Mustafa Ali is one of the most underrated performers on the WWE roster. His size might have played against him in Vince McMahon’s eyes, but he took everything he was given from a babyface on 205 Live to the leader of Retribution. Now Ali wants out.

The WWE Superstar took to Twitter and announced that he has requested his WWE release. Mustafa Ali used a video message to convey his message.

“I have a message that is much bigger than my dreams in pro wrestling. Despite my best efforts, I will not be able to deliver this message while working with WWE.

“Therefore, I am requesting my release from WWE.”


Mustafa Ali was last seen in a tandem with Mansoor. Once that broke up the company had Mansoor win in Saudi Arabia, as expected. Nothing was done with Mustafa Ali after that, leaving him in another creative drought.

Ringside News exclusively reported that WWE has a limited open door for release requests. We will have to see how long it takes for WWE to grant that request for Mustafa Ali

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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