faces Orange, forearm, Orange hits a superkick, then hits proper kicks to the face.

Ospreay with a pumpkick, Orange dodged an Oscutter, Orange with a deep cover, 2 count. Orange hits Stundog Millionaire, Michinoku Driver, cover, 2 count. “This is Awesome” chants. Ospreay goes for Cheeky Nandos but Orange dodges and hits a Tornado DDT, dive to the outside. Orange fights off Aussie Open on the outside, hits a diving DDT, cover, 2 count.

Ospreay hits a Spanish Fly then hits Cheeky Nandos. Ospreay with elbows, Orange throws him into the ringpost. Orange plays possum… Ospreay goes for the Moonsault, but hits a Shooting Star Press, Orange gets the knees up, cover, 2 count. Orange hits Beach Break, cover, 2 count!

Orange takes off his elbow pad, Ospreay hits the Oscutter, then a second Oscutter, cover, 2 count! Orange dodges the Hidden Blade, Orange hits the hurricanrana, cover, 2 count. Ospreay with a lariat, running knee, cover, 2 count. Ospreay hits the Stormbreaker, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” IWGP United State Champion, Will Ospreay!

Aussie Open tears Orange’s pockets off. Ospreay Roppongi vice run down to make the save. Ospreay and Aussie Open beat them down. Shibata’s music hits! Shibata fights off Aussie Open on the ramp. Shibata faces down Ospreay, Ospreay with strikes, Shibata hits a pump kick. Shibata with elbows in the corner, pump kick to Aussie Open, running dropkick int he corner. Shibata with a rear naked choke, Aussie Open drags Ospreay out and Shibata sits cross legged in the ring, staring them down. Orange and Shibata face off… Orange puts his sunglasses on Shibata then give the thumbs up!

Video package for Zack Sabre Jr and a mystery opponent. Zack Sabre Jr makes his entrance. Music hits and out walks Claudio Castagnoli (formerly known as Cesaro!).

Zack Sabre Jr vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli runs in with a big uppercut, then hits the Neutralizer, cover, 1, 2, kick out! Castagnoli throws Sabre into the barricade, another big uppercut. Castagnoli throws Sabre into the barricade again, goes for another uppercut but Sabre moves out of the way. Sabre attacks the arm, Castagnoli with a boot. Castagnoli with a delayed vertical suplex, cover, 2 count.

Sabre with a kneebar in the ropes, then over the ring apron. Sabre with an armbar, joint manipulation on the fingers. Sabre with kicks to Castagnoli, Castagnoli with an uppercut, Sabre runs into the ringpost, then hits an armbar, stomps to the arm. Sabre with an arm submission, hooks the legs. Castagnoli gets a leg scissor, Sabre stomps on the knee. Sabre with an uppercut to little affect. More uppercuts, Castagnoli hits a back breaker, then another. Castagnoli with an running uppercut in the corner, cover, 2 count.

Sabre rakes the eyes sand gets an armbar, Castagnoli picks him up, Sabre hangs on and they fall out of the ring. Castagnoli picks him up again, climbs the steps then throws Sabre into the ring. Castagnoli goes for the swing but Sabre locks in a guillotine. Castagnoli reverses and drops Sabre on the turnbuckles. Sabre locks in a stretch on the top rope.

Sabre with uppercuts, Castagnoli drops tot he mat then returns with his own uppercut. Castagnoli with a Gutwrench Slam off the top rope. Castagnoli with an uppercut, the crowd want the swing. Castagnoli goes for the swing but Sabre escapes. Castagnoli with a running uppercut, then again, misses a 3rd, Sabre hits an uppercut, Castagnoli hits his uppercut, cover, 2 count.

Castagnoli gets the Swing! 5 swings before his shoulder gives out, goes for a Sharpshooter, Sabre kicks his way out. Castagnoli again goes for a Sharpshooter but Sabre reverse into a heelhook. Castagnoli kicks his way out, Sabre traps the leg into an anklebar. Castagnoli transition into his own Sharpshooter, then hits a double stomp, cover, 2 count.

Uppercuts back and forth… Sabre falls out onto the apron, Castagnoli with another uppercut, Sabre counter another uppercut into a high kick, Sabre gets a choke, Castagnoli gets to the ropes. Sabre with a kick tot he chest, Castagnoli asks for more, Sabre with more kicks. Castagnoli blocks a kick and hits an uppercut, then a lariat, cover, 2 count. sabre gets a European Clutch, cover, 2 count. Castagnoli with an uppercut, lariat, then hits a Powerbomb, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Claudio Castagnoli!

Castagnoli celebrates and soaks in the adulation.

Video package for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. Adam Cole enters first. Hangman Page is out next. The coin drops and Kazuchika Okada makes his entrance. The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Jay White is out last, accompanied by Gedo.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jay White vs. Hangman Page Vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Adam Cole

“Holy Shit” chants, the crowd is on their feet before any action takes place. White leaves the ring. Cole leaves the ring. Okada and Page shake hands, Cole pulls Page out the ring, White attacks Okada from behind. Okada with a big boot to White, Page and Okada with a double elbow. White and Cole agree to work together before getting attacked by Page and Okada.

Page with a tope Suicida to Cole. White throws Okada into the apron, then a front suplex onto the apron. White attacks Page from behind. Cole and White with a double suplex on the ramp. Cole with strikes to Okada, neckbreaker, White with a chop, another chop, another chop. White attacks Page on the outside, Page throws him into the steel steps.

