Big E won the WWE Title and clinched a huge dream of his. The WWE Universe celebrated with him as it raised backstage morale at the same time. 2/3 of the New Day have held the WWE Title, but is that same honor in store for Xavier Woods?

Comic Book recently spoke to Big E about his New Day brother, Xavier Woods. E was asked if he believes that Woods will ever hold the WWE Title. Big E was very positive that Woods has what it takes, but he also stated exactly how incredibly underrated Xavier Woods is as well.

“I think so. I think he’s a guy who is still underrated, still very underrated. I think he has all the tools. I think it’s just a matter of changing perception and getting him the opportunities that he deserves to be pushed more, to be given that opportunity. I think he’s incredible in ring. I think the stuff he did with Bobby (Lashley), that Hell in a Cell match they had was incredible.”

“I remember he had a random match with Riddle on Raw that I watched a few months ago and absolutely loved and was blown away by. He’s so incredibly talented and such a great talker, charismatic as hell. He has all the tools. He just has to be given those opportunities that Kofi and I have been given in our careers.”


Big E’s next challenge for the WWE Title will take place at Crown Jewel as he takes on Drew McIntyre. That is an interesting situation since the King of Claymore Country is on his way to SmackDown as part of the 2021 WWE Draft.

Xavier Woods is not currently politicking to become WWE Champion, but he certainly has his sights set on becoming King of the Ring. He might just get that opportunity soon enough as WWE plans to start a new KOTR tournament in a matter of weeks. Hopefully, Xavier Woods will get a shot to compete for that prize, because much bigger achievements could be in store for him down the line.

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Tags: Big E
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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