Danhausen just launched the GoFundMe to help pay for costs associated with his recent broken leg. This morning, he went into surgery having raised around $2,000 of his $25,000 goal. Now, the interdimensional wrestler’s fans and supporters have exceeded his expectations, with a total of over $25,000 raised.
Along with the promoter of the show where Danhausen was hurt, several other big names from the world of pro wrestling helped out. Ryan Barkan, founder of ProWrestlingTees chipped in a generous $2,500 and is the current top donor. Cody Rhodes, Jim Cornett co-host Brian Last, and Matt Cardona combined for $2,000 in donations.
Danhausen was injured while wrestling in Knoxville, Tennessee on Halloween night for the NGW promotion. It was a cursed night, because Mance Warner was also injured. Danhausen’s left leg was broken in two places. The charismatic independent star shared photos from the hospital the night of the injury, never breaking character.
According to the fundraiser page, Danhausen will need to hire a personal assistant to help him meet his non-wrestling obligations. He plans to fulfill his scheduled appearances for autographic signings and other roles outside of the ring.
In addition, Danhausen, who lives in Canada with his wife, will have to undergo rehab in the United States. Due to this, he will be separated from his wife and stepdaughter for the upcoming months. Hopefully the financial support helps remove some of the burden for Danhausen’s family.
The timing for Danhausen’s injury couldn’t have been worse. He was a part of the recent mass roster cut by Ring of Honor, where he was signed. Not only did he lose his main source of income, he also now must pay massive medical bills and faces a difficult physical recovery.
We’re wishing Danhausen a very speedy, very evil recovery! You can give Danhausen sacks of money through his GoFundMe here.
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