White and Cole beat down Okada. Page with shots to White and Cole. Page with a lariat to White, fallaway slam to Cole, dive onto White on the outside, then a diving clothesline to Cole, cover, 2 count. Page with chops to Cole, elbow to White, goes for a Moonsault but Cole hits a Superkick.

Okada tries to fight off White and Cole, dropkick to Cole sends him out of the ring. Okada throws White into the barricade then hits a big boot. He throws Cole and White into the crowd, then hits a diving crossbody into both of them. Okada locks in the Money Clip on Cole, White breaks it up and hits a Saito Suplex. Page with chops to White, White with a Flatliner, Page flips out of a German, jack knife cover, Cole with a kick to break the cover.

White and Cole Too Sweet, then Cole hits him with a Backstabber, cover, 2 count. White ducks under the Boom, White hits a Uranage. White with a chop, exploder suplex to Cole and Okada then to Page. Cole hits the Boom, Page hits the discus lariat. All 4 men stare each other down, Cole and White hit forearms, Page and Okada hit them back. Cole and White rake the eyes. Cole and White trade blows, Page and Okada take advantage.

Page with a big boot to Okada, forearm, Powerbomb to White, cover, 2 count. Page hits the Moonsault to the outside on Cole and Okada. Gedo holds onto Page legs, White ducks under a Buckshot, Page dodges a Bladerunner and hits the Deadeye, Page hits the Buckshot, cover, Okada breaks the count at 2. Page and Okada stare each other down. Forearms back and forth, Page with a German, discus lariat. Cole throws Page into the ringpost.

Cole with a superkick to Okada, Okada blocks the Panama Sunrise and hits an Air Raid Crash. Okada hits an Elbow from the top, Cole ducks under a Rainmaker, Cole with superkicks, cover, 2 count. Okada with a dropkick, then Cole with an enziguri, superkick to Page, Okada with a dropkick, Michinoku Driver, Cole ducks under the Rainmaker, White hits the Bladerunner on Okada, he covers Cole, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Jay White!

The undisputed Elite walks past White as he is leaving, they check on Cole. Doctors are checking on Cole.

Video package for the AEW world Championship. Jon Moxley makes his entrance through the crowd, accompanied by William Regal. Hiroshi Tanahashi makes his entrance next.

AEW Interim World Championship: Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Lock up, go behind, Tanahashi gets the arm, Moxley wrings the arm, Tanahashi with a drop toe hold, headlock, snapmare, break in the ropes. Lock up, Tanahashi gets a headlock, Tanahashi with a back elbow, crossbody, Tanahashi air guitars. Moxley is pissed off, forearms back and forth. Tanahashi with a low dropkick into a Dragonscrew.

Tanahashi continues the attack on the leg, Moxley gets to the ropes. Moxley hits a Cutter, forearms back and forth, chops, Moxley with a clothesline in the corner, back rake, underhook suplex off the top. Moxley hits a Piledriver, cover, 2 count. Moxley with a choke, stomps, then locks in a Cloverleaf. Moxley transitions into a choke, Tanahashi gets to the ropes.

Tanahashi with forearms, Moxley strikes back, Tanahashi with a flying elbow strike. Tanahashi with strikes, bodyslam, somersault senton, cover, 2 count. Moxley throws Tanahashi out of the ring, he skins the cat, then Moxley clothesline shim out of the ring. Moxley throws Tanahashi into the barricade. Moxley hits a Uranage through the timekeepers table.

Moxley waits in the ring while the ref counts Tanahashi out. Tanahashi gets in at 9. Moxley with kicks to the chest, Tanahashi asks for more, Tanahashi catches a kick, Moxley counters into an armbreaker. Tanahashi with stomps to Moxley’s face. Tanahashi hits the Slingblade, Moxley falls out of the ring. Moxley has been busted open.

Tanahashi goes to the top and hits a High Fly Flow to the outside! Tanahashi throws Moxley in the ring, Moxley is bleeding bad. Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift, Tanahashi blocks and hits a twisting suplex, Moxley counters into a German, then hits the Paradigm Shift, cover, 2 count. Moxley with elbows, Tanahashi hits a headbutt, then a knee strike. Tanahashi goes to the top, hits the High Fly Flow! Tanahashi goes back to the top, he hits another High Fly Flow! Tanahashi covers, 1, 2, Moxley kicks out!

Moxley gets the Bulldog Choke! Tanahashi escapes, Moxley with headbutts, Tanahashi with a jack knife cover, 2 count. Moxley with a rear choke, Tanahashi gets a rollup, 2 count. Moxley with a lariat, Tanahashi with strikes, Moxley with the King Kong Lariat, cover, 1 count! Moxley with Hammer and Anvil elbows, Moxley locks in a choke… Moxley hits the Death Rider, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And New” AEW Interim World Champion, Jon Moxley!

Moxley celebrates with the title with blood pouring down his face. Moxley sits in the corner, he gets up, he talks to Tanahashi then they shakes hands.

The JAS runs down and attack Moxley and Tanahashi! Jericho wipes Moxley’s blood on his face. Kingston run down and attacks Jericho. The Blackpool Combat Club run down to even the odds. More JAS members runs down. A huge brawl in the ring.

Claudio Castagnoli runs down and attacks Jericho, big uppercuts to Jericho, to Sammy, to Garcia, the Parker, to Manard. Castagnoli has cleared the ring, he swings Parker 20 times! The JAS regroup on the ramp while the BCC hold down the ring. Forbidden Door ends as commentary plug Blood & Guts on Wednesday.

Martin Dickinson

